(Video) Fan (actually an MC... ) calls out Blu for 'weak performance' on stage..

Interesting. This is the MC that did it... allegedly. The status below gives some credence to that..lol

Dregs One



Now I, obviously, don't think his intentions were to be mean. He was just giving his honest opinion as a fan of the dude's music. He is also not the first person to voice this sentiment when it comes to Blu so.... take that for what it is worth.. What do you think? Was he correct? I mean as a fan who happens to participate in the same occupation, is he not correct in speaking out on it? Or would it be better if he wasn't a fan? I want to hear what ya'll have to say. I say he is right personally IF that is how he felt. (Didn't see the whole performance so I can say it is 'true'..)




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