More of Foreign Exchange from their West Coast swing. Amoeba Music performance..

Sorry....Been on the road for a bit so these are posts I wanted to make but couldn't quite get to like I wanted to via the Blackberry. So here you go...Enjoy.

The Foreign Exchange - Daykeeper // Amoeba, SF from About Her Films on Vimeo.

Go here and watch more of videos like this...I won't post ALL OF THEIR videos up here. I will direct you to the source of the person who posted them.

Courtesy of Self Diggy

From Yahzarah - The Ballad of Purple Saint James (2010) +FE Music

Yoshi's San Francisco July 23rd 2010

The Foreign Exchange Live 2010 is Nicolay (Keyboards/Samples), Phonte (Lead Vocals), Darien Brockington (Co-lead Vocals), YahZarah (Co-lead Vocals), Zo! (Keyboards), Kush El-Amin (Bass), Chris Boerner (Guitar), Chris "Biscuit" Bynum (Drums), Aimee Flint (Director of Operations)

and MC Walrus (Phonte)...I spoke of them doing this when I saw them in Baltimore here and here....

Phonte's humorous take on Reggae music.
Yoshi's San Francisco
The Foreign Exchange Live 2010 is Nicolay (Keyboards/Samples), Phonte (Lead Vocals), Darien Brockington (Co-lead Vocals), YahZarah (Co-lead Vocals), Zo! (Keyboards), Kush El-Amin (Bass), Chris Boerner (Guitar), Chris "Biscuit" Bynum (Drums), Aimee Flint (Director of Operations)



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