Lets play a game. Its called OVERREACT! Will the Heat ever win a game?

Will the Heat even make the playoffs? Will the Heat ever.......They LOST...OMG the season is OVER. You hear me? They suck. Well, there goes their chance to go 82-0.....They are 9 wins away from NOT BEING ABLE TO TIE THAT BULLS RECORD...(More on that later..) They aren't shi.......

Oh wait...It is the first game. There are 81 more to go...They need work though. There is no center. The point guard play needs to be decided. I think that they aren't trying to 'tip their hand' on how they are gonna handle that. @ letting Lebron ultimately running it. In the meantime, they need to find a way to get things running smoothly 'till they are ready to let Lebron run it either late in the game or later on in the season for good. However......it is just one game.

Lets calm down....

Oh and I am not sure where the whole 'predict their record' thing came from. The year that Jordan and Co. did that, NOBODY WAS PREDICTING THEM TO DO IT. The Lakers, who are the CHAMPS, have not had that kinda 'question' linger over them. So I am not getting that one. At all. They never said they would do that. @ the Heat so don't say it 'they bought that on themselves..'. They did not.

The Celtics did what they were supposed to do and played as a team. I think Miami can do that too. It will take about 60 of those aforementioned games to really get that down....and I don't see D. Wade shooting 4-16 (but with 6 assists) every game (even big ones) either. Hammy or not.

The sad thing is, if they would have won, I would have STILL HAD TO MAKE THIS POST, 'cause folks would have STILL FORGOTTEN. It is one game. The FIRST GAME at that.

How is that 'Robin' theory that ya'll had working out for ya? You know where you said Lebron wouldn't score anywhere near the points he did. Unless Wade would be out the game. Wade missed shots but it wasn't like he wasn't SHOOTING the ball. I am sure that there will be adjustments. Hell, there were some made in the second half of this game....


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