(Words) So @kimkardashian's 'divorce' is threatening the 'sanc·ti·ty of marriage/making a mockery of it eh?"

 Ya'll slay me. First it was 'The marriage will never last/lets take bets on how long it would last' and now it is 'Damm.....that quick? I thought it was gonna last for awhile'. Oh NOW ya'll wanna worry about the 'sanctity of marriage' and folks making a mockery of it as if REGULAR FOLKS AREN'T OUT HERE GOUGING HOLES IN IT ON THE REGULAR.

 Not to mention that....Wait...I covered this on MY TIMELINE so I am just going to quote myself in case you missed it.

 I think that just about covers my thoughts on Kim. As you know, I like her look but at the end of the day her marriage is just that...

Her marriage... I don't look to her or ANY OTHER PERSON IN THE PUBLIC EYE AS SOME SORT OF ROLE MODEL FOR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. The thing about marriage is that it doesn't care about 'status' or money. It is hard for EVERYONE so if it didn't work...it didn't work. Whether it took them one day to realize it or 1500 days. As for whether she did it for the money, that isn't my call nor MY CONCERN. I know folks out here who did for the money who are still married and I neither envy them nor worry about how their marriage is going. Those that got divorced in the same situation get equal concern. Zero.

I hear ya'll out here though. 'Mad about it'. (chuckles). Same folks who CLAIM you wouldn't get married anyway or don't believe it in to begin with. Or that it is against 'human nature'. Ya'll sound silly out here spouting off about you 'can't believe it didn't last' when your view of marriage is one of disapproval anyway.

I won't even speak on some of you talking about who have done (or are CURRENTLY DOING)  'devious' things with married people. You can MISS ME ALL THE WAY with the morality talk.

Anyway. Just thought I would address it here so that I wouldn't have to keep answering it. 'Cause you know I was asked since I post her pics up here all the time. I don't think any more or less of her than I did before. Luckily for some of you, I give you that same courtesy. Otherwise, I wouldn't fool with 3/4ths of you if I held you in judgment. Believe that. UPDATE: She released a statement.

*I put the word sanctity up phonetically for a reason. Can you figure out why?


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