(Words) .Loyalty is Everything- You Not when you are blindly loyal to something that isn't loyal to you- Me


I guess at this VERY SECOND, you think that means that I am not a proponent of loyalty based on the title and such? Nope. I am all about that. I am also all about being loyal to something that IS WORTH A GOOD DAMM. You don't have enough sense to see that the SHIT YOU CHOOSE TO BE LOYAL TO ISN'T LOYAL TO YOU. That it isn't WORTH BEING LOYAL TO IN THE FIRST PLACE. That is where my issue lies..

Many of you made the decision to be loyal to 'whatever it is you are loyal to' at the tender ages. 12. 10. 15. 17. Ages that quite frankly, I don't care WHAT YOU HAVE 'BEEN THROUGH', YOU AREN'T FULLY ARMED WITH ENOUGH INFORMATION TO MAKE SUCH DECISIONS. Some of you had no choice and FOR THAT, I can't knock you. You had to do what you had to do. Period. I can only knock you for what you do after you acquired enough time in to 'know right from wrong' or what things, even if they are wrong, you could be TRULY LOYAL TO. I'm not condemning your LIFE then. I'm only asking you to 'smarten up' now. There's no other way to say it. Sorry Champ. It is time. Same way some of you want 'accountability' for those you deem 'unloyal' is the same way I'm demanding that you have some ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE FACT THAT YOU PUT YOUR TRUST AND FAITH in something so unstable. 'Cause make no mistake about it, some of the shit ya'll are loyal to is SHAKY at best. Oh when it is going good, shit is lovely. Most of the times, it isn't going good though. It is just 'going'... Here are my issues with the way some of you 'like to carry this loyalty thing'.

The word LOYALTY or rather that phrase "Loyalty Is Everything' has IMPRISONED more folks than any jail will EVER DO as far as I am concerned. It basically states that once you make a 'decision', GOOD OR BAD, YOU HAVE TO STAY WITH IT FOR LIFE. For Life. No room for growth. No room to admit 'wrong' and make it right. This whole mentality of 'Even if it is wrong, you can live 'right' within it because you have XYZ' is bullshit. Pure bullshit.

HOW THE HELL DOES THIS EVEN SOUND RIGHT? I've seen 'grown men' hold 'children' accountable for these things but then want to turn around and 'cry' ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT HOLDING THEIR FEET TO FIRE ABOUT THE 'LAWS OF THE LAND'. -_- Talking about, "Your honor I came from...I mean I didn't know...." Yet, they don't give that leeway to THESE BABIES OUT HERE who entering into a Life that doesn't care a damm about them? Yeah aight... See the contradiction?

Here's the kicker for some of you who are 'loyal' to certain things. You are just another 'number in that line' making that 'lifestyle choice' go and soon as you are no longer 'productive', out you go. Only you don't just 'get to retire and live in peace'. You usually end up with the short end of the stick. Depending on the 'game' you are playing, you might get shot, lose all that you have, get killed or stunt your Life in ways that you are DEFINITELY not going to be able to do much with things barring some MIRACLE event like someone around you achieving great success SOMETHING. 

I also get the sense that some of you are more 'loyal' to your enemy than you are yourselves. That's a damm shame too. That is pretty backwards to me personally. 'Cause there is NO WAY ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH if I were doing well that I would AUTