When someone puts up an EMBEDDED CODE for their video....

THEY WANT YOU TO USE IT AND SPREAD THE WORD. Just an FYI for those of you who don't 'get how this whole thing' works. I know that some of you profess to do 'this and that' but yeah...Unless YOU WERE THERE, you are 'second hand sourcing shit too'. Just so you know. Now I read what some of you 'write', what some of you 'tweet' at how you hate people who 'copy and paste' shit but the truth of the matter is that even YOUR SOURCE in most cases has done the same. They just took the time to 'reword' some of the shit. I have had SHIT OF MINE TAKEN AND HAD MAJOR MOTHERFUCKERS 'REWRITE' MY SHIT put it out an hour after I put it up in 'my own words' and turned around and had some of you SAME DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS say I stole it from them. Just so you know. So miss me ALL THE WAY WITH THAT 'COPY AND PASTE' shit. Its been done to me by SOME OF YOU. Don't think I haven't seen it. Its okay too because THIS IS THE GAME THAT WE PLAY. It is TRULY PAR FOR THE COURSE. @ the copy and paste. Some of us have the respect of others that some of us JUST DON'T HAVE. Its life. As long as the info gets out right? Right? Oh......

It is funny though 'cause when YOUR FAVORITE 'popular tweeter' discusses this shit, you ALL ACT LIKE HE/SHE is the first person with the information AS THEY READ IT FROM AN ARTICLE WRITTEN BY SOMEONE ELSE. What. Par.  Of. The. Game. Is. That? But everyone else does the 'copy and paste' and they are suckers? FOH.

Don't even get me STARTED on some of my 'ideals' and thoughts on certain things. I say it, ya'll read it and say 'OH..okay.." Someone 'bigger' says it and it is shades of  "Oh you just stole that from such and such.' like I DIDN'T TYPE THE SHIT WEEKS BEFORE THEY PUBLICLY MADE THEIR CASE. Yeah homie? Really? I mean I get it, some of you just don't FUCK WITH INTELLIGENT FOLKS SO WHEN MORE THAN ONE PERSON SPEAKS ON A SUBJECT AND IT SOUNDS FAMILIAR YOU CAN'T GRASP THE CONCEPT THAT MORE THAN ONE PERSON COULD THINK LIKE THAT. Still and all that shit is FRUSTRATING to a nigga 'cause now I have to compensate for YOUR SHORTCOMINGS. Unbelievable. Step your friends circle up or better still STEP YOUR INTELLIGENCE GAME UP. More than one person can have a thought that MAKES SENSE than your 'favorite person'. Deal with it.

I mean I put it to you like this..If your favorite person is 'SO SMART', WHY THE FUCK AREN'T THEY OUT HERE CURING CANCER? Why the fuck are they EVER WRONG and how do you let them get away with it? Riddle me that one. Quit acting like your 'favorite' isn't above reproach and that 'those deflective jokes' they make as the bob and weave through the times that they do fuck up makes up for the fact that they are WRONG. A lot. Please quit insulting me. To be fair...I LIKE SOME OF YA'LLS FAVORITES TOO. They are some of my favorites. Doesn't mean they aren't wrong though. 

While I am up here, ya'll aren't gonna do much but you are gonna STOP TAKING ADVICE STRICTLY FROM GUYS AND GALS WITH NO MAN or no commitment in sight. Correction, you are gonna stop taking their word as the ONLY WORD THAT IS RIGHT. You can take advice 'cause quite frankly good advice can come from those who have fucked up as well as though who have succeeded (If you are under a certain age, I am not arguing with you about this. You don't KNOW ENOUGH YOUNG BUCK. SORRY. HOLLER AT ME WHEN YOU LIVE LONGER. We all thought listening to the success stories was 'the way to go'. Until today's success stories turned into tomorrow's fuck up...I digress though..)  I don't wanna hear about that 'by choice' shit either. If you aren't doing it, I don't wanna hear from you so much. Sorry. If you 'failed at it', I don't wanna hear from you so much. Almost getting there doesn't count partner. Sorry. I mean I know cats like to 'identify' with certain folks...to have folks who feel their pain..but THAT DOESN'T MAKE YOUR IDEALS AND THEORIES correct. Sorry pal. It just makes the group of 'We almost did it but it isn't for me...aka I FAILED AT THAT SHIT MISERABLY SON...' that much larger. I should say I am only talking to a select few of you in this group. You know the ones that CONSTANTLY FEEL THE NEED TO 'SPEAK ON RELATIONSHIPS' ON ONE HAND WHILE CLAIMING 'I'LL NEVER BE IN ONE AGAIN..' ON THE OTHER HAND. Its like watching a TV program that you don't like. Pick up the remote nigga. Change the channel. No one is forcing you to watch and you shitting on others for watching it is the LAMEST OF THE LAME THINGS YOU CAN DO. Especially if you 'failed at it'. Yeah I said it. I would 'tell you how to do it' but IT ISN'T THAT SIMPLE. This isn't hitting a baseball my nig. It is complicated and it isn't perfect. Yet, because some of you want it to be that way, you diss it because it isn't. @ maintaining any relationship with someone. I see you out there. All hurt the fuck up. Running around with your imperfect self, pointing out others imperfections in relationship to make you and your group 'feel better about being alone'. By alone I mean, playing that wonderful game of chasing pussy/dick that some of 'you love to glorify'. I read them LONELY ASS TWEETS AND FACEBOOK STATUSES THOUGH. I hear the 'call of lonely' from you in them bitter ass statements you make. The pain in your font when recount 'the time such and such did that 'thing' to you'. I see you partner. All the money, hoes and the 'rest of what you have' can't hide that when that shit comes up. I see you. Even if your 'sheep' don't see it as a weakness. Go ahead though. Hide behind them 'canned jokes' you have. Those names you have for those that have WHAT YOU CLEARLY WANT. Keep carrying that baggage my nig/niggettes. On that Badu....


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