No middle ground on the 'Yonce pregnancy I see....Forget her being pregnant lets talk about how some of you are acting out here....

'cause it is pretty damm sad.

Either cats are gonna buy the child it's first gift or folks hate the idea. What happened to the 'middle ground'? and PLEASE DON'T RUN UP ON ME WITH THE 'IDGAF' plea cop. That is not 'middle'. That is far left and YOU KNOW IT 'cause it speaks to your disdain for one or both parties involved 9.99/10. (I don't speak in absolutes when at all possible.)

More interesting than those two notions is the visceral shots thrown AT ANYONE WHO THINKS THE OPPOSITE OF THESE TWO IDEALS. It is like somehow those of you that do this have MANAGED TO MAKE IT ABOUT YOU while still slandering them. How you did it I don't know. Even funnier, you don't even REALIZE that is what you have done.

I mean I have seen it all...Cats mad at folks for being 'happy' for her by throwing out such winners as "Ya'll are acting like you are gonna be at the baby shower or some shit...."/THAT'S WHY YOUR LIL CRUMB SNATCHER DOESN'T HAVE WHAT MINE HAS 'CAUSE YOU ARE TOO WORRIED ABOUT HER...

Meanwhile on the flip side FOLKS ARE EQUALLY AS ANGRY AT THE FOLKS who don't 'welcome the news. Probably due to the insults hurled like the ones I just quoted. Man I don't have time for all of that.

I stand somewhere in the middle of all of that. I mean as someone who actually likes those two (I would be willing to guess that is the root of most of this. The "Do you like 'em or not" context of things....) I am 'positive' about the news. I didn't make an initial post here on the blog but when she put it out there in the pre-interview, I put the pic on FB. . HOWEVER, I really haven't said too much more about it unless asked. Why?

It is not my child nor a child that I will have any factor in rearing. I also know a little bit about child rearing BEYOND the fact that I was one myself so I am not about to pop junk about it. I know how hard it truly is. I know some of you are coming from that 'hurt' place in your life so you are projecting all types of stuff in your comments. I have no ax to grind in that matter. I am not 'mad' at her for being with him. I don't 'hate him for some rap he said or his 'position' in hip hop. I don't 'get mad that people say he OR she is the best doing it in their respective places in the genres of music they do. Not because I agree with that sentiment (One is my favorite and the other I like...but not that high on the list) but because I don't carry those types of feelings over to their personal lives. I'm not about to be out here hoping 'their kid doesn't look like such and such' on some sneak diss type time. Not out here 'hoping that she doesn't end up looking like her mother when she is older' 'cause quite frankly WE ALL GET OLD. Some of us better than others but it happens. Besides, with as reckless as some of you talk about Life in general, I am not expecting you to be here much longer to have to worry about it. It is just not my place to be that invested in what is going on with them and their child. I don't 'hang my hopes of black marriage' on them. I don't need them as role models nor would I want to do that to them. I would rather 'let them cook'.

I am far less invested in 'What kinda parents they are gonna be...' or 'What the child's name is gonna be..." or my all time favorite..."What is the child going to look like?". These are all things we will find out. I'm in no hurry. I have my own to take care of. Which leads me to the speculation...oops I mean slander...'Cause that is what 99% of ya'lls 'slander' really is. Speculation.

Speculation for me isn't as much of a sport as it seems to be for some of you. I like laughs and jokes too but for two people that a lot of you claim not to give a 'fuck about', 75% of your TL has been about 'em if it isn't about the other two characters you claim not to care about. (Wayne and Drake). I would excuse the youngin's from partaking in such bullshit EXCEPT for the fact that they are waxing philosophical about being grown so .....yeah...

So what the (bleep) are you saying Mr. Blogger? Ole Enlightened One? Do tell us.....

(Chuckles) You KNOW what I am saying. The fact that this topic dominated the WHOLE NIGHT INTO THE NEXT DAY is silly. Folks out here worrying about a child that even if it were to turn out 'harmed', that they wouldn't be able to help. Speculating on shit 'just cause they can'. Being hurtful 'for the hell of it'. Same folks that keep wondering why things 'never happen for them'. I don't. It is clear as day why shit doesn't happen for you. Your energy is focused on the wrong thing.

Take this ridiculous notion that some of you are running with that says the pregnancy rates will skyrocket due to this news. Bull. Shit. Matter of fact, let me riddle you this.

Who else got pregnant that caused the other four children that all of these 'ratchet girls' who are gonna follow Beyonce's lead? I'll wait....

