(Words)You IDIOTS and "You're a (fav. insult..usually faggot) if you watch/do/eat/drink XYZ......

Every time you type that dumb shit, this is what I think about it..

I didn't want to dignify the bullshit by putting it in the title but the EXACT PHRASE IS USUALLY...

"You're a faggot if you do....(insert the activity).

This is my response @ me actually stopping the actions being questioned..

Now, I'm not sure WHERE this idea of you folks came from that you could 'shame' a person into not watching WHAT THEY WANT TO WATCH on TV or drink what they want but you can take that shit back to the 3rd grade cuz. It is MY TV. My cup. My plate.

So let me get this straight, LOOKING AT HER FOR 45 MINS MAKES ME A FAGGOT....

....meanwhile you like to watch dudes try to trap lil boys and girls on show with this dude...

 and doing shit like this....but want to question what I do with my time? Naw B...

I'm trying to figure out what kinda Life you must NOT HAVE that you are around here worrying about what a nigga is drinking, eating, or watching on TV. Especially when the 75% of you think Ciroc is 'Premium' alcohol, CAN'T BURN WATER and watch TO CATCH A PREDATOR like you are waiting to SEE YOURSELF ON THAT BITCH. Or my other favorite...judging what folks listen to, while your favorite rappers and producers are SAMPLING THE VERY SONGS YOU CALL 'SOFT'.. smh Ya'll cats slay me out here.

Oh and lets not forget about the BITCH BEHAVIOR that is LEAKING YOUR GIRL'S NUDES ON THE INTERNET when you break up with her/slut shaming/male/female bashing on the Net.  You folks 'champion' that shit too. Well some of you do and those of you that do SURELY can't tell me ANYTHING about a person's 'character, moral fiber or intelligence' if you are out here clapping to ANY OF THAT SHIT over my choice of drink, tv viewing, etc...

I guess now wouldn't be the time to be a snob and tell you fools to STEP YOUR TECHNOLOGY game up huh? @ the fact that SOME OF US WATCH MORE THAN ONE THING AT ONE TIME via computer, picture in picture and multiple electronic devices. I know you have the new 'iphone' (Or whatever team you are repping out here...lame as shit..) but you might need to go visit your 'resident' nerd and step THE REST OF YOUR technology game AND WHILE YOU ARE AT IT GET A BETTER ATTENTION SPAN. It seems some of you can only do one thing at a time and have the attention span of a gnat.

Ya'll do PLENTY OF QUESTIONABLE THINGS BUT LIKE THE SIGN SAYS UP TOP...I could give less than a fuck. All these 'wack ass FAKE RAPPERS' ya'll listen to and emulate? FOH. All that 'good food' you say you eat, all those wack drinks you, all those 'name brands you buy' or those OVERPRICED SNEAKERS YOU COVET, ALL THE TIME YOU WASTED BEFORE NOT LEARNING THINGS THAT YOU ARE JUST NOW LEARNING AND ARE PROUD OF THAT WE ALL ALREADY KNEW BEFORE NOW and you wanna QUESTION WHAT FOLKS ARE OUT HERE DOING WITH THEIR MONEY AND TIME?All that fronting and faking you do on these social networks and you want someone to be out here CONCERNED TO THE POINT THAT THEY WILL STOP DOING WHATEVER IT IS THAT HAS DRAWN YOUR 'IRE'?

You can sub in Twitter/instagram/whatever for Facebook.. Same shit...

Look ladies and gentleman, if you don't like what someone is doing on a social network, COOL. You can even 'say it'. Just don't get upset when someone responds with shit like what I have typed here. You have the 'right' to say it and I have a right to respond. I happen to think that worrying about what other people are watching (doing...drinking...who they listen to..) EVERY DAY is a sign of some insecurity on the folks who have to rail on about it EVERY DAY. Go see a therapist and get over your little Mommy and Daddy issues and spare the rest of us your bullshit dog. Go on ahead and let go of that time your "friends" clowned you for doing whatever they clowned you when you were little and stop trying to 'seek revenge' on every situation you see with a lil payback clowning. Take it up with them niggas man and leave folks alone. Men and women*. In other words, on the subject of what you and your IRRELEVANT ASS THINKS of folks habits.....

*I see ya'll out here too throwing those shots but then be the FIRST ONE UPSET WHEN SOMEONE TRIES TO PIN A GENDER ROLE ON YOUR ASS. REAL CUTE.... How's that 'choice' you made working out though? He still not calling you back eh? Still not paying child support huh? Bet he went to the Super Bowl party though. Him being that manly man that he is... Probably doesn't watch any 'reality tv' but he DAMM SURE showed his boys your nudes and put them on the Net... Yeah..I'm listening to your ass about what I need to do to 'be a man'. You SURE know how to pick 'em...GTFOH.. 






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