(Pictures/videos/Pledge) @THETANAYASHOW X Lace Blog video X candids X dope flicks

She is pretty damm talented as well as very attractive. @ her stuff.  You've seen it all over and probably don't even realize it. She explains where you have seen some of her work in the video below...

I know a LOT of folks who are into fashion and the like pass through here so I thought I would put this up as well....

 (Sings along with Steve Perry in the background...) Wonder whose...crying...now.. @ the song playing in the video.*


Please take a minute to check out my kick starter campaign!
*If you pledge $25 or more, you will get a signed modeling comp card and an exclusive behind-the-scenes preview of the next collection!
*If you pledge $100 or more, I will send you my signed modeling comp card, an exclusive behind-the-scenes preview of the next collection and I will also send you a piece of your choice from the Cupcake Collection!
*If you pledge $1000 or more, I will send you my signed modeling comp card, I will also send you a piece of your choice from the original collection or ring collection. You will also be able to name a piece from my SS13 collection!
*If you pledge $10,000 or more, I will send you my signed modeling comp card signed by me. Aside from that, you will get an invitation to the SS13 collection photo shoot in LA & I will make you your own custom piece designed by me and inspired by your ideas!
A special thanks to everyone who have already taken the time out to share this campaign to your family and friends so that we may reach our goal. We really do appreciate all the love!!

Here's a little more... In case the video wasn't enough....

Designer Spotlight: Lace By Tanaya Henry

Describe the ‘Lace’ woman?  
“The LACE woman would be sexy and confident and someone who likes attention and likes people looking at what they’re wearing, I guess a trendsetter probably!  I also have a cheaper line and that’s for the teens so that’s a whole different story. I guess a trendsetter but you know also someone, like a leader someone who doesn’t really follow the trend that you know, teenagers look for.  Cause it’s something new and I don’t think that many teenagers are wearing my earrings.
What can we expect from your Lace S/S 2012 collection?
I have a lot of different things, I am probably going to actually release two different collections at once just cause I have so many designs that I want to get out! I have some hoops, some big pendants, I have head pieces, I have some new body chains that I am probably going to release this week I think, and a lot of new rings. Just evolving from what I have now but more. A lot more detail, a lot more umph!
Read more at http://styleandhiphop.com/lacebytanaya/

*Oh you thought I just slapped videos up and didn't watch them huh? Nope.


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