So it seems that Mr. Cee 'incident' has once again bought out the inner 'Whitey' in some of you...

(Insert his face, the picture you would crack your lil jokes on and the headline/link of the story that you ALREADY KNOW I AM TALKING ABOUT HERE. 'Cause I am not putting that shit up here...) 

I mean, I get it...I can't say you are wrong for 'having' an opinion so THAT is on NOT what I will be going in on today. Have your opinion. It is YOURS. No issue there. I kinda take offense though if you are one of these fools running around on your horse talking about folks who don't share your opinion in various ways..Yep...Sure do. Get a blog you say? I got one. Here is it...

What I will be going in on how some of you are just ABSOLUTELY preoccupied with another man's DICK AND WHAT HE IS DOING WITH IT, 'justifying' feeling the way that you do via dissing folks who don't agree with you thus coming at folks who don't feel as 'strongly' as you do, or quite honestly appear so homophobic that I think YOU MIGHT BE GAY YOURSELF. Asking one's opinion about the issue is NOT 'preoccupied' by the way. So if you asked me what I thought SOLELY, I don't see it that way. Just know though that this POST only came about after I got on Twitter and went out and about today. I saw it last night and it was what it was. I had moved on...Evidently, either no one else saw it last night or we haven't 'moved on with it' so here we are...@ the inboxes, DMS and emails I got asking me to speak on it. So here I am...

Now I think we all like a good joke or two. I think that is fair to say. We may all can't agree with what 'should' be laughed and again...that is okay. I just happen to think that some of you crossed the line with this shit and called yourself pulling folks 'cards' with your 'retorts'. Yeah homie? Okay...lets pull some of YOUR CARDS. See if this is as fun the other way around. 

I see cats denouncing what he did (oh he did it at this argument there) LOUDLY and WITHOUT BEING ASKED. Talking about what he should have done.  Where he should have been getting head at. Running through the hypothetical. Now I could 'make an excuse' for this but since we are 'pulling folks shorts down' on this shit I have to ask/say....

How do you fucking know what type of precautions he should have taken?

You sound like you know an AWFUL lot about something that you despise to me cuz. Common sense is common sense but damm...You are in vivid detail over there. Going through step by step like you are 'retracing' steps. Why is that? Just saying know a lot about an activity that you abhor....'Cause I don't know about you but when I say I don't 'go cow tipping', I don't say it and then turn around and give you blow by blow how it is done..If I did, the first thing you would say is 'This nigga is lying..He knows ALL ABOUT COW TIPPING...' This is how some of you sound though...Like you know A LOT MORE ABOUT IT then you should for someone who is on their horse about it...

 I see a lot of you going overboard trying not to look 'gay' with the sayings. Pausing shit. No homo ANY AND EVERYTHING. That's funny 'cause you were the same nigga/nigglet who was telling everybody RIGHT before this 'pause' thing took off to 'Suck my dick'/Kiss my ass....(Shit...some of you are STILL DOING THIS WHICH MAKES IT TENS TIMES MORE FUNNY STYLE..) 

Interesting.....Is that why you protest so much? Thou does protest a lot it seems when asked.....

Now I want you (those of you reading who have not acted like this too) to think about all the times you have heard a 'hetro' man say this. It is meant to be disrespectful of course so I GET THAT but since we are 'splitting hairs here' it also would be a HOMOSEXUAL ACT. Both would be. So offering up niggas to do it, by your OWN STANDARDS AND DEFINITION would make you....Yep...I don't have to say it. You just said it for me. Congratulations Sherlock. Now I know this isn't going to 'stop you' and frankly I don't give a shit if it does. Just know that the same way you are looking at homie, I am PROBABLY LOOKING AT YOU. @ offering up your genitalia and your anus up to every male you don't like....Sounds silly? It sounds about how you sound.....@ all this hoopla over this shit. Again, saying your piece is one thing. Getting on your HORSE ABOUT IT THOUGH? With all the suspect shit you do that one could LEGITIMATELY question you? Please...

