(Words) Fifteen (or less) % diss.........Follower/following post....

* (Words)= Not Pictionary. So if you are against reading.....beat it.

I'm not going to throw stones and hide my hands on ya'll. I see a lot of that these days. I will be RESPECTFUL but I won't say 'the whole post was to prove' some other outlandish shit that was or is the total opposite of what you are about to read. I am going to write this 'rant' style...Just let the words flow..I am NOT A JOURNALIST nor will I claim to be...

The 15% niggas and their 'fans'.....Moreso....their fans...

The 15% (or less) diss derives from my theory of how cats who follow this amount of their followers, or less view and act on Twitter. Now obviously there is a 'starting' point at how many followers one has before I think that it begins to effect how those folks tweet. I'd say the cut off is somewhere between 2k-5k, depending on whose 'ear' the person tweeting has. (If they have a lot of celebs following or other 15%ers, they don't need that many followers before the 'elitist shit' starts....) 

Once a person on Twitter seems have reached these numbers, ALL OF THE SUDDEN, FOLLOWING MORE THAN 400 PEOPLE FOR THEM SEEMS LIKE THEY ARE BEING 'THIRSTY'. Or all of the sudden, they can't 'handle' that many people in their TL and poof...the unfollows start until they hit that magical 15% line. So they say...For some reason when cats numbers look like this....

Follower: 10543 Following: 1581

........Their tweets become that much more 'assholelike'.... The 'number' isn't set in stone but I know how some of you are. You just HAVE TO HAVE a benchmark so there it is. Thus the title of this shit...

15 percent (or less) diss....**

Now before you get all 'flamed' out over me calling some of your 'idols' out, hold on. Nobody here is 'mad' about your boy/girl and her numbers. If I wanted to have that number of followers, I could just get on Twitter, make asshole tweets all day and boom. Who knows, maybe some of your 'idols' used to follow me back in the day until they figured out that I might just diss them too and keep it smooth moving like shit didn't happen. I know the formula but there is more to me than that. I lose followers all the time 'cause I won't stay on the 'side of niggerance' with folks. Call it what you want but I know my followers would be ten fold if I just 'spewed the most vile ignorant' shit I could think of at the expense of others. I don't though. It comes out when it needs to and when those folks that follow me because it came out see that I don't do it on the regular, they unfollow. Which is what many of your 'idols' have done. It is also why I usually don't follow them back. I already know they will unfollow eventually. Par for the course. 

Anyhow, because of this fifteen percent epidemic, we have cats that are liable to say anything and their 'legions' of followers are liable to try to 'leave your mentions in shambles' (How one does that to something that is neither physically maintained by you personally or on your person is beyond me but that is how folks view it...shrugs) with their insults and defense of the 15%er. Matter of fact, the lower the follow back ratio gets, the HIGHER THE STANNING GETS. Let me give you an extreme example of a cat that allegedly, you should be very wary of if they have a follower ratio like this...

Followers: 20,000 plus Following: 200 

Get your calculators out of if you don't know the percentage of follower/following ratio. Here's a hint. It starts with 1 and it is less than 10.... I won't use the 'crutch phrase' everyone uses 'cause I loath it (I can't understand why......fill in the blank) but I will say this. There must be a special kinda voodoo that niggas are putting in people's DM boxes that makes a nigga follow someone who feels like out of ALL THE PEOPLE that follow them, that laugh at their jokes, RT their shit, only TWO HUNDRED are worthy of a followback. TWO HUNDRED. LOL Yeah.....And damm near all of them will 'Twitter kill you' for this nigga if you so much as 'disagree' with him/her. 

Why do I 'care' about the number of folks they follow back? I care to the point that it will determine if I am going to follow them and that is about it. It is simple. These folks aren't robots. They are people. As people, we have a way of letting folks know what we REALLY THINK ABOUT THEM based on our actions at times.*** This ratio to me speaks to me in that way and every time, sure enough, the folks whose numbers are like this are the same ones making the most asinine posts on Twitter. They make some of the WORST MUSIC ON Twitter TOO AND get a lil too gassed when the bitches they are trying to fuck**** dig that shit. Cats are out here all the way tripping with their ideals and philosophies on Life. Speaking in absolutes and shit and haven't really done shit or researched it enough to know that: 

A. The shit they are complaining/claiming they 'discovered'/whatever about has been going on SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME. Especially when the topic comes to woman. Hate to break it to some of you niggas but some of ya'lls Mommas, Aunties and that sweet little old lady who used to watch you get on the bus because your Momma worked to jobs because Dad left ya'll high and dry were, by your loose definition, hoes too....Or maybe that is where it is coming from? Your ability to intimately relate? Hey, I'm just asking the 'tough love' questions ya'll favorite 'idols' seem to be able to ask that get you to kee kee'in and RTing all up and down my TL. It's just satire* my nig...Relax....-_-

Oh it isn't 'gender' specific either. There are about four or five, female idols out here too. Don't get it fucked up. I see ya'll retweeting the BULLSHIT outta some....well...BULLSHIT. Again, with the ABSOLUTE STATEMENTS....Some that even mirror the dudes....It is all good until some shit like 'Idris' pops off. Then it is 'Don't speak about us like that..." What did you expect? An asshole is an asshole and they spray the gun where they see fit. I just wonder what took ya'll so long 'cause they have dissed the whole lot of you before now. Maybe you weren't paying attention.....

Another favorite topic of the 15%ers seems to be 'private accounts' and blocking folks. I wonder why THAT IS? 

