I haven't 'talked to ya'll' in a minute on some 'everyday shit' so I decided to do it with this post. If you are new here my apologies in...... no wait, I take that back. You came HERE. I didn't force you to come. You don't like it? You can roll. It is aight with me..
We are going to deal with a little 'reality' today. We are going to deal with the facts of the matter. They are this. Whether you like it or don't like it, some of these females are TAKEN. All the way taken. I know that 'ruins' it for some of you. It is okay. You NEED TO BE CHECKED ON IT anyway. lol I believe that is her man in the flick with her. I put it up ON PURPOSE.
Why am I doing this? Because I know for some of you, when you see these gals, since you can't get at 'em or wouldn't be able to handle the PRESSURE OF BEING WITH THEM, you have to 'label' 'em. It makes you feel better about yourselves or about looking at 'em. Not having 'em. You (and your boys) sit around calling 'em all types of names and as soon as you see someone with her doing EXACTLY WHAT YOU WOULD BE DOING WITH HER IF YOU HAD HALF THE CHANCE, he is a sucker. So this post is for you. For all you sucker ass ni##as that can't stand to see somebody with someone that you want. Those of you who have to take things back to the 2nd grade and let the 'girl in you' show by throwing shade at the dude who has enough CONFIDENCE to be with a girl that you could only dream of having. 'Cause even if you DID HAVE HER, you are so much of a sucker that you would 'sabotage it' due to the fact that your insecure ass couldn't handle other ni##as looking at her. Or her having 'options'. Despite the fact that you are the baddest ni##a walking the Earth. So yeah, this post is for you tough guy! Go ahead and speculate on what type of man the dude in the picture is with your homoerotic ass. Make comments about what he looks like. It is okay. He can't see the bitch in you from behind your computer or wherever it is you are viewing this at. Oh and if you happen to 'KNOW HER' and know she is (insert the typical names here)? Just remember that the World is WAY BIGGER THAN THE thirty people or so that you know who 'told you in good faith' that she is a such and such. It is funny the bits of info people 'choose' to hang on to. You need to be that diligent about your OWN BUSINESS and making yourself better.
No. I don't know either one of them. I am just a little tired of the same back biting, wack ass commentary that I see people engaging in while their non pussy getting asses drool over the books, the pictures, the calendars, and the like they have never seen any in their lives.....Nobody EVER calls you on it. So I will. Sorry for those of you who came here to look at the pics and just be out. I have plenty of posts where I do just post the pics and that is it.
Some of you need to SERIOUSLY re-evaluate what it is you 'stand for'. @ wack ass ways of looking at things. I am all for the 'putting the Cape away' but some of you mofos bring out that saying out when it is someone that you WANT or are just jealous of. Period. I see you. Ole hide behind the 'hood sayings' ass mofo. Stop that shit. 'Cause when it is YOU with the pretty girl, it is 'Aww ni**as are just hating on your boy...'..But when it is the next man, he is some type of sucker or she is a whore. Really? FOH...
"But my Dad (parent, OG, Mom, whatever) always told me that girls that dress like that are......- You and your excuse."
Oh NOW YOU WANNA LISTEN TO YOUR OG'S ADVICE?? Really? You didn't listen to anything else they told you but you CHOOSE THIS ONE TO HANG YOUR HAT ON EH? Didn't listen to them when they told you stay in school, stop hanging with that no good ni##as who STAYS IN AND OUT OF JAIL, don't take that job, don't do drugs, don't play with guns, DON'T GO OUT LOOKING FOR TROUBLE, don't do this or that.....and NOW you wanna come running up on folks with what you were 'told as a youngster'? Awfully suspect of you...(Chuckles) Good one!!! Now if only you were taking the rest of their advice....You just want to feel better about yourself. Just admit it man...Stop it WITH THE COPPING PLEAS...
Anyway. Enjoy the pics and the video...
You have NO IDEA how much you made my day with this post. I love-love-love it when you go off. Mhm.