(Official Music Video) @OTRecords X @BobbyDimesOT X "Reality TV" prod. by @therealsap directed by @KrisBlackMedia

Dope write up on Bobby here....

I've heard a lot of you say that rappers 'glorify jail' with their 'guts and glory'. Well here is a rapper that is giving you OTHER SIDE OF THAT GUTS AND GLORY. I commend him for letting it be known about the 'OTHER SIDE' of what happens after 'shit gets real'. A lot of you rappers out here talking about what you bust or what you will do* would NEVER DARE KEEP IT THIS FUNKY. Bobby did. Hats off to Bobby for this joint. It is the message the youth (Hell SOME ADULTS) NEED TO HEAR. I see you Bobby. Growth right before folks eyes.. Good work. Ditto to Kris Black (and Matty for reaching out to Kris for thinking OUTSIDE OF THE BOX with this video. Very clear message. Don't miss the message y'all. The message is CLEAR and it is important. Don't let these folks out here whether in song or in the streets 'fool you into thinking that jail and the like is cool or fun'. It isn't. It is the real deal and it isn't fun. Hence the title of the song...

*But haven't done it.....Lets keep it funky. I'm not saying you 'need to do it' either. It is just a fact.


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