My Dearest Armchair lawyers and Court TV watchers: I see some of you don't know the law like you claim....Casey Anthony

I will start off with this for some of you. "Cause this applies. If you have an issue with the process but you are one of 'THOSE FOLKS WHO GETS OUTTA JURY DUTY EVERY CHANCE YOU GET', YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN THE FOLKS YOU DISS WHO DON'T VOTE BUT COMPLAIN ABOUT POLITICS. Ditto if you are one of those folks who complains about the judicial system in general anyway when it does CONVICT those who are not innocent just because you know them. Don't wanna hear you complaining either. Start complaining now. Your folks are free...

I suppose that I should be glad that so many people actually seem to care about children all of the sudden in light of the Casey Anthony case. I am trying to focus on that but every time I do so, someone makes another dumb comment about the jury. My question(s) is (are) pretty simple:***

What evidence would you have had the jury convict Casey Anthony on?

Do you know what the jury's instructions were? 

Have you ever served on a jury?

You do understand that the jury has to give their decision based on FACTS and not gut feeling right?

Where is all this outrage when your friends, girlfriend, husband, wife, brother, cousin or whatever walks outta these courtrooms free when you know they are guilty? 

Do you understand that the court system, by design, is SUPPOSED TO FREE AND CONVICT PEOPLE? Or are you of the adage that once we go to court, a CONVICTION IS A MUST? If so then why even have a process? 

Finally, if the evidence were as flimsy as it was against her PHYSICALLY, how many of you would HONESTLY just say 'Fuck it, I won't get a defense team and fight this shit...'? Yeah..that's what I thought. You wouldn't. 

All week long I have had some folks who have passed themselves off as intelligent in my timeline disproving it with their comments on this case. Not because they THINK THAT SHE IS GUILTY. I wouldn't begrudge anyone of that. Rather because they KNOW how this shit works yet they still are running around here acting like the jury can IGNORE the lack of evidence and call her guilty AND THEY ARE STILL 'SHOCKED' WHEN THE SHIT DOESN'T GO THEIR WAY. ESPECIALLY IF THEY HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING THE TRIAL. Anyone who has ANY knowledge of the law should have known there was a chance that the prosecution wasn't going to be able to win with the hand they had. Last seen with her. Bad mother. Internet searches on a computer EVERYONE HAD ACCESS TO. Same everybody that had ACCESS TO THE CHILD TOO. Same everybody that 'enabled' Casey to be a bad mother in some capacity in some cases. Also, she wasn't on trial for being a 'bad mother' so you can't just UP AND CHARGE HER WITH THAT. So all this talk of why didn't they charge her with that is silly. Some of you are out here looking really silly because I can tell you are DEAD ASS ABOUT THAT LAST CHARGE. That's not how this shit works. This isn't DYFCS. These were criminal charges.

I will kinda forgive the 'quasi-intelligent' folks who haven't been 'following' the trial as they are actually just pretty much 'trolling' with their comments. If you can make 'true' ASSESSMENT as to whether someone is guilty or not without hearing testimony AND THINK YOU CAN CONVINCE A JURY OF 12 TO BELIEVE IT in a case with very little evidence than dammit you need to carry your ass to law school RIGHT NOW. Fucks you out here in these streets telling dry Twitter jokes and milling amongst the people for? Get to it.

Now for the rest of you 'idiots' out here comparing this case to your Father, your brother, your boy, your girl, some celebrity's case or any of the other cases known to man.

CUT THAT DUMB FUCKING SHIT OUT. YOUR (INSERT THE CLOSE PERSONAL CASE TO YOU AND THEIR NAME) 9/10 INVOLVED ACTUAL EVIDENCE THAT GOT THEM CONVICTED. I mean I know they are your folk and shit (or you identify with them 'cause they are your color or came from your background) but lets not be stupid here. Way more than half of the cases you are 'pleading about and comparing this case too' were cases that folks have your PEOPLE ON TAPE committing the crime I am willing to bet. Have them making drug buys that got them those twenty years. On tape BRAGGING TO FOLKS ABOUT WHAT THEY DID AND WHAT THEY WILL DO AGAIN. Now I am supposed to 'get outraged' because of this white girl? Nigga please.  I suppose you could lie to me and tell me that your peoples was and are completely innocent and I MIGHT believe you EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT YOU don't EVER MISS AN OPPORTUNITY to tell me how 'Different things would be if such and such weren't in jail....Remember those statements you make? I'll remind you the next time you make such a statement...@ how 'innocent' they are. You can't have it both ways Jack. Either your peoples are shooters and killers and they are locked up for it or they aren't. Ain't no such thing as halfway crooks- Mobb Deep. Make up your mind...Stop straddling the fence. Either your peoples are the BIGGEST DRUG DEALERS IN THE WORLD since Big Meech or they aren't. Either your Daddy was the KINGPIN OF THESE HERE STREETS or he wasn't. Either your Momma was out here slaying these hoes when it came to the fighting game or not. Either your cousin was the hardest motherfucker walking and he has the 'time to prove it' or he doesn't. It is that simple. Don't play him/her for innocent now 'cause you wanna be 'outraged' about something. Ninjas I tell ya...smh