Lets see, a private account is one you can't 'list' so you can 'follow' without actually following...It seems you take that option away from some folks and they get mad. They also tend to not like the fact that they can't 'drop in your TL' without you knowing, make 'speculation based jokes that sound true 'cause...well...THEY WERE ON YOUR TL so they are true, and then FEIGN 'ABOVE IT ALL STATUS' by saying 'I don't follow you/I just looked at your TL for the first time today'.....Thus looking like a 'genius' to their dopey ass followers whom will then shower them with RTs of 'Get 'em..' and all that type of stuff. I think I covered it all....Let me know if I didn't...'Cause I can't see someone who is self-centered enough to worry about what their 'follow/following back' ratio looks like caring about folks 'basically tweeting to themselves', as I have heard it said. Gonna go with no on that one. 

The blocking thing is another one. It has its place. Actual spam. Annoying stalker. You get the point. Blocking someone due to the fact that they don't agree with you though? Eh....Ditto if you are out here in these tweets BRAGGING about getting blocked by someone in your Bio. I see you lames out here. I don't see you bragging about the dude that knocked you silly that one night in the club though. Ole reverse psychology, Jedi Mind trick asses..Again, some of you are so smart you are stupid though @ idolizing these fools. 

I almost forgot my favorite....

"Stay outta my mentions bro...."

 As a joke, this shit is funny. Problem is with these hoemotional niggas, you can NEVER TELL  if it is a joke. Neither can their followers as they INSTANTLY TAKE THEIR MOUTHS OF THE DICK AND COME AND SLIDE INTO YOUR MENTIONS about @ing that person. The ironies of this happening OVER AND OVER again, are not lost on me but apparently, are lost on them. I know this because of the 'post celebratory' tweets I see after this shit goes down. A nigga can't 'question' NONE of these 'elite' non celeb twitter/D-List ass cats without that. I mean could you imagine if Mike Jordan went around playing summer ball with his 'For The Love Of The Game' clause only to have a BOOTLEG VERSION 'BabyHaroldGrantVince CarterMinerHill IV' try and play his games for him? That is what this shit is like. I @'d Mike. Not you secondary nigga. Fall back behind your idol and get your mouth back on the cock. Now....Your 'idol' is a big boy/girl. Let him/her handle it.

Ya'll ride HOARD for these people too. I see you. I'm not scared though like some of you are. When you 'disagree' with your 'idol' you won't DARE type shit that might 'offend them' or cause them to block you....

SHEIT..... I. Wish. Thee. Fuck. I. Would. If they are worth a damm, they would know we can all disagree. There is a WAY to disagree I will concur but all this cowtailing and shit 'cause a mofos 'followers' might 'slander' me (Folks I'm 99% sure I am not meeting)? Fuck that. This isn't high school. Some of ya'lls idols be DEAD WRONG and all I hear are 'crickets'. I once saw a tweet about 'tweeting from the Web' and damm if you idiots didn't take that and 'run with it'. Meanwhile, you were still....tweeting from the Web. Dissing others for doing it. This is the shit I'm talking about...Following blindly behind someone....

So yeah, the next time you ask me 'Do you follow such and such?" and I say 'No', you will probably know why. Just look at their numbers. How do I know that they 'do what I just claimed if I don't follow them? You can't be serious? You really are questioning that? 

You niggas RETWEET every damm thing they say. I'd have to mute out most of the English language, thus eliminating my TL to dust, just to 'filter their names out'. 

That's how I know. I see the RTs all the time. 

The actual 'celebs'? What about 'em? I don't usually tweet them or follow 'em. I usually list 'em honestly.  

Does this mean EVERY one with these ratios is a bad person? No. Not at all. Some are great follows and even though they don't 'follow' that many people, you can tell they interact with tons of folks. Sometimes, some folks don't need to be followed if you have enough mutual followers as your followers RT the good stuff. So I am not saying EVERYONE with these ratios is a bad person. What I am saying is that I have seen folks grow into to these habits and ways as their numbers grow. That is the correlation I am making. One should be careful not to get 'too high up on that horse' where you feel a 'filter' isn't in order because of 'how many folks follow you as opposed to how many you follow back'. Again, I have seen folks allude to that like it is a badge of honor or some shit. Naw nigga...Not to me it isn....


*Satire was the excuse I saw on my TL offered up today for a person who wrote a piece.  Complete misuse of the word too. (Normally this is where I would give you a link but I am not giving that NIGGA NO FUNK over here. I did enough of that on my TL.) If I am writing in jest, it is pretty clear. I don't throw stones than hide my hands. For what? Needless to say, this piece is NOT SATIRE (nor was the piece in question). Nor would I be foolish enough to claim it to be. I am speaking out on a subject. Straightforward.

**For all you mathematically challenged cats who can't do math unless a 'brick' is involved, the numerical amount is NOT SET IN STONE. You can go ahead and take the liberty of assuming that if you are within 15% of the number or so or you do any of this shit, I am talking about you too. No need to wonder. I am.

*** Yes, different folks use Twitter for different things and they 'arrive' on Twitter using different apps and methods. Some use laptops and Ipads, while others are still on smartphones. Smartphones that are actually 'dumb phones' that limit HOW they can use Twitter. I UNDERSTAND THAT. I am not stupid. I also know that some folks are on their elite shit with how they want their numbers to 'look'. I have heard folks talk about it. The 'follower' thing really bothers them.

I am going to use my filter and GET ALL THE WAY OFF THAT SUBJECT. I could be really foul but that would make me like them. So naw...


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