Tommy Hill....speaking on among many other things (Charlie Baltimore's mouth) 5K1.1's..on Star and Buc Show..

I know I have some folks who follow blog who are intimate with the law. At least on a State level. Lets test your knowledge a bit. There is a motion that would be filed in conjunction with this if the sentence has a mandatory sentence structure that would allow the original motion (5K1.1) to take effect......

Do we know what that is? @ all my armchair lawyers, those with a 'past' or who thumb their noses at others who don't know about the 'judicial system' firsthand. Don't worry, the answer is down below...not in the video though. (They didn't get that deep...But they GOT DEEP ENOUGH TO NAME NAMES so I would watch the video if you didn't catch the broadcast or happen not to have seen it on Worlds's)

Shoutout to the person who sent this to me who KNEW I was looking for the audio. 'Preciate ya.

All the Tiffany Lanes.....- Jay-Z (Come on, I KNOW you know whose real name that rap connoisseur you...)

It is a 3553(e)....When you use it in your raps, please give credit. Thank you. 'Cause I know one of you will do it. (Yes, I AM LOOKING AT YOU!)


"I ain't never been to court and took a knee. I blow trial come back and appeal while you ni##as motion for those 5K1's and 3553e's......."


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