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This is actually a GOOD EXAMPLE...It also happens to be the latest one I could find.. |
Shoutout to the person I just posted up here. I'm appreciate you coming through. Truly. This is NOT ABOUT YOU PER SAY. You are one of the 'good' folks. I think.... Unless you got sidetracked on your mission of 'looking for dirt' by the women...lmao
I think that anyone who is TRULY INVOLVED ON THE INTERNET LIKES IT WHEN SOMEONE INQUIRES ABOUT THEM VIA THE 'Google search' method. What is usually the first thing out of someone's mouth when another person says "You aren't famous...."
GOOGLE ME THEN!! @ the response.
It is flattering. However, it can be 'detrimental' or at least annoying when you KNOW SOMEONE IS OUT HERE TRYING TO DEFAME YOUR CHARACTER by putting in your name in that search box. Of course now the easy (and the most flippant response given by most people) is to...well....NOT PARTAKE IN DEFAMING ACTS. That would be cool if we were all robots. Alas, we are not. Some of us also have some folks outchea who DON'T LIKE US A WHOLE LOT AND WOULD THINK OF PUTTING OUT FALSE INFORMATION IF THEY KNEW SOMEONE WOULD BELIEVE IT. Seeing as though folks have a penchant for wanting to believe 'the bad in someone' WAY BEFORE THEY WOULD EVER BELIEVE THE GOOD, you probably know how that ends.
All bad.
Anyway, back to my point. I just wanted to make a personal post for all of you out there GETTING ON BING, YAHOO, GOOGLE and trying to find out WHAT YOU CAN about the person called 'Carolinaware'.
You should probably worry about your own life. If you MUST know though, instead of doing little lame Internet searches and shit, WHY DO YOU GROW A SET AND COME ASK ME ON TWITTER?
I know why some of you don't ask though. Some of you have been so STAUNCH in your views that you have painted yourself into a corner. You can't ask me certain shit 'cause it would contradict your VERY PUBLIC SOAPBOX on issues that you speak on for reasons I won't blast you for here. Just know I know you are using that 'soapbox' as a shield to protect you from....YOURSELF. I see you outchea ... I'm just saying that you don't have to do that. I know you are human. Trust me. We all are.*
I'm not going to sit up here and act like on some level, exposure for the things I do is not what I'm after. That would be silly. This isn't some 'secret' blog or some shit. It is PUBLIC FOR A REASON. My 'name' is in the title for crying out loud. However, I like to think that the spirit that I run it (and my Twitter) is in such a manner that I try to do things that I wouldn't be too terribly upset if folks did to me. Not as an act either. I am like that 'offline' (I hate that term but it fits....here..) I am not a spiteful person. I'm not out to get over on anyone's pain and suffering nor do I enjoy watching innocent folks suffer. I have the SAME THOUGHTS some of you have about certain things but I USUALLY can remember that I (and the rest of us) are only a step or two from being in some of those SAME SITUATIONS (or we were at one time unless you lived in a damm bubble) so there is no need to kick folks repeatedly while they are down. That's why I don't 'report' on certain shit. It is unnecessary and overkill a lot of the times so I don't 'throw my two cents'. I know the REST OF THE WORLD DOESN'T OPERATE IN THIS FASHION THOUGH. So my guard is UP. There are certain things that I keep to myself. ** There are a lot of things I don't though so if you feel the need to 'sift through the Internet' to see how I felt about such and such or if I was 'much more liberal with the pictures in my younger days', KNOCK YOURSELF OUT. I will own up to it, stand by it, denounce it if my views have changed as I have GROWN THE FUCK UP, etc, etc, etc. No problems with that here homie. Dig away...
So go on ahead. Google my name. See what you get. You may find out I frequented a VERY POPULAR MESSAGEBOARD, which I talk about (and talk with those folks IN FRONT OF YOU) ALMOST EVERY DAY. You might find some pictures FOR THIS VERY SITE and this point and time. You might even find some archived posts on said site. Hope you find 'whatever' it is you are looking for. Just know...
You could always just ASK ME. It works you know. To my folks who already know this, you better tell these fools. I will tell them what they need to know and then tell them about themselves all in one breath...
*Shoutout to my folks who KNOW THEY ARE HUMAN AND WHILE THEY DON'T ACT ALL THE WAY THE HELL UP, AT LEAST THEY OWN UP TO THEIR HUMAN ERRORS AND LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. I salute you. More folks need to give themselves (and the people they love) that kinda leeway instead of going so hard and back sliding HEAVY when they do 'fall'.
**Sometimes you have to give your ears the same amount of chances you give your mouth. - A WHOLE LOT OF FOLKS 'ELDERS' HAVE SAID THIS..I know mine did. I listened.
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