(Words) How does it feel to love 'a game' that hates you?

(Caution: Nigga speak and cussing ahead. Made up words and verbiage that would not be found in Webster's ahead. Strongly advise that you don't judge. I have to write this in a language that can be understood by all.)

That seems to do nothing but speed up your demise?

That has you out here mourning the losses of your loved ones but AT THE SAME TIME has you out here putting up a shield like you 'have no heart'?

How does that feel? 'The game' could give TWO SHITS ABOUT YOU but some of you are more loyal to it than you are to ANYONE WHO ACTUALLY DOES GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU?

I won't say "I don't understand it.." or anything like that 'cause quite frankly that is a cop out. I hate when folks say that shit knowing FULL WELL that they understand 'it'.

But I will ask you...again..

How does it feel? 

You see, a lot of you are out here, talking about 'racist white crackers' holding you down and that ole rhetoric and meanwhile you are out here..........(More on that later in the post)

It is all fun, bitches and good 'loud' until someone gets shot and killed.  Then the fake eulogies come out. (Sorry, you can't be a stone cold killer/fuck the World type of person and be a 'good guy/girl'. It just doesn't work that way. The nigga was nice TO YOU 'CAUSE YOU worked for him/did for him/etc...Lets keep it funky..) The 'heartless' find out they have a heart and then lose it again to 'make someone else feel like they do...' until someone comes and does it to their family. Cycle continues.....

I wonder if folks would be so quick to shoot when some REAL SHIT went down? Like when our FREEDOM was at stake? Not pussy. Not drug money. Just straight freedom.

Why am I 'calling attention to this'? Because of this news story that ran on the news the other day. All you niggas wanna talk about is 'Lil Wayne's album' sales and what nigga is running the block and shit though. Meanwhile, the FUCKING KLU KLUX KLAN is recruiting members door to fucking door down the street. I mean I could bring this up for other reasons but....


NEWPORT, Del. - Fox 29 has uncovered evidence that the Ku Klux klan is actively trying to recruit new members in New Castle County, Delaware.
Specifically, the KKK is targeting neighborhoods in Newport, an area southwest of Wilmington just a few miles east of Newark.
They're going door to door, picking predominantly white neighborhoods, leaving their calling card, hoping residents will call them back and join their ranks:
Residents says someone from the KKK is driving by, throwing baggies out a car window onto driveways and lawns, much like a kid delivering newspapers. Inside the sandwich bag are a couple of rocks to weight it down, and a note that says "fight illegal immigration."
"It’s scary. You don't want to think that people like that are in your neighborhood. You know, it's... I felt uncomfortable about it,” said one resident.
The note identifies a branch of the KKK called "Virgils White Knights," and includes two phone numbers. So Fox 29 called the first, which has a Delaware area code. It was not in service.
The second phone number did work. We left a message but never heard back.
So why is the Ku Klux Klan recruiting here? There is an influx of Latino immigrants in the past several years. But everyone we talked to is still surprised the KKK would target the area.
"We go to a school where the Spanish population is huge, and that never bothered anyone that I've ever known," said another resident

Don't snicker Philly..You too....

In a follow-up to a story Fox 29 broke on Wednesday, the Klu Klux Klan may be trying to recruit new members in Philadelphia as well as Delaware.
According to the latest Census data, about 62 percent of Philadelphia's population is Black, Latino or Asian.
Fox 29’s Claudia Gomez talked to one of the top leaders in the Klu Klux Klan on Thursday. She spoke to Chris Barker by phone and he's the number two guy in a faction of the KKK called the "Rebel Brigade, Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan."
Barker is based in North Carolina, and he says he oversees KKK operations in Delaware:
For the past several months, the Ku Klux Klan has been leaving a calling card outside homes in New Castle County, Delaware, hoping to find new members. The baggies include a couple of phone numbers. So we called, and eventually heard back from barker.
"We're going to start doing more stuff in Delaware. We're looking at now purchasing land out there for a compound they're going to have built out there. We'll start holding our annual meetings in Delaware and Maryland,” he said.
The Klan is hoping to buy that land just outside Wilmington, near the neighborhoods where it's been recruiting. Once the compound is built, the KKK is planning, "regular Klan rallies with the cross-lighting ritual and all that, will be held there."
Barker says the Klan's campaign to beef up membership in New Castle County is working.
"Way over 500 members out there, just in that one section … between Northern Delaware and the border of Pennsylvania, right through there,” Barker said.
We don't know if barker is exaggerating the numbers. But we do know another faction of the KKK is also trying to recruit in Philadelphia.
"Hello marc, this is Adam from your local Ku Klux Klan,” was a voice mail left for Fox 29 viewer Marc Eichler.
The caller intentionally distorted the sound of his voice, when he left this message on Eichler's cellphone.
"We'd like to find out how much you hate n-----s, and we're also trying to recruit for our annual drive, recruiting drive."
Eichler never called them back, "because I have no interest in joining the KKK."
"It's not the deep south, this area is so culturally diverse... And you just don't know what they would want in this area."
Fox 29 called the number left on Eichler's voicemail.
A man who identified himself as the national director told us there is no KKK phone campaign in Philadelphia.
And he doesn't know who left the message or why.
He also told us his group has no affiliation with the group operating in Delaware.

