This is another one of those topics that I have sat back and watched my social networking circle (and those immediately outside of it) go ON AND ON AND ON ABOUT. I heard it all.
The girls he picked weren't cute enough.
Why didn't he have anymore black woman on the show.
He needs to do....
He should know how this looks..
The list of 'projecting type comments' went on and on. It was so vile that it compelled Chad to answer. What I find funny is the same people I see 'typing' all of these responses are the first to say 'I do what I want to do.' 'I march to the beat of my own drummer.' 'Interracial dating? Gays? I don't care what they do. It is a free country. Doesn't bother me.' The minute a man that they 'know of' comes on a dating show, on a network that they ADMIT PRODUCES PRETTY TRASHY SHOWS TO BEGIN WITH, doesn't do as they please that all changes. All of the sudden he is supposed to 'march to the beat of their drum' (beliefs). All of the sudden it is not such a free country 'cause he is making 'black men' look bad. Look, I am a Steelers fan so I don't have too much overflowing love for Chad the football player but as a man, I can't do nothing but respect him. He hustles. He works hard. He takes care of HIS BLACK BABIES. (Ever seen a picture of them? Go use Google.) He hasn't shot anyone. He hasn't poisoned our community with drugs. He isn't appearing in backwards 'Stop Snitching' campaigns or none of that. He interacts with his fans to the fullest AND UNLIKE most of your neighbors, HE TAKES CARE OF HIS KIDS. There are some who have made the decision to do just what you are 'demanding' Chad do who have done all of these things AND hurt the community by not fulfilling their obligations as a father. Shit, some of them are YOUR PARENTS, brothers, uncles, friends. So I am not sure about all this uproar. You might want to direct that anger elsewhere.
So what I don't get is 'Why the uproar?" How do you even feel 'entitled' to feel some type of way about who that man is seeing? Before you ask me, NO. I don't get mad when Halle Berry fucks with white boys. She is not my woman nor do I own the right to make her chose who she dates. Bad example? Whatever. It won't matter who you name. Light skin. Dark skin. Mixed. I don't get mad about that stuff. Never did. It is not one person's job to 'carry that torch'.
Is this a new trend? Hell no. This stupid childish mentality has been going on for decades. I remember in high school I had friends who dated outside of their race. They caught MUCHO FLACK for it from people. Most of whom NEVER INTENDED ON DATING THEM in the first place. How do I know? They ASKED THOSE PEOPLE OUT AND THEY SAID NO. How is that for some bullshit? No, I don't want to date you but I am going to judge the shit outta you for wanting to date her over there because she is a different color than me. Really? Fuck outta here with that. Now before they said 'No' their opinion should not have mattered but after you make it clear you don't want them it REALLY BECOMES IRRELEVANT. That sense of 'entitlement' gets on my nerves far more than anyone dating 'white girls exclusively' or 'anyone not of their specific race'. Far more. You don't own all of black men. Just like black men don't own all black women. People can date who they want.
Now something to get your panties in a bunch about is 'picking bad people to be in a relationship' PERIOD. Regardless of race. Now that, I can see. This nonsense though? Bullshit. Half of ya'll wouldn't fuck with Chad if he was 'Chad the Mechanic'. I know his inner 'ninja' wants to say 'Fuck ya'll' so bad. He is a business man though so he knows just what to say to keep you tuning in anyway. Even as you claim you don't 'buy what he is sayin'. You will still tune in. Here is Chad's eloquent statement...
And I still haven't watched the show...If I did, I would just tell you. I have watched my share of 'train wreck TV' as I like to call it. On that channel no less.
"Imagine if I bought a bag of skittles and only ate the green ones. That would be a waste of a bag of skittles. I'm gonna eat 'em all. Romance doesn't fit in a box, and neither does my Johnson. Ok, all kidding aside, my new reality show is about having fun, meeting women and hopefully finding that ultimate catch, whatever race, creed or color she might be.
As a kid growing up, I developed a strong sense of self-worth from the incredible women in my life, all of whom were black. I am the man who I am today because of black women, and I am forever grateful for the values and strength they instilled in me. With all that being said, I was surprised by all of hate that I got from the decisions that were made on the first episode of my reality show Sunday night. The next day, when I went on twitter and saw a lot people talking about how I didn't pick enough black women or how they weren't cute or I picked them all at the made my stomach turn. Look....if my mama and my grandmama, the two women who raised me, ain't got a problem with the women I choose in life, no matter what race they are, then it shouldn't be a problem to anyone. Bottom line is that I love black women. I got four beautiful children and their mother is black.
However, I'm still single, ready to mingle and a Cincinnati if you see me on the street, please feel to slip me your business card or your number, whether your green, purple, blue or how I like 'em, pink on the inside. That covers all y'all...right? So, I hope we're good. Either you fly with me or get flown over. Love and let live.
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