Now if YOU WOULD DO THAT, that's on you and YOUR DUMB ASS. Don't put what you would do on me though. I am not you. I don't need that shit. That is hustling backwards. All the way. I don't 'need' the press. Nobody INVOLVED is big enough to make this be some big deal. No one. Not me. Not OG Nitty. Certainly not the two gentleman in question. Lets be clear. Hell, it will probably go double wood in comparisons to the posts I make here. I don't care though. I am going to put it here and let it be. Enjoy the post....
Let me take the time to LET YOU KNOW YOU CAN LISTEN TO THE OG NITTY show on Sundays...Usually from 1:00pm to 3pm...on Sundays...(Sometimes longer or shorter depending on who decides to show up on the shows before....and Nitty's schedule) Here is the link...
Normally, I DON'T call into radio/tv shows. Even if I say something via email/Twitter and the guest/hosts/callers respond in kind with something outlandish. It is USUALLY not worth it. At all. Especially due to time constraints and such. You have a guest who is there to push their product (whatever it may be) and truthfully, even if you are right, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE THEIR MINDS with a simple phone call. Just not gonna happen. So hence, Carolinaware has learned, just like debating with a Tupac fan, a Kobe fan or any other fan, the shit's not worth it. At all. The guest is usually a friend of the show...yadda..yadda.yadda. So call ins for your boy...I am not here to change your mind so PLEASE DON'T TRY TO CHANGE MINE. @ my motto on that shit. If I change it on MY OWN based on what you say? Cool. I am not, however, not here to try and change yours. I refuse. Not a fan of people doing it to me ESPECIALLY when I have experience in it.
Sunday was a little different though so I had to call in... I have called into that show before so I don't want to make it sound like I NEVER CALL IN but that was a friendly call. Show some support and keep it moving. Not this time. My NAME got called on the show....albeit I responded via Twitter so that in itself is not A HORRIBLE THING. You see, I responded to a what I THOUGHT was going to be some civil discourse (underlying or not) about a program helping the youth the two guests on the OG Nitty show were founders of. Seemed like two VERY INTELLIGENT brothers willing to DISCOURSE. Turns out they wanted to preach to me and try to make an example out of me as their 'detractor'...
.....Not a good idea...Especially if you don't know me...and I don't mean the 'fighting ghetto' you don't know me. I mean LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY don't know me. Never heard of me. Didn't know WHAT MY ANGLE WAS kinda know me. Sure they 'heard' I ask questions from the host but that could have meant GOOD AND BAD ONES. Needless to say...they chose bad...and jumped RIGHT ON THE DEFENSIVE. Do I have your attention now? Good...Keep reading....
Normally, I would write some 'high class' post and try to show some respect. Since I feel like, the more I think about it, the more I feel disrespected by yesterday's events, you are gonna get the 'inner negro' smattered in this writing. Judge as you will. You aren't DOING SHIT FOR ME ANYWAY so I could give less than a fuck...@ how you perceive it or take it.....
In other words, I will be cursing and going in lightweight. 'Cause they were disrespectful...I don't care what they say at this point. We can 'clear it up later' and be good but for now...I'mma address it. Yesterday on the phone, I was quite diplomatic I think. Save for the opening shot...To allude to a Dr. King quote they spoke on..'In a language that they understand...' It might come off offensive to some but if they are TRULY from the bottom that they say they are from, they know this is how we 'communicate'. Lets see though. @ if they TRULY get in their feelings behind this....
The show on Sunday, in case you missed it, had two friends of the show on that spoke about a program involving inner city youths and education. I don't want to get too far into the particulars because that is THEIR THING. If they choose to respond to this, the can clear it all of that up. @ what they do & how they do it. I will be the first to acknowledge that by all accounts according to how they presented it sounded GREAT. Knowledge. Giving back to the community in a capacity that they felt was not afforded to them in a unique way that had 'been overlooked' is a great idea. Had NO QUALMS WITH IT. It was one statement that I disagreed with. So I spoke on it.This is the statement in question that was made by one of the guests....