I mean folks have been getting pregnant out here a long time and the HISTORY behind it has NOTHING TO DO WITH BEY. She didn't cause your cousin Tremaine to fool with Leroy and have 3 kids by him did she? Oh. She isn't the reason your Pops left your Moms or that you have stepbrothers and stepsisters. Living life in a vacuum for the sake of a joke must be a good time for some of you. Again, I don't wanna hear it is a joke because you 'ran said joke' about twenty times already. "I blame...." You seem REALLY SERIOUS with that. You already have someone in mind when you say stuff like that from what I have seen when I talk to you about it (or see you speak on it) later on down the line.

Another one I would like to dispel is the notion that she 'did it the right way'...(Oh you thought I was only gonna go at one side of this thing didn't you? That's your problem. Not mine. I am not you homie.)

I do understand 'what the right way' is too. That's not what I am arguing. What I am arguing is the notion that 'once you do XYZ then you can no longer be XYZ'. That is my issue. See, I know how this all plays out. You start running with the notion that one can 'never recover' from a mistake and the next thing you know, you guessed.....SOME ONE IS NO LONGER GOING TO GIVE A DAMM. Their actions will never be 'to get right' because they have already messed up in Life. You see that type of attitude every day.* 

So while I get promoting 'the right way' and ideally one would like it to go that way, you HAVE TO LIVE IN THE REAL WORLD. You know where happiness can be achieved more than one way? Where fairy tales don't come true but you turn out more than okay anyway? 

Maybe folks don't want to married out here.** They have their child and they have realized that maybe it needs to be the way it is. I know there are a lot of folks out here who 'bash' the other parent but I know some who have ACTUALLY LET IT GO and just go along their parenting way finding happiness later on in life via someone else once things got settled.  I know some who knew FROM JUMP that they were alone and handled their business and did the same.  Finally, I know some that STILL AREN'T MARRIED but have ADULT CHILDREN and their situation works for them. So while there is an ideal......

Maybe folks don't get 'it right' the first time around and have a kid or three. No need to hand out Scarlet Letters via Beyonce's pregnancy though. Which is what kinda slander is being sent with this message. Lets not act like Bey is the first 'honest' woman out here. She is not. There are plenty of folks out there doing their thing with the child situation either the way she is doing it or in other ways. I don't know Bey personally so I can't speak to how she feels about it but I am doubting she is doing anything else than living her life the best she can. @ any 'messages' she is sending.

It is also pretty funny to hear folks who don't even LIKE relationships speak on Jay/Bey's in absolutes...Cats speaking on folks 'winning' in Life and such but still finding that 'little hole' to poke to keep 'em down a notch. Good job buddy. Hats off to you for the backhanded compliments. Kudos to all of you out there laughing too for without you, this wouldn't be 'entertaining.'. Oh that's right, you are just 'telling' the truth. My bad plair. Keep projecting....I mean telling the your..I mean the truth about THEIR situation. Opinion? You are blurring the line on that one champ. Sorry. See the 'speculation' paragraph above. Now if that is what you get 'paid' to do, COOL. That doesn't mean I have to 'accept' it as the gospel though. So I am not telling you (or your favorite blogger/radio show/whatever person) not to write it. Just know that I am pretty dismissive of some of those notions. Just know if you do this on the regular, just like you see patterns in folks, someone might see one in you. Just saying....

*Reminds me of a particularly ignorant tweet I saw when the Earthquake rumbled our coast the other week in regards to that person 'not doing right because it is all gonna end anyway.' I'd bet money that same person has complained more than once about nobody 'giving a fuck about the plight of the folks where they live' yet they want someone to care while they harvest the attitude that they have. Yeah aight...Folks should care more about you than you do about yourself? What planet do you live on chief? You clearly don't care about yourself or others so why should anyone else? Exactly.

**And maybe folks do. So hold your horses if you think I am on your side if you are a 'marriage basher'. I am not. I respect your right to feel that way. That is all.


  1. *applauds*

    I'm actually way too happy about their pregnancy. lol

    I'm super into pregnancy and the like though, so it's understandable. I was teary-eyed all night and couldn't stop thinking about it today. But some folks ARE on some other shit.

    I saw a chick today say something like "I can't wait til she gets stretch marks so she can mess up her flawless body."


    This same chick made some comments about being glad she wasn't insecure enough to take revealing photos last week so I'm realizing that she might be a little more insecure than she thinks she is.

    Anyway, I'm always happy for people who are happy to become parents...

    also, when if/when i get pregnant, im buying a BEY TAUGHT ME shirt made. lol j/k





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