(Words) LeGarrette Montez Blount punch.... The Boise State Incident

I am on vacation but I had to slide over to update on this one. (Bear with me ya'll...I will be at it like normal on Monday!)

Now I am NOT saying ole boy was right for punching him but WHO DA HELL RUNS UP ON SOMEONE TO TAUNT THEM WITHOUT THEIR HELMET ON? I also wanna know where the Boise St. player was from 'cause where I am from, you don't run up on someone, pop shit and then turn your back on them. I hear the announcers talking about the 'taunting' and sportmanship in regards to the player & the punch AND THEN turn around and 'excuse' the taunting by the Boise State player.

I will say it again. You can't go around messing with people and expect them to react the way YOU WANT THEM TO. While there are rules to the World, I think that sometimes there should be exceptions. Suspend the man for a couple of games? Sure. Suspend him for THE SEASON??

Man FOH!!! (F#$# Outta Here)



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