"I refuse to believe that there is a child out there that is not willing to learn.." paraphrased. I will ADMIT I am paraphrasing him BUT the words 'willing to learn' are not paraphrased. That is IS what he said.
This was my response. I won't paraphrase my response because IT IS IN WRITING. I don't have to..(I told you simps Twitter name isn't some big secret. I just NEED TO KNOW IF YOU WANT TO STALK ME. Hence its private status. Deal with it..)
What did I do that for? lol These two uppity ass niggas went off on some other tangent. They started PREACHING TO ME. Really? What part of my statement warranted the 'Furious Stylezesque rant I got? The logic LEAPS OF ALL LOGIC LEAPS. @ assuming I was not in the 'know' as far as the things they touched on.
Now to be fair, as THEY STATED THEMSELVES, they are getting 'resistance' from the status quo with their teaching methods. I can DIG IT TOO. So they had their claws out already. I knew THAT! Hence the way I worded it. I wasn't offering that type of resistance though. I was simply a little weary of their 'We are doing something SO SPECIAL that we can reach everyone' shit and everyone BEFORE US WAS FUCKING UP AND DID IT WRONG shit... No you can't nigga. Now if I had said JUST WHAT I TYPED, I could UNDERSTAND THE RESPONSE I got. I didn't though and honestly wouldn't have been that disrespectful to them UNWARRANTED. That is the key. UNWARRANTED. Diplomacy is my motto maybe to a fault. I thought what I said was fair considering I HAD SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES. Maybe it is because I don't have a 'Doctor' behind my name then I can't question them? They are above reproach. I said...I HAVE ACTUALLY SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES...Last I checked there are BILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. You mean to tell me these two cats have clinically studied EVERYONE? They know EVERYONE? Really????
I ABHOR ABSOLUTE STATEMENTS.....that was an absolute statement. I mean it is his RIGHT to believe it but that doesn't mean I HAVE TO especially if I KNOW BETTER. I don't give a shit how well he speaks or what kinda Doctorate he or his boy has. I could even see if he just conceded and said "That is my experience and that is that...' You KNOW that's not what happened right? Keep reading...'Cause the nigga tried to change my mind. Read up top if you don't know my motto on that...
Anyhow..these two Colin Powel'd their argument. Very articulate. Chiming in for each other and all of that. Hence the 'Colin Powell' reference. It was like some smooth Colin Powell quasi Minister (Insert anyone you want to here) shit. I was COOL WITH IT TOO. Like I said, I figured the statement wouldn't 'win them over' nor was I trying to. I didn't give a shit about that. Cool. Argue your point.I am still on my diplomacy shit. You are doing it respectfully. Then the one nigga says this bullshit here...'cause truthfully I had no intention of calling in until he said it . DM or not...(lol..That is for Mr. Nitty..) I stopped caring about what people who don't give a fuck about me think a LONG TIME AGO..@ how I would look to anyone not calling into the show.
"and to "How do you say it? Carolina Ware...I would say is psychologically impossible for one to not be able to learn....No disrespect but I think you need to look in the mirror."- One of the regards to that statement I just posted up top about 'not wanting to learn'. (Record scratch)
I will be honest...I didn't HEAR SHIT ELSE HE SAID...I turned the radio down.....AND GOT ON THE FUCKING PHONE...That's what I did.
You see, when you say something like that you BETTER KNOW the person you are speaking to. I don't give a flying fuck WHERE YOU STUDIED AT. If it were the University of I GOT IT LIKE THAT. I don't give a shit if YOU STOOD SIDE BY SIDE WITH MOTHER THERESA feeding poor kids AND HELPED SLAVES WITH HARRIET TUBMAN. That shit isn't gonna fly. That MERE STATEMENT let me know for all the 'assumptions' that the young brothers had spoken about in regards to how they were treated when they grew up 'so rough' that inspired them to take the actions they were taking had permeated them. The SAME ASSUMPTIONS I had been through. Fuck. That. Shit. There.
