Surprise surprise..the FBI wants in on your Blackberry, Twitter and Facebook convos...

We aren't shocked are we?

Didn't think so...I mean they already do it but it takes a little bit of doing. Once this passes, it will just be 'random'...(AKA, they are just gonna do it when they feel like it pretty much...)

CBS News...

The newspaper said the White House plans to submit a bill next year that would require all online services that enable communications to be technically equipped to comply with a wiretap order. That would include providers of encrypted e-mail, such as BlackBerry, networking sites like Facebook and direct communication services like Skype.

Federal law enforcement and national security officials say new the regulations are needed because terrorists and criminals are increasingly giving up their phones to communicate online.

The proposal is certain to enliven the debate over the delicate balance between personal privacy and the government's need to monitor potential security threats evolving on terror groups' new communication mode of choice - the Internet.


  1. this is very disturbing.

    there are certain things i am not willing to give up in this war on terror...more of my privacy is one of them.





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