Man vs. Food.

This is one of those shows that I KNOW DAMM WELL I am not supposed to like but yet I WATCH IT EVERY TIME IT COMES ON TV.

Just to see this fool eat stuff like this here...That has got to be enough pancakes to serve you, me and at least one of our kids. And I can EAT so you know it is a lot.

His whole digestive system must HATE HIM some days....

Here he is in Durham, NC....



  1. I really like this show. It's just ridiculous. I think the best one was when he had this huge steak to eat and he like 5 bites left and couldn't do it.

  2. That 72 oz steak show made MY STOMACH HURT. I LOVE STEAK TOO. I just don't know if eating 72 ounces of it is healthy for ANY

    He must not have eaten for DAYS after doing that!

  3. (Blog user error deletion)

    Pigskin Loving Lady- LOL I love this show. I curse and get hungry all while watching it. That hamburger looked tasty!!
    I bet his gets a colonic weekly! LMAO





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