For starters, I WROTE OUT WHAT I SAID. It wasn't spoken. So while you can take inferences as far as if I wrote it muddled or not what you CAN'T DO IS MISUNDERSTAND IT. It is CRYSTAL CLEAR. Go back and read what I said. I NEVER SAID 'COULDN'T LEARN'. It sounds like he assumed that is where I was going and decided to cut me off. Only thing is, I SAID WHAT I MEANT AND MEANT WHAT I SAID. I am not one of his lil 'research projects'. Miss me with the clinical shit. I can SPEAK MY MIND. I said 'didn't want to learn.' CLEAR AS FUCKING DAY... I NEVER SAID COULDN'T..He nor his partner couldn't wait though.....(Shouts out to Nitty to for sicing him up with the 'He (Carolinaware) often asks the questions that nobody else will ask..You put the battery in his So he was ready...He just KNEW he had a 'detractor' of his movement and went into this long, well spoken dissertation about how we were 'oppressed' and all of this other shit. Like MY DARKSKIN ASS HAD NEVER SEEN ANY TYPES OF THE OPPRESSIONS, MISFORTUNES AND THE OTHER SHIT he was talking about? Get the fuck outta here cuz. Oh he and his boy just KNEW they were 'teaching a nigga' about something. Please.
This man doesn't know me. I NEVER ATTACKED HIM. (Insult me and well....) Never called him outta his name or told him he was outta touch with reality. All I SAID WAS THAT EVERYONE DID NOT WANT TO BE TAUGHT. He even went as far as to imply that I (and to be fair he logic leaped with 'New Guy' too) said one 'COULDN'T LEARN'. Reading is fundamental. Go back up there and look at what I typed and TELL ME WHERE I SAID THAT SHIT? I'll wait. Here's a hint though. I didn't.
So what does this cat do when I get on the radio? In classic fashion, he backpedals........He tells me he doesn't mean any disrespect.....(Record scratch)
"Let me tell you something....You said something about me looking in the mirror? I don't need to look into a mirror. You don't know me to say that....I didn't APPRECIATE THAT AT ALL and we are gonna address that first and foremost...." - Me when I got on the radio.
Let me address them DIRECTLY AT THIS TIME as I am going to forward this to a source where I KNOW THEY WILL SEE IT. We aren't 'on the radio' now homie. I mean I just made a tweet about something I slightly disagreed with and you acted like I said your program and your work was shit. I see now though you were already on the defense.
Wait..wait..wait..time out. TIME THE FUCK OUT!- Melissa Beck Real World. You addressed MY TWEET WITH MY NAME IN AND SAID 'You need to look in the mirror' but I am not supposed to be feel 'disrespected'? I guess because you two niggas are 'doctors' and can Colin Powell it, I am not supposed to respond or feel any type of way? You two kill me. Please. Everything about that statement is personal. Let me tell you about that mirror though 'doctors'...since you bought it up...
I look in it every day. Sometimes it is good. Sometimes it is bad. It is the same mirror that I use when I am 'mentoring' anyone. I use myself (and others 'cause after all the World DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND ME...) as examples of what do do and what NOT TO DO. So you telling me to look in a mirror carries about as much weight here as you running up on whatever higher being you (or anyone else believes in if you are aethist) and telling them "Hey, we could use your help down here. Things are kinda messed up. Are you aware of that? That is how RIDICULOUS that statement sounded (and how ridiculous you looked co-signing it @ the other cat) when you made it. You don't know me or 'my type' no more than I know you and 'your type'. I tweeted something. That's it. I know about you from what you told me only so I wouldn't take 'liberties' to tell you that you need to do SHIT in regards to anything that you are doing with your life/position of mentoring/helping folks/etc. I don't know you well enough to do it nor do you know me well enough to try it. I could care less if you graduated Sum Cum Laude. You can't do it without proper background. The audacity of you to even come off like that after all that SHIT YOU TALKED ABOUT THE 'WHITE MAN' doing us dirty was astounding. Who the fuck do you two niggas think you are? You think you are the first niggas to come from shit and be 'on the path' to something? The first niggas to come from the 'projects' to be shit? To come from a family with big number to be shit? NO. No and FUCK NO. Stop that.
