Not saying this is NOT her but we can't see her face.....We see the hair and the likeness though.
Update: It is her. Here are the other pics...
Here is my thing. There are DANCE CLASSES that themed around pole dancing that you can take a the damm YMCA!!! (Or at most fitness centers that offer 'dance' classes) Okay, she got a pole. Oooooohhhh.
You wouldn't want your little girl modeling herself after her would you Mr. Blogger?- You
Here ya'll go again with the lazy parenting. Every time something goes wrong, you motherfuckers wanna just step to the side and blame some 'beauty pageant' winner for behaviors that your favorite musicians/entertainers/actresses condone and co-sign EVERY DAY. Ya'll motherfuckers need to quit that shit. Excuse my language. You do though. Somehow, these young ladies aren't supposed to 'act their age' and do things that are pretty damm normal for people who go out. You guys need to bring your expectations down a thousand. I would no more expect my daughters to act like ANYONE who is a FULL FLEDGED ADULT 'cause they are (gasp)....CHILDREN.. No child should be acting as adult ANYWAY. They are CHILDREN. So lets allow them to act like children. Lets start there.
Get a hold of yourselves people. We are ALL SINNERS. Every last one of us. Even the beauty pageant winners. I am not even sure 'what' she did was that bad. But of course, you guys are gonna make some big huge moral deal about it. IF IT IS EVEN HER..lol
Here is a BRILLIANT IDEA THOUGH. Why don't we stop making them role models or adjust the word a bit so that it would reflect what REALLY IS GOING on out here in the World. You know, since we keep 'discovering' that our selections aren't perfect like 'we' would like them to be. Just a thought. Or are you guys just going to keep trying to drive that square peg into that round hole because they are both shapes?
Have fun and make sure you board your glass houses up....
I guess ya'll hated these pictures huh? lol
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