Brendan Haywood's flagrant foul on @BlakeGriffin...why it isn't a 'good' thing.

Look, I grew up watching cats getting FUCKED UP GOING TO THE LANE so before you come running up on me with the 'you don't know anything about that' STOP. Yes it used to happen. Often. The old 'If you can't beat 'em, BEAT 'EM UP...' mentality. My favorite player had to endure it and they changed the rules because of it....(He didn't complain and neither has Blake so don't start that shit...)

Thing is though we NOW get at hockey for the fights and brag that you can't do it in basketball so you can't have it both ways. I am ALL FOR HARD FOULS WHILE MAKING A PLAY ON THE BALL, WRAPPING A CAT UP SO HE CAN'T GET A SHOT UP and the like. Not that shit that Brendan did though. @ grabbing him middair by the arm and swinging him around. It is akin to bridging people in basketball to me. Oh you don't what 'bridge' means? Yeah...the discussion is done then 'cause that means you don't play, have not played or don't have the 'knowledge' of basketball you thought you did. Taking folks out of the air is not what's up...Sorry. This isn't football. It isn't boxing.

Remember this shit here?

Everything that happened up until the fan participation was 'normal' behavior right and you SAW WHAT HAPPENED? You want that again?

Isolated incident you say? How about NO it wasn't?

Now I know some of you could give less than a fuck if they fought and the effect it would have. I don't wanna see that shit. I wanna see basketball man. Period. Play better defense if you can't stop that man or get outta the way. Put the ho ho's down, stop going down Miami during the off season and work on your game.

I said on Twitter that I felt that Blake should adopt the Karl Malone style of dunking so maybe that will help..

Here is the foul...It isn't 'horrible' but the news outlets are running it like 'That what teams are going to start doing...' so.... Now when Blake swings on someone he will be wrong though..smh...and WHERE ARE HIS TEAMMATES? That shit can't happen! 13th man needs to come in and take one for the team.....oops...I am talking old school again..Let em stop..


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