As far as the options things and thinking outta the box: You nor your partner invented it. Get over yourselves. ASAP. Keep doing it but stop that Christopher Columbusin' shit. People are 'thinking out of the box' EVERYDAY OUT HERE FOLK. Long before you....long after you. It is just me but I am going to talk about ME. I'm parenting EVERY DAY. Not via phone. Not via computer. Not via Skype. Every day. In person. What is a box 'cause my kids don't fit in any of 'em...@ the standard ways of teaching 'em. Everyone is on the Honor Roll in my household AND IT ISN'T BY SOME MIRACLE nigga. So yeah...Miss me ALL THE WAY WITH 'You need to think outside of the box....'
I volunteer at all of my lil girls schools. Wanna take a guess at how many other Dads are there? It starts with a z....I am the dude that comes in and speaks to the kids, who handles the 'unruly' males in the class (not laying one hand on 'em either or bribing with SHIT. Just good not so ole fashion 'Finding out what makes them go' techniques..) I am like half of them lil dudes 'Class Dad' to the point that their REAL Dads have come up and asked me 'What did you say to him? I need to know so I can keep it up...' when I DO SEE 'EM.
You picked the wrong one 'cause I am the 'kid magnet' and have spoken to, helped out with, and overseen almost EVERY TYPE OF CHILD from every type of situation SINCE I WAS A TEEN. I was the one tutoring the 'knucklehead' that the teacher saw potential in but 'gave up on' (not really since SHE ASSIGNED ME TO HIM!) as you like to say. In PUBLIC SCHOOL. Not the 'rich white' ones either. The ones you spoke of. That didn't have shit. Eventually we all got to go to a 'reasonably' funded school but UNTIL THEN we had to work with what we had. I have had kid's in the guest bedroom at my parent's house that my parents 'bought home from school on their own time' 'cause they knew they didn't have and helped them. So you aren't talking to some kid 'uppity ass person' who grew up far removed from the shit. It was in MY LIFE. Call it my Dad's nature of being one of 18 (Like you said my nig, it is a Southern thing) or the fact that they were both in education, Black and loved OUR PEOPLE. Whatever you want call it, it happened. On the reg....So you preaching to me about what I 'need to do' is quite frankly, INSULTING AS A MOTHERFUCKER. To be frank with you...Maybe you think that 'old guard' was part of the problem though. Problem is, my parents (and their educator friends) didn't do it that way. All that they did THEY RISKED THEIR JOBS AND LIVES TO DO. My mother was PRESIDENT OF THE DESEGREGATION for the State of Delaware. Don't come talking to me about what the fuck we been through nigga. I know. It was DRILLED IN ME EVERY FUCKING DAY. While I am 'educating' you 'all knowing mofos... Title One was the designation for that class known as THE SPECIAL ED CLASS. You know the 'class where they send mainly poor black students who won't learn'. I am sorry I forgot the 'one' in the tweet but IF YOU ARE AS EDUCATED on the subject as you say, you would HAVE KNOWN EXACTLY WHAT IT WAS I WAS TALKING ABOUT without hesitation and NOT GLOSSED OVER IT WITH THAT SNEERING ASS CHUCKLE...(Yeah nigga...I caught it..) . If no more than because it speaks to the fact that the poor were not getting the funding for their schools and that movement fought to make that happen. It also is the reason kids are bused around here too but that is another discussion. Why should you give a shit about that? Glad you asked. "cause in that class MY MOTHER WAS SPENDING HER OWN MONEY TO MAKE SHIT HAPPEN. The district didn't fund her properly so EVERYTHING her students got, she funded..or found a way to make it happen via her friends. Many a summer was spent by YOURS TRULY, gathering up supplies, learning tools and yes, even working with some kids in the areas of school I was strong in. Research that nigga. Clinically break down that. So I DEFINITELY know the situations, the scenarios and the the things you were speaking on. I didn't quite get your 'tone'. Now there is NO WAY you could have known ANY OF WHAT I JUST TYPED but you niggas SURE DIDN'T TRY AND FIND OUT NOW DID YOU? No.
As far as me 'Thinking...@ that 'Think brother..think brother' shit you ran up on me with.
