(Picture) @KingJames X @Slamonline X Cover X "Hi Hater"

Almost makes me wish I had went ahead and published the post I did on this. Hell, I might give you a couple of pieces of what I was going to write...Keep scrolling down.. This cover is about what I had in mind though... Doesn't guarantee him a ring but...this probably won't hurt...

Funny how folks were mad at Ray like he was DRAFTED by the Celtics or something. He had to sign off to come to Boston last I checked.. Crazy listening to fans that have had teams with 4-5 HOF a pop on the SAME TEAM. Very interesting to hear the 'manufactured' team bullshit.

Rashard's contract has made him the butt of jokes but lets not get it twisted, he can be key.

You don't respect it? Oh well... You better do like Rik Flair ...learn to live with it....This is one of my followers agreeing with Pistol Water Pete....

The picture speaks for itself but I guess I have to remind you folks that unless you have won a chip with ALL PLAYERS that your team has drafted, I probably don't respect much of what you are talking about when you say stupid shit like this. Let me say it for you REAL SLOW...

Any move..made by any team/player is done for the BETTERMENT OF THEIR SITUATION. What that 'betterment' is depends on the person. If you would have went for the money, good for your greedy ass. He wanted the chip. The same way any GM WHO BRINGS IN TALENT WANTS THE CHIP. You don't frown on that do you? If you do, you are an idiot.

But it wasn't done the 'traditional' way....- You

Folks couldn't drink at certain water fountains a long time ago either. You suggesting we go back to that? Women couldn't work nor vote...I guess you support 'tradition in that sense' too huh? Traditional my ass. Players had no leverage before so....DUH...this didn't happen before. No shit Sherlock. In some cases, SOME DID HAVE IT and messing around with their pride, they had to leave the game without the one thing that all of them wish they had. A ring. Some folks DID TRY AND PLAY WITH THEIR 'RIVALS'/FRIENDS and DIDN'T GET THE JOB DONE. I shouldn't have to holler their names. You should know them.

I've heard all types of bullshit about folks not 'jumping at the chance to play with their friends' on a high level from the SAME FOLKS WHO DON'T LIKE PLAYING 5-5 AT THE DAMM PARK without their '5'. So miss me with that 'I don't respect it..." Some of you won't even PLAY BASKETBALL WITHOUT YOUR 'BOYS' or I have seen you switch teams and SIT OUT GAMES so you could play with your friends...lol* 

He signed a contract. He fulfilled said contract. That's it. 

The other issue that I've had with 'the criticism' is the fence straddling idea that 'they didn't have a team' and they would never win ANYTHING when they would lose a game to the OTHER POLAR OPPOSITE VIEW CARRIED BY THE SAME FOLKS OF 'They have the three best players so they should win'....Which. One. Is. It? Make. Up. Your. Mind. Stop moving the goal posts folks. **

The idea that this sews up chips for him for YEARS TO COME is pretty wild (not ABSOLUTELY CRAZY THOUGH) but EQUALLY WILD is the 'he has only won one' meme that you guys keep going with like the cat can win 'more than one at a time'. That's laughable and pretty outlandish. He can only play for one chip at a time folks. I mean IF THEY DO WIN NEXT YEAR (They are my favorites), what are you gonna do? Come back to the same meme again? *tears* You sound like a four year old and shit. Stop.  Same way that him 'only winning one' doesn't mean he is going to win more is the same way that you can't count him out in games that HAVE NOT EVEN BEEN PLAYED YET. Lets just wait and see shall we? I mean I know y'all like to 'be right and shit' so making such an outlandish statement is the norm but damm. smh

It was nice to hear that Wade was actually hurt too. Lets go on ahead and act like that had 'no bearing' on things at all though like y'all tend to do. @ his knee. I mean I was critical of Wade (Even took to calling him Tyrone on Twitter..it is in the archives somewhere..) but I also said I would give him a pass if it was because of that balky knee. It was. So here is his pass. Not like he NEEDS IT THOUGH CAUSE IT WASN'T LIKE HE DIDN'T DO SQUAT. He gutted it out and turned in some stellar performances. You could tell they weren't typical performances of his though. That's all. For those of you who follow me on Twitter, there is your explanation for the 'Tyrone' thing. lol All in good fun. I am a Wade fan actually. Have been since Marquette. (He won me a lot of money that year!) 

Anyway...I hope TEAM USA wins the chip so that EVERYONE on the team gets to feel like a Champ this year...I won't hope that Lebron 'gets a break' 'cause I know some of you hate him like he stole something from you or something..smh

*I'm sure SOMEBODY IS READING THIS RIGHT NOW SAYING.."I know someone like that....OH shit..it is ME..." 

** I'd say by the addition, the 'whole team' thing probably isn't going to be used as much... @ all the belly aching.





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