(Words/Open Letter) This is the "letter" that the Delaware radio station (@Kiss1017) sent to @Tyrese.......

At least this is the letter that was sent to anyone subscribed to their website...To their listeners. So one has to assume that if they put it up on their site, it is official. Don't we? The letter IS ON THEIR WEBSITE BUT LETS FACE IT..Not many people outside of Northern New Castle County/PA and the folks over the Delaware Memorial Bridge are going to GO ON THAT SITE AND SEE THAT. Maybe a blogger like me will but I am talking REGULAR FOLKS. And we know Mr. Gibson isn't going to CHECK THEIR SITE to see what they are saying about him. So...... UPDATE: I see it has gone national AGAIN... Good. It needed to. That's all I wanted. Was for folks to hear the response. .

This is Mr. Gibson's new song btw...
The Making Of: Tyrese - "Stay" feat. Taraji P. Henson from ICED MEDIA on Vimeo.

Clearly there are three sides to every story...Here is Tony Q's side... I will probably write about it in depth later on this week. Minus both parties words..AKA in my own words. I just thought in the name of fairness, I should put up his response and make sure Tyrese had an IMMEDIATE outlet to see other than his record label's email.

The following is a letter that was sent to Tyresses Record Company on the facts! I thought you should know! Tony Q

Tyress I have heard enough of your lies. I am the Owner & General Manager of the station that "kicked" you off the air. Now you know full well what the reason was. In case you forgot I will remind you.

When you came into the station I was informed by my staff that you were not in a good mood. You went on the air and said that you wanted to stop and get a Pepsi and a candy bar. I am surprised that you couldn't tell the difference between a convenience store and a liquor store. You preceded to lecture to the audience that they had to do something about this. That liquor stores should not be near schools. This I do not disagree with but in case you don't know, liquor stores as well as schools are controlled by the state. This is part that upset me. It was they way you spoke on the air. You stereotyped your own culture by calling them Homies ect. Almost blaming Delawareans for allowing liquor stores to be there. The DJ on the air said to you that this is not the only station that has this problem, your reply was I don't care I am here now in Delaware.

As far as I know there are no liquor stores located across the street from a school. I have it all on tape, if you need to be refreshed. What got me real upset was that this was a way for you to promoted your event at the University Of Delaware. You were having a book signing and you were also going to perform. You know Mr.Tyress being a black radio station, its hard enough getting people to advertise on this format and yet when a performer comes to a radio station as a guest and then use the airwaves for personal gain is wrong. Why didn't the college, your record company or your management work out some kind of promotion to invite the people you were lecturing on the air to come to your event. What you did was made your on air time an info commercial. Now I do not expect that from a Black performer to use us. Imagine how I felt that Tyress is going to be performing in our backyard and we didn't even know about it. Nor did our listeners. Maybe you found out that day that it wasn't promoted and you decided to use us rather then support the station that supported you. That's right we were the 1st station in the north east to support you new song.

Also you have the order of what happened on the air wrong. You came on lecturing our listeners, you then asked the DJ if we had any listeners. What kind of question was that if we had any listeners. Then you went right into promoting your big night at the University of Delaware. You received the full air time you deserved. We did not cut off your mike, we did not let the audiences know that the interview was over but you did. You couldn't wait to tweet your words all over and let people believe that you were kicked off because you were talking about a liquor store, that was not the reason. You got away with taking advantage of the only remaining independent station in the North East.

Its situations like this that are killing the Black Division of Record Companies. Do you think for one second if a Pop group was appearing somewhere and that Pop station didn't know about it, what would have happened. That's right, the record of that group would have been pulled. In this case how you acted with your lies you got your own record pulled from the station. You came to the radio station hot and you left hot. Oh by the way I understand that you made a big deal at the Double Tree Hotel behind the station. Something about a room, your mouth got in the way again and they threw you out of there too! You need to check yourself. It could be you.

Now you have taken enough of my energy I wish you well on getting your records played on the major station chains.

Tony Q
Owner and General Manager


  1. Tony q is an idiot- and he really made it worse by that lame ass explanation!





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