Nigga, I have been on this Earth for 38 years. You really fucking think you can tell me anything about 'thinking'? Fuck you think I have been doing? Waiting around for YOUR college educated ass to come up off your horse to swoop down to save me by telling me 'to think'? Are you the Nigga Angel now? Nigga please. Without knowing me? That is rather arrogant of you. I am not one of your 'children' you are saving my nigga. Go run up on them with that 'think shit'. I been thinking longer than you been forgetting. I can tell by the way you talk that shit. 'cause if you knew better you'd better. @ running up on someone WITHOUT KNOWING THEM screaming that. It isn't that I KNOW ALL EITHER..I am not opposed to learning. From anyone of ANY AGE..But what I am opposed to is condescending tones from someone who doesn't 'know' me & hasn't asked? Cause you asked nary a question when I was on. You spoke 'at me'. Do you do that to your students? I guess you can afford to do it in that capacity...THEY NEED YOU. I don't need you. FOR SHIT. I am not them. You KNOW THEM it seems. You DON'T KNOW ME. When you don't have that advantage, you can't just thug your way through it and assume anyway. Let me find out the SAME OPPRESSIVE tactics you are denouncing you use yourself? @ all that good talk you were doing.
One of ya'll dropped an interesting tidbit towards the end of the show about having something in Atlanta but living up here....I would ask you if you cared if I started assuming about that situation but I don't GIVE A FUCK ENOUGH to know if you care or not. What I DO GIVE A FUCK ENOUGH ABOUT IS HOW I WOULD MAKE MYSELF LOOK BY 'assuming' about that situation and jumping to conclusions. Putting what I have ACTUALLY DONE (Custodial since the oldest was born & always lived with all of my children) on TO YOU and acting like whatever decisions you made would merit 'looking into a mirror' making 'my way' THE WAY and your way wrong. I wouldn't do that. Why? 'Cause I don't know you or your situation. That's why. I kinda like to know the person a little bit before I make logic leaps about what they do or don't know about a subject or how they handle their shit. You should try that out sometimes..It works...Haven't done any 'clinical' studies on it though so maybe that isn't enough for you..I dunno.
Look here...You are in THE INFANTILE stages of doing something great with NO FINISHED PRODUCTS trying to change a flawed system. More power to you! Do that shit. However until you can show full fledged adults that have lived & prospered through your program that scrutiny that you THOUGHT I was giving your program? Oh it won't stop and rightfully so. You can talk all you want about all the politicians, doctors, lawyers, mayors and people in power who have 'cosigned' your shit but until THE PRODUCT COMES OUT you will continue to get it AND QUITE FRANKLY it will just be all talk. Now here I was about to actually JOIN IN ON THE CRUSADE with you (not that you asked 'cause the two of you seem to have it all figured out and shit. Why haven't you cured Cancer btw? Yes, I know you don't hold your degree in THAT but since you are figuring out everything else....) but with THAT ATTITUDE the two of you have? No thanks. Good luck though. Hope it all works out for you and those in the program.
Oh you actually have some 'finished' products? Let me NOT BE LIKE YOU AND ASSUME SOME SHIT. Let me ask... They don't have to be PERFECT either. I am not you. I am not as jaded to think that they need be perfect. They can have slipups (records)....they can be middle class..they don't have to be 'rich' ....I just want to see...I'll wait too. I am betting dollar to DONUTS THOUGH that you can't do that. 'Cause you JUST STARTED and THAT'S OKAY. But take that 'chip' that you have on your shoulder and carry that shit ELSEWHERE. Not over here. I am on your side. I think change in attitude is necessary. I SAID AS MUCH IN THE VERY TWEET THAT YOU RESPONDED ON THE AIR but you had your attitudes up. I know it is actually. I try to instill it in EVERYONE I MEET. I am also a realist. You can't do it for everyone nor is it in everyone. This isn't Little League nigga...Everybody can't get the trophy. What you CAN DO is make it available for everyone THOUGH...That is MORE THAN FAIR. .I think this is the ONLY PLACE WE ACTUALLY DISAGREE. You two niggas are SO DEFENSIVE though that we may never get to that point....
