Hubby watching porn online finds film starring his wife - Emirates 24/7

 This would be the death of most of you though...I can tell just by how you tweet. Your little perfect fantasy World would be ruined. All the 'fantasy' you had built up in your head. Thinking you are 'winning' 'cause you don't have to 'fathom' the thought of your girl having sex with anyone else. All the 'bragging' about that you have done found out out of curiosity on what PORN EVEN LOOKED LIKE under the guise that your 'woman' couldn't POSSIBLY HAVE DONE ANY SORT OF FILMING? Damm it, why couldn't this happen to someone young and black? (Yeah..I said it..) I would LOVE TO SEE THE EGO DEFLATED IN THAT MANNER. All that hoe talk ya'll do...

Interesting that she didn't tell him btw ONLY BECAUSE she was EQUALLY AS POMPOUS enough to that she found a man who would NEVER FIND OUT she did that 'cause he 'just wasn't into that kinda stuff anyway...'.... Hilarious. (Oh you thought I wasn't going to go in on her? Wrong! ) 

Now I'm not THAT MUCH OF AN ASSHOLE. I feel bad the dude found out the way he did but honestly....

I live in the real World. The one where folks do what they did until you came along. @ having a past. I ain't about to sit up and judge someone's past I am just now finding out about some AT LEAST 16 YEARS AGO. Probably longer because he was an ex and then THE CURRENT COUPLE HAD A RELATIONSHIP.. We are almost talking two decades here folks. I know some of you can't fathom that because you have barely been on the EARTH for that long/are just really starting out doing things for yourself that long but that is a LONG TIME. It was a long time ago. Should it hurt? Yes. However, if he was truly as happy as he said, it will dissipate. As I also know 'grown relationships', I'm pretty sure he has his fair share of things that had to be 'forgiven' as NOBODY IS PERFECT nor do the enter into a Union that way... This isn't Fantasy Island.....

Hubby watching porn online finds film starring his wife - Emirates 24/7

Hubby watching porn online finds film starring his wife

An Egyptian man who went online to watch a porno film for the first time got the shock of his life when he found that the woman in the film was his own wife.
The man, identified as Ramadan, instantly collapsed in disbelief on the floor at an internet shop before coming round and rushing home to face his unfaithful wife.
The woman first denied his allegations and started to swear at him, prompting her husband to face her with the film.
Unable to deny it any more, she confessed to have betrayed him with her pre-marriage boy friend, telling him she had never loved him although they had four children during their 16-year marriage.
“I found 11 films showing my wife in indecent scenes with her lover….it was the first time I watched a porno film and I did this just out of curiosity,” Ramadan told Egyptian newspapers at his house in the northeastern province of Dakhalia.
“She first denied it and accused me of being insane before I faced her with the films…she then confessed to be still in love with her boyfriend, saying he is as young as her and that I am an old man.”
Ramadan said he had been happy during his marriage life until he logged on to that website. Newspapers did not say whether he decided to divorce her.


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