Plaxico? You want to bring up PLAXICO in this case? They found the gun. It had his prints on it. His teammates testified that it happened. PEOPLE SAW IT HAPPEN.  HE WENT TO THE HOSPITAL AND THEY TREATED HIM. HE FUCKING PLEAD GUILTY TO HAVING THE FIREARM. He initially said it WAS REGISTERED in Florida remember? Oh you forgot his lawyers said that huh? I didn't. These are all FACTS. Not made up. Not speculation or what I (or anyone else) 'thought' happened. They are facts that have evidence to back them up. How does this compare to Casey Anthony's case again besides the fact that they both took place in the court of law? I'll wait.... Oh let me point out again.....HE PLEAD GUILTY. She did not do so. Think what you want 'now' to win try and 'win an argument' but that is important**

I won't even entertain her being the 'next OJ'. That shit is laughable too. She isn't. That's just all there is to it.

Ya'll are gonna stop with the comparisons. You want the courts to STOP DOING  that when they use 'previously tried cases' to set precedent in court to 'bam' cats don't you? So why are you out here trying to play that same game then? Stop it.

Now I am not naive enough to think that the justice system WORKS ALL THE TIME. It doesn't. I've seen it. I can think of SEVERAL CASES THAT I HAVE A VESTED INTEREST IN that either the verdict was too harsh or too light or just plain STUPID. So if you think that by typing what I just did up top means I don't know, you are DUMBER THAN I THOUGHT. No. That doesn't mean I am going to run around here with misplaced anger either. Nope. Not gonna do it. You can do that dumb shit if you want though. Not me. Smarten up people.

I'll tell you this though:

I would rather the Judge take three conk shells, put two 'guilty' signs under two of 'em and one 'not guilty' sign under another one, mix 'em up and take my chances that way than to have SOME OF YOU STUPID MOFOS AS MY SET OF JURORS. @ SOME OF YOUR THINKING. It is no wonder they give the jury 'EXPLICIT' instructions and kick folks off of juries on the regular for 'looking a certain way'. I see why the process takes so long. It should. 'Cause it seems that some of you REALLY CAN'T SEPARATE 'facts' from 'what you think happened' and I will dammed if I would want to be on trial with my life in ANY OF YOUR HANDS. Nope. There wasn't enough to convict her people. Period. The end. The jury wasn't 'dumb' or 'ignorant'. They did their job. Period. Prosecution COULD be blamed but in the end they can only work with what they have. What they have is a community, that while OUTRAGED, still is operating on a 'Its none of my business' mindset. (Mind you they aren't as 'vocal' as 'we' are about it but some of that mindset has permeated their part of society..) The Prosecution also only had but SO MUCH EVIDENCE. They don't have the benefit of working with a crystal ball or by going with 'what they think happened' when folks can actually 'fight it'.  (Which I think is one of the fundamental differences many of you are forgetting when you bring up 'your cases'.) This isn't CSI. Or Law and Order. Or Criminal Minds. When folks can fight it, the cops can't act like Stabler and just 'go at folks 'till they give it up...'. For all of her theatrics, you see WHERE Nancy Grace IS SITTING NOW DON'T YOU? It isn't just the money. You just STRAIGHT CAN'T GO AROUND CLOWNING LIKE THAT IN COURT. @ how she acts. Ya'll niggas been out here watching too much TV if you think the prosecution didn't 'do their job' or the jury. They did. They just didn't win. The end. Period. 

** Don't think for one second that I think Plax 'DESERVED' to do two years either. He didn't. The fact remains, he committed a crime and there WAS SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE that he did it. That's the point. Apples and oranges ladies and gentleman.  @ even trying to bring up the fact that I 'might' think he deserved it. He didn't. Doesn't change the fact that his case was a LOT EASIER to decide than Casey's. It was. Regardless as to how stupid the law in NY is.  

*** Oh and miss me with the 'I don't care about the kid' shit. I care enough about kids to not have to wait for shit like THIS TO HAPPEN TO SPEAK OUT ABOUT SHIT while you let your friends (and lets keep if funky..WHILE YOU DO SHIT ) do shit to 'ruin/kill kids' EVERY DAY OUT IN THESE STREETS. Nigga. Fucking. Please. So you found something to shout about. How about making it a full time crusade then HOLLERING AT ME, PLAIR?  Change up what you and your friends do before you come hollering at me about 'not caring for the kids'. Stop encouraging your 'party buddy' to leave her kid with 'whoever'. Stop selling crack to that 'crackhead' with the four babies. Stop running around here with all that bad aim hitting nigga's kids and shit instead of the nigga you want to hit. Or better yet, stop killing period, encouraging people to kill and leaving kids 'parentless'. aren't gonna do that shit though.



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