As far as me and what I do? I am not the one on THE RADIO talking down to folks about what they aren't doing, lauding my accomplishments about this program I have and the like. That would be you. So you 'holding my feet' to the fire (although I can produce results including some who are doing better than ME..) ISN'T THE ISSUE.
When I come on a radio show, on this blog, or any other media format talking that shit about WHAT I AM DOING and lauding it with my HORNS UP ON SOME 'CHALLENGE ME ABOUT IT, I DARE YOU..' you can do the same to me. I would expect you to. (I've done it. I know when I come out swinging that punches will be thrown back..It isn't WORTH IT but I have done it. Not my M.O.) I would also WAIT FOR YOU TO DO IT THOUGH @ actually challenging me. I wouldn't come out guns a blazing. I would ask you what you mean by a statement before ASSUMING you were coming for my neck. As hard as it would be...
The thing about Sunday you see though is I never did that to you two. I relaxed on that. It wasn't my thought process 'cause I came into it WANTING TO AGREE WITH YOU. Wanting to say 'Yeah..check them out..'. But you guys acted above criticism and shit.
Yeah..yeah..yeah.."We invite it...'- You. I heard you when you said that. That to me reaffirms what I said about 'tone' being conveyed AND the fact that I am not 'overreacting' by typing this out. I am beginning to think that maybe it isn't the people criticizing you...ITS YOU.
I tweeted AND I SAID WHAT TYPED OUT ON AIR. After having the Tweet read back to you and you still felt that way? Okay..maybe you didn't get the message. Cool. I allowed that. I even said it ON TWITTER. @ allow that. I said 'tone' is hard to convey. Here I am thinking I am talking to two INTELLIGENT cats who could basically see I wasn't trying to be inflammatory. I had to come out and SPELL IT OUT TO YOU? Fucking wow.
After I said it on air though? In my voice? After I opened with my statement and 'scaled back a bit'? Naw nigga. Not buying you still 'feeling some kinda way about it...' You still 'held on to it' for awhile. smh. Let me stop saying 'two' 'cause the gentleman from SC kinda 'got it'. It was the New York nigga that kept up the wall. I am giving out olive branches and niggas snappin' like 'Fuck that shit'...So here we are....
It is amazing how three or four well placed 'sniggles' will convey a message. "cause when I said regards to Black History Month..
It was a great discussion by the way but not the FIRST TIME I had discussed THIS MONTH.
Old boy in the back Muttley sniggling in the background starts with the condescending giggling again...Giggling and sniggling. Reluctantly concedes I am 'right' with some dismissive nonsense and proceeds to reiterate my point 'his way'...
Yeah so if you feel some 'heat' in the words coming off the page..Yeah..that's why. Apparently I didn't 'earn his respect' with my view EVEN THOUGH I didn't say what he thought. So none being given here in kind...
So that is what set me off. That is what prompted the phone call from me.
As far me coming on the OG Nitty show:
I will come up there...Not with them. I don't respect half their duo and I am not promoting ANYTHING for anyone I feel that way about. I don't share spotlights with people I don't respect. Period. Matter of fact, after I finish this lil 'series' of posts about it, I am done with it. Hell, I might just let this post speak and leave it at that....
"Yeah..I'd like to meet you..YEAH...we'd REALLY LIKE TO MEET YOU...."...-Ya'll
When you say that, you don't 'laugh' in the same sentence. Again..real disrespectful. For all of that, just say you don't want to. No skin off of either our backs. Matter of fact, due to the insincerity in the way you said it, I will OFFICIALLY RESCIND my offer to meet you. I'm good. I have no desire to meet neither of you. By rescinding it, I FULLY ADMIT that I said I did want to meet you and I have no qualms with that. I don't care what you think about that honestly simply because I am getting more information about what was said while I was on hold waiting to get on air. Again this was written because I felt DISRESPECTED.
"It was a GREAT DISCUSSION.."- Me...
It was a great discussion. I didn't LIKE THE TONE OF IT but overall it was. I will stand by that part of it. See, I know you are going to go back and try to 'dissect' the statements I made to 'discredit' this post. Save yourself the trouble fam. You can't. I won't back away from the statements 'cause I said the same things on Twitter and they are STILL THERE. That won't change. If i changed my mind about something I said, I will admit it. You can't pull my card in that way.