NOT ONE FUCKING TWEET ABOUT THIS ON MY TL. Not a one. No Facebook statuses. No phone calls. (Newport is DOWN THE STREET FROM ME..) I see where ya'lls priorities are! Fucks wrong with ya'll out here. No 'freestyles' dissing this shit here. No 'open air remarks'* about how 'you wish someone would'. None of that. STRAIGHT CRICKETS. I JUST FOUND ABOUT IT THIS MORNING so that is why I haven't said much. Where are all you niggas that are always out here talking about 'I ain't scared of no man..'/scared to die at?????

 If you are not familiar with the area, let me enlighten you. Everyone here is now (or has) a 'shooter'. According to some, niggas out here have 30 and 40 bodies a piece. Some of the 'cities'/towns here have some REALLY HIGH MURDER RATES (amongst minority on minority crime ESPECIALLY) What I am interested in knowing is this?

Are ya'll gonna go out here and shoot THE REAL ENEMY when they have permits to carry and will shoot back at you? When they have ALL THE PROPER EQUIPMENT, the training, the 'gun time' and THE LAW ON THEIR SIDE, you gonna come down and 'ride on them'? Don't worry....I WON'T WAIT ON YOU TO COME SAVE ME. "Cause I already know what MOST OF you are going to do. 

NOTHING. You are gonna 'stay away from the crazy white boys' with the assault rifles after the first one of you gets killed trying to re-enact a scene outta 'Shottaz' or some shit. Maybe, and I mean MAYBE, THE ONES OF YOU WHO ARE MILITARY TRAINED might stay for a bit. But you will 'bug out' too. WHERE ARE YOU NIGGAS AT MAN? This is the time TO BE 'SUPER NIGGA'! Not when Joey down the block bangs out your VERY WILLING SISTER!

Just like your predecessors  did before you will do.....nothing. Tough on your own people. Shoot 'em on site. Won't shoot a white person with a hood to SAVE YOUR LIFE though. You will 'RIDE ON THE WHITE GIRL' for saying nigga and threaten to beat her up but will you RUN UP ON Becky WHEN SHE HAS HER SHOTGUN OUT like the Hatfields Miss Thug Ride or Die Chick talking about 'Fuck niggers.."? Not 'What up my niggas....' but 'fuck NIGGERS'. Let me answer for you...you won't. You will walk away then....You might talk fly but you won't DO SHIT. You won't take that bullet for that. Somehow, that has become 'less honorable'....smh (Like DYING & subsequently planning to do so 'honorably' anyway is the goal or some shit but I digress on that altogether...... )

The 'non killers' out here will be fighting them and shooting them, JUST LIKE BEFORE for the most part. Way back when. You see, when 'survival' kicks in, it doesn't matter if you were a 'clown' in school or you are soft ('cause you don't fight/beef/whatever over stupid shit). It just kicks in. Harriet Tubman was more GANGSTA then ANY OF YOU NIGGAS OUT HERE. She wasn't out here 'shooting folks on sight to get a rep'.....She used her brain and did things physically to 'help her people'. To 'put her people on the map'. LITERALLY. Hell, she helped SHAPE THE MAP by helping 'HER PEOPLES' get to where they could prosper. She didn't mire them in muck. Set them up to fail. Have them believing in a game that 'hated them'. She was an intricate cog (along with many....many..many..others) in a game that actually LOVED IT PARTICIPANTS BACK. Sure folks 'died' in this game too but it was for the BETTERMENT of the people. What do you know about that? 

I don't know about you but I would much rather 'love a game' that loves me back than one that 'hates me with every fiber of its being.' This being in the news and ya'll not SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT IT lets me know you would rather love a game that 'hates you' then love one that 'loves you back'. Interesting indeed.....I'm good where I stand. If it went down TODAY, I would do what I could for freedom of all. I can't honestly say that some of you would and that is a damm shame considering all the 'guts' some of you claim to have.

* The ULTIMATE NEGRO TACTIC where someone basically threatens a whole room/setting with a blanket statement that is designed to instill fear into everyone. Fear that is OFTEN MISTAKEN FOR RESPECT by the person saying. This is proven later when someone who 'heard' what that person says decides to take advantage of said person when they aren't in the position to 'back up what they said'. (They are alone...without their gun..not in their part of town....etc...etc...)


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