I almost forgot the most important one. IT IS HIS DICK. Now I have heard a bunch of you, once again, distance yourself from ANYTHING THING THAT YOU MAY THINK WILL HAVE SOMEONE LOOK AT YOU FUNNY. Yet here you are RUNNING TO TALK ABOUT WHAT ANOTHER MAN IS DOING WITH HIS DICK. Sprinting even. Why is that? I mean I could give less than a fuck what the man does with his dick, how I should 'feel about him' doing whatever he does with it or none of that. Yet cats are really UPSET that he did it and even MORE UPSET THAT CATS AREN'T APPALLED WITH THEM. Nigga I am not a sheep. I don't have to follow the 'herd'. Fuck that. I don't care enough about what he actually did. (Waits for one of you to take the words 'Don't care' and get your evangelist on/use them outta context)

Oh I will answer for you...(Since you guys LOVE TO ANSWER AND SPECULATE FOR OTHER PEOPLE..HENCE THEM CORNY WORDS/PHRASES YOU PASS OFF AS JOKES...) why. Or maybe I won't. Maybe I will just let you twist in the wind about how it makes you look in the eyes of myself and others. And don't give me that 'What others think doesn't matter' bullshit 'cause you are the ONES RUNNING AROUND TRYING TO KEEP EVERYONE OFF YOU ASS AND PEEPIN' GAME BY TRYING TO MAKE EVERYONE LAUGH TO DEFLECT THE ATTENTION OFF OF YOUR ASS. ...Damm did I type that out loud? My bad plair....

Now mind you, you are the same types of people talking that 'Jail is aight..'/everyone who isn't built for jail is soft shit. Let me find out...let me find out...And it wouldn't be because of what "I" think of you either. Oh no no...It would be your 'peers'. You know the ones whose opinion 'friend or foe' you seem to COVET so much.*
*That's another discussion that will happen soon. That shit BAFFLES ME. Even more because then the flip is 'I'm suppose to care about motherfuckers who don't care about all while they tell me that they don't give a fuck about me...'..(Yeah, that is probably gonna be the title too..)

Lets get to this 'tough love' shit I heard OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN..

The 'tough' part? is slander. It IS TOUGH. 

Love? Get. The. Fuck. Outta. Here. With. That. Bullshit. You don't 'love' Mr. Cee! You don't give a fuck about him and probably wouldn't have unless he DIED! Even then some of you would be saying it just to 'look like somewhat of a decent human being'. Not because you meant it. Any time someone runs up on me with that bullshit in regards to a person I KNOW THEY WOULDN'T PISS ON IF THEY WERE ON FIRE TO PUT THEM OUT I laugh. I mean it 'sounds' GREAT. In reality though it is BULLSHIT. Him getting his dick sucked added nothing to your life but "LOLS" and something to talk about. I mean you niggas are acting like you would have offered up YOUR WOMAN if he needed head or something. NOW THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING. You are doing that and you might actually give a fuck about this dude but you won't. And you don't @ give a fuck about him. 

Stop fucking with my intelligence saying that dumb shit. Tough love my ass....and that goes for any time ya'll say that shit about someone you already either CLEARLY HAVE NO TIES TO THUS YOU COULD GIVE A FUCK ABOUT 'EM OR SOMEONE THAT YOU 'HATE'/DON'T GET ALONG WITH/HAVE A BEEF WITH/ISSUE OR WHATEVER. You aren't giving tough love. You are trying to get your laugh on at his/her expense. Just own that

Humor me just a little bit longer while I explain to some of you the 'title' of the post. 'Cause I know you asked...

Just what the fuck does this have to do with Whitey?

To be succinct, we (afro-americans, African-Americans, Black people, latinos, people of color, people who emulate people of color, etc, etc,etc.aka WHATEVER YOU WANNA BE CALLED) HAVE A TENDENCY TO USE SOME OF THE 'SAME OPPRESSIVE TACTICS' THAT 'WHITEY' USED TO mindfuck/entrap/justify the isolation of people via an identifying action/skin color/preference/etc/etc ON EACH OTHER. Hence the 'Whitey taught you well' saying I have come to say here often.'Cause we love to complain about those tactics that were used against us.....AND WE LOVE TO MAKE EACH OTHER SQUIRM/LOOK BAD using those same tactics..Go figure....

We clear on the title now? Good.  

OH..OH...OH...I almost forgot......The police thing. You niggas aren't gonna do much but you are gonna make up your minds. Either we believe the cops or we don't. None of this straddling the fence shit when it is a 'GOOD LAUGH' shit. Now obviously, if things are on tape, that HELPS a lot but for all the 'trumped up' charges all you 'arm chair gangstas', big ki movers and the like seem to get, I find it REALLY FUNNY THAT YOU BELIEVE THE POLICE REPORT. The same police that you have said on many occasions 'are corrupt'...Again...Interesting...





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