@shizznitty B.O.S.S. (Business Over Sucker Sh#t) NOW available on iTunes!

Here is a link and a screen capture.

I know some of you need a bit more of a 'cosign' for you to listen to folks so for those cats...Here...Allhiphop.com covered him....(That link contains essentially the same story I put up two days ago that ran on him in the paper here btw...See how it all comes BACK AROUND THOUGH?)

(Whispers) For all you non believers, this post is for you....I know you thought he was 'messing around' or just talking shit....Nope....It is real. He has an album. It is out. Now turn you sour disposition into support and go ahead and support the man who is from the place that you say 'Doesn't have its own artist to claim...'



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