@Bilal_Oliver at Yoshi's in Oakland, California...

Shot by Sef Diggy..who has his own spot that is the truth. You should peep it.

Matter of fact, he put up four vids..I will put up two of those and you can peep the rest of them at that link above. Deal? Good.

Bilal Oliver and company played 4 incredible shows this weekend in Oakland at Yoshi's Jazz Club. Fred Shavies and I collaborated on shooting this event. Enjoy!

Film, Photos & Post Production by Seth Bailey for http://SEFDIGGY.COM
Film & Photos by Fred Shavies for http://3680Photography.com

Bilal Oliver - Vocals, Songwriting, Production
Steve McKie - Drums, Production
Tone Whitfield - Bass
Chris Turner - Vocals
Corey Bernhard - Keys
Mike Severson - Guitar
Bilal Oliver and company played 4 incredible shows this weekend in Oakland at Yoshi's Jazz Club. Fred Shavies and I collaborated on shooting this event. Enjoy!

Film & Post Production by Seth Bailey for http://SEFDIGGY.COM
Film & Photos by Fred Shavies for http://3680Photography.com

Bilal Oliver - Vocals, Songwriting, Production
Steve McKie - Drums, Production
Tone Whitfield - Bass
Chris Turner - Vocals
Corey Bernhard - Keys
Mike Severson - Guitar


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