Lying vs. Dishonesty: Who Wants Cake?? -Dirty Pretty Thangs

Lying vs. Dishonesty: Who Wants Cake?? -Dirty Pretty Thangs

Welp..this pretty much sums this topic up..(Bangs gavel..) Next. Just passing it along.. I have some dope ass Twitter friends eh? @ this joint.

Lying vs. Dishonesty

Some people say that there is a difference. Some people even believe that there are valid reasons when you would lie and/or be dishonest. I’m just not either of those people. I make no distinction between lying and being dishonest. Both are a means to the same end: to hide the truth, and never is there a good time to do either.

I was dealing with this guy recently, a guy was interested in me “romantically” (whatever the hell that means). I believed him to be a pretty decent guy. He never gave me any reason to pause until I noticed that he had quite a strange relationship with The Truth.

I’m not going to say that this man was a liar, because he wasn’t directly telling me out and out lies. But he had a lot of sh*t with him and decided he would tell me something new, every couple of days. He purposely rearranged and withheld details of very important situations that if he expected to date me, I needed to know. Like living with an ex, my being friends with an ex/very recent “FWB” of his…you get the picture. That madness was much more than I feel like I needed to deal with and so I decided to break it off. I told the guy I didn’t want to deal with someone who didn’t think I was worthy of knowing the truth; dishonesty is a huge deal-breaker.

He was adamant about the fact that he hadn’t lied to me and that I was just overreacting. *Long, heavy sigh*

This is how this whole “honesty” thing works:

If I ask for a chocolate cake, this is NOT what I expect to be fed to me, one by one:

THIS is what I want:

Chocolate cake is so much more palatable when all the ingredients are properly mixed together, baked up into confectionery goodness and appropriately presented. Before that, it’s just a mish-mosh of randomness that could very well end up being anything, depending on who’s doing the baking. Don’t feed me the truth in pieces as you see fit! Give me the full story so I can decide whether or not I even want to be bothered with whatever it is you bring to the table! Is that too much to ask?? You never know, it may not be as bad as you think. Hmph.

Yeah, dishonesty and lying…same thing. Anyway you slice it, it’s all about deception and hiding the truth. That is one of the most disrespectful things you can do to another person. Everybody has the right to make clear and informed choices for themselves and if someone is keeping the truth away from you, that just isn’t possible.




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