I was thinking about this role model shit for some time... We need to SERIOUSLY rethink using this role model thing. It isn't working out. At all. We are picking 'human' models' and getting mad when they act...well...HUMAN. The nerve of him/her...smh Why on Earth would he dare act 'human'? Lets see. 'Cause they are HUMAN? Hmmm. Imagine that. Look, I understand the need to have people to emulate and all of that, I really do. But you should be teaching your kids to decipher the good and the bad and how to learn from both. That,"I only want my kids to know the good things about him so he needs to be good at all times for my sake" is a MAJOR COPOUT. Selfish bastards..I don't know about you, but I am thinking that if you only learn the good things how are you going to be able to cope with the bad things in life? Oh that's right, my bad. Bad things only happen to bad people and you are not a bad person. Fuck outta here with that bullshit....That is what is wrong with people now. Living in fantasy land. Ole candy ass people..
TMZ got ya'll thinking 'we have the right to know' shit. No WE DO NOT. I could see if we were INVOLVED in the situation or were gonna be able to help him. We are none of the above. Just nosy bystanders looking for the next trainwreck. We don't have a right to know anything but about whatever ability said person displays that puts them in said spotlight. He is a golfer. If you wanna go in on something, go in on that. Oh that's right, YOU CAN'T. That fool is the best golfer in the World arguably. When his golf game takes a SEVERE nose dive, talk about that.
Now I gotta hear all types of bullshit from people who quite frankly, AREN'T IN A RELATIONSHIP AT THE MOMENT, have a REALLY bad track record (and openly complain about it) all the time or are not married. It has sparked all types of stupid debates/comments/trending topics and 'status updates. Single people getting mad at married people again. Married people acting brand new like they don't know the 'codes' to the shit. Calling it idiotic yet giving advice on how they would do it at the same time. Saying what he should do. Saying what she should do. Really? I mean if it is not for you, it isn't for you. No problem. But the bashing? Really? Stop that childish shit.
"And as for the critics, tell me I don't get it
Everybody can tell you how to do it, they never did it" - Jay-Z Already Home
^^^^That pretty much sums up how I feel about alladat^^^^^^ Yes, I know not EVERYONE learns over time and all of that happy shit but I will tell you what. I am going to ask the person who has done it or is CURRENTLY doing it (who will tell it like it is) rather than some person that I 'like'. That is some of you peoples problem now. Seeking out the wrong advice 'cause of the source because the source is 'not like you'. Not young. Not 'hip'. Not in your lil 'circle'. Some cat who has NEVER DONE IT. How's that working out for you? I already know how it is working out for you. You complain about it everyday in my time lines and shit on the Net. If you think I am talking to you then I AM TALKING TO YOU TOO.
He shoulda just told her he wanted an open relationship..
Yeah, 'cause she was down for that probably and he was just an idiot for not asking. Why I oughta.....Dumb ass. No YOU woulda went for that. You are putting your ideas on 'her' again! You are not her and she is not you! First of all, SHE WOULD HAVE TO WANT THAT you idiot. If she doesn't want that then even if he asks and she says 'yes', all it will be is her placating him..You TELL ME how that is gonna end up ole super genius? I'll take not well for a thousand, Alex....
My favorite though is this one. "Men aren't shit..."
Yeah, 'cause he and all the other dudes were fucking themselves. @ those involved with other women. Miss me with the deflective shield responses to that too. "Well, it isn't the other parties relationship. It is his."/"It is the dudes that mess up..." "Men ain't shit." and the other responses that put the onus SOLELY on the dude. Talk about excuses! . If you are wrong, you are wrong. Period. Men and women. Last I checked, most of these women EVEN HAVE HAD BFS/FIANCEES/ and (gasp) husbands too that fool around with dudes. So it seems to me, we aren't the only ones with a lil trouble keeping it in our pants now are we? Some of ya'll have a REAL ISSUE with not riding on poles that don't belong to you. It is like you see the pole and JUST HAVE TO RIDE IT. But we are the ones with the 'ego' issues..Chile please- Ocho Cinco
He made his bed...He has to lay in it...
I agree actually if he stays. Of course there is a limit but I am not here to set all of that. Here is what I don't like though...Some of you people seem to think that people don't do this or that you saying it makes it 'better' somehow. THEY DO. All the time. I tell you I don't know too many men who have not 'sat there and ate every bit of criticism that they have gotten for fucking up'. Laid in their bed that they made by staying around in marriages (and relationships), taking the 'shade' that they get. Taking the 'checking of email', the COMPLETE RUNDOWNS of their daily schedule, the 'pop up visits' when they say they are going to their boys house and all of that shit. (Oh yeah, we ARE GONNA TALK ABOUT THIS SHIT TODAY. Fuck that!)Women too! They have done it just as well. That 'possessive' mate you don't like that your friend has (whom you have helped 'creep' on many an occasions but he 'don't know about all that'. Yeah her..)? There is a reason why he is like that. He knows what it is. Trust me. That intuition thing is not exclusive to ya'll. Trust me. Why do you think that your 'favorite' uncle/auntie can't make a damm move WITHOUT YOUR OTHER RELATIVE knowing their every move even though they have been together for 40 some years? Oh, you thought it was because they 'loved' them like that and they have a perfect relationship huh? You idiot! You are a fool. No, motherfucker, someone fucked up probably. Shit, probably BOTH OF 'EM truthfully. Ask around and actually listen to the context clues. Ask your 'cool' relative sometime. They might let you in on some shit. It will all make sense. Why do you think that older people just 'chuckle' when we younger people get all up in arms about this stupid shit? 'Cause this shit HAS BEEN GOING ON YA'LL. I heard someone say it is the 'year of the sidepiece'. No. We just get the info a lil sooner now. That's all. Been going on. My beef with my elders is that they didn't tell me SOONER. Coulda saved me some bullshit on all sides, including me from my own bullshit. (Oh you thought I wasn't gonna get real with it didn't you?) Yeah, thank me later...So if that man decides to rearrange that 'nup or not, who am I to say shit about it? For those of you have wondered why people 'bounce' after they get caught up, re-read what I just wrote. It should all make sense now. It gets THAT HECTIC and honestly, you can't blame folks for a lil bit if that is how they act. I won't put up the lil cliches and stuff. You know them well. @ the bonds broken and all of that.
Now before you just jump to the conclusion that I am saying the boy was right/justified/or any of that fagazzi shit, RE-READ what I typed. Not all. I just know that nothing is black and white like many of you would love it to be. There are other things to look at and I am a lil tired of seeing people using these events to spew their own lil brand of one sided hatred about things that have happened in their past with men, relationships in general or any of that stuff.
This is just one of the many tweets that sum up what I am saying...
RT @215tayyib: fact = people cheat + have sex, Politicians, Clergymen, Rabbi's, Imam's, Athletes, Celebrities and your neighbor...
I don't have to get off my soapbox 'cause I was laying down when I typed this shit...You FIGURE out what I mean when I say that. Nor do I expect you to agree with me. Do what you do dammit. Agree or not. No sweat offa my back. Ya heard?
I feel you and agree with your points of view.. I also can relate with your disgust. If your own home aint taken care of how you going to tell others what to do and what no to do?
ReplyDeleteteach, pastor....