Now I know what you are thinking....I HATE THESE TWO CATS. No. I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER THEIR NAMES. No bullshit. I don't 'know' 'em enough to hate 'em. They aren't doing anything for me nor I for them. I type WELL OVER 50 WORDS A MINUTE so typing this out is akin to rapping some of them shitty bars some of you are passing off as 'music' so don't fret about 'how invested' I am. It happened to me so I wouldn't 'expect' you to understand nor do I give a fuck. Just know that I happen to think these two dudes are smart young men. I was once a smart young man too. I thought I 'knew' EVERYTHING and put up a wall of resistance to any and everyone that challenged my ideals. So I understand that. I also got put in my place when I step too far outta bounds. I felt like they stepped too far outta bounds so I addressed it. That's as far as it goes for me though....You start telling cats to 'look into mirrors' and shit YOU BETTER BE PREPARED TO HAVE THAT MOFO TURNED BACK AROUND ON YOU. @ the mirror. Maybe your 'fellow peers' don't have the wits to withstand the bullet points, the aggressive speech mixed in with 'good sounding facts....I am not them...Let me put it another way..
Which leaves me to my final point about yesterday's discussion....The use of hip hop to teach our children.
(Sighs) I LOVE IT. 9th Wonder is doing it at Duke AS WE SPEAK. It is the MUSIC I GREW UP ON. (Chuckles) I saw that...You know what it was..even if it wasn't for a fleeting second you....SHIT..I am being like YOU! Let me stop that shit RIGHT NOW. @ assuming. (If you can't see that I just FAKED THAT and did it to prove a point then we TRULY don't have anything to discuss....Truly. I am typing the words..I could have just as easily NOT TYPED THEM...Get over yourself fam....ASAP.)
This is what I don't like....
'They just started making prisons 20-30 years ago......' - I don't know which one said it honestly but they BOTH CO-SIGNED IT..
Now I don't know if you MISSPOKE 'cause even Nitty did a double take and called you on it. Then your boy chimed in and ya'll hit 'em with the infamous 'Come on Nitty...You know you see it....How do we know they didn't just start doing that? How do we know they did?" shit that ALWAYS clouds up a subject sicing it up JUST RIGHT...
Let me help ya'll out a lil bit on HOW WE DO KNOW when they started making prisons....
Now since NONE OF US were even around at that time, I can't pull a picture out of my pocket...I actually did a paper on prisons when I was in college (shhhhh...ignore that...I know you guys are the only ones who have ever set foot in an was so long ago we wrote on 'paper'. God forbid...) so I KNEW THIS TO BE A FACT..Lets not take MY WORD FOR IT THOUGH, shall we? Okay...
The irony of this is the prison is up the DAMM STREET from where we are...PA...Go figure...
Two centuries ago, Philadelphia and Pennsylvania became the center of prison reform worldwide. To understand how this happened, one must look briefly at the early development of penal practices in William Penn’s colony. Penn, who himself had been confined in England for his Quaker beliefs, abolished the Duke of York’s severe criminal code which was in effect in other parts of British North America, where, among other offenses, the penalty of death was applied for murder, denying "the true God," homosexual acts and kidnapping. Severe physical punishments were used for what were considered lesser crimes. Pennsylvania’s Quaker-inspired code abolished the death penalty for all crimes except murder, using instead imprisonment with labor and fines. The law did call for severe penalties for sexual offenses: "defiling the marriage bed" was to be punished by whipping plus a one year sentence for the first offense, life imprisonment for the second. Upon Penn’s death, conservative factions in the American colony and in England reintroduced many of the more sanguinary punishments. As late as 1780, punishments such as the pillory and hanging were carried out in public. An account of an execution that year related how two prisoners "were taken out amidst a crowd of spectators – they walked after a cart in which were two coffins and a ladder, etc., each had a rope about his neck and their arms tied behin [sic] them… they were both hanged in the commons of this city [Philadelphia] abt. [sic.] 1 o’clock."
Jails up until the time of the American Revolution were used largely for persons awaiting trial and other punishments and for debtors and sometimes witnesses.
In 1776, Richard Wistar, Sr., a Quaker, had soup prepared in his home to be distributed to the inmates in Philadelphia prisons, many of whom were suffering from starvation at the time and even several deaths. Wistar formed the Philadelphia Society for Assisting Distressed Prisoners, but with the British occupation of the city the next year, the organization was disbanded.
Because of the rapidly growing population, a new jail was begun in 1773 on Walnut Street, behind the State House (later, Independence Hall). The new prison had the traditional layout of large rooms for the inmates. Initially, conditions were little better than they had been at the old jail. Prisoners awaiting trial might barter their clothes for liquor or be forcibly stripped upon entering by other inmates seeking funds for the bar. The result was great suffering when the weather turned cold. One estimate stated that 20 gallons of spirits were brought into the prison daily by the jailer for sale to the inmates. It was also considered a common practice for certain women to arrange to get arrested to gain access to the male prisoners.
In 1822, work began on what was to become
The system of 24-hour separation of each prisoner coupled with in-cell feeding, work, and sometimes vocational instruction, came to be known as the Pennsylvania System or Separate System, and remained the official position of the Pennsylvania Prison Society throughout the 19th century, although the system and its unusual architecture – a central hub and radiating cellblocks – were seldom imitated in other states. An alternative system known as the Auburn or Silent system developed elsewhere in the United States, with individual sleeping cells, sometimes as small as 2½ by 6 ½ feet, and work in congregate shops in silence during the day. By the early decades of the 20th Century, neither system was used in the United States. However, the Separate System and its distinctive hub-and-spoke or radial architecture, which had developed in the Philadelphia prison, became the template for reform all over Europe, South America, and Asia.
Now my major was accounting (with a minor in English...hence the wordy blog posts) so I kinda like to think that I was at least OKAY with the numbers. That doesn't sound like 20-30 years ago to me....I think you are off by 100 or so YEARS...The point? You two have a voice. Obviously, these kids believe in you. Some important people believe in you. You can't go around rewriting history to prove your point. Now to some uneducated person, the style of your presentation, the words you are using and the empathy that you exude towards the ones you are helping would make it so THEY WOULD NEVER RESEARCH what you are saying. Whether it be a 'can't or won't thing (Yeah we are back to that...I say won't...They can research how to build a bomb then....) doesn't matter. They WON'T QUESTION IT. I will. You guys can't go around spouting off facts THAT AREN'T TRUE MAN. That shit was a lie. Period. Crazy thing is, you DIDN'T HAVE TO LIE TO KICK IT CRAIG. Your intentions are GREAT. You are right. You can use hip hop, the early formings of it via the 'tales' that you spoke of and ALL OF THAT and be RIGHT. You don't have to stretch the truth on some propaganda based smooth talk to get over. The facts AS THEY ARE will do the work. I hate that. It is akin to the niggas who want to diss Soldier Boy acting like we didn't have Kwame and his Polka Dots...speaking of hip hop. You DON'T HAVE TO REWRITE HISTORY just for the sake of being right...Again, if you 'misspoke' so be it. But that 'rebuttal' you gave to Nitty says otherwise....That was rather Palinesque if I may say so....It SOUNDED GREAT. But it wasn't true...
Aight back to you readers....THIS IS MY SIDE OF THE STORY. Anyone with half a brain knows there are THREE SIDES. I don't expect you all to come 'running to my defense' or no shit like that 'cause that is not why I wrote it. I wrote it to get it some recollection of it before I go on with what I am doing ('cause I am human and not perfect. More time. More might get left out...) and to tell a good story. A true one but a good one. Hope you laughed, shook your head in disbelief, got outta your rut or MAYBE IF YOU WERE LISTENING understood it a lil bit more from my side as to what I meant and why I called in.
Ya'll be easy...'Till next time....
Carolinaware...Owner and operator of the The Warehouse...
P.S. I am probably not done....@ adding more..I could be here forever doing this shit but I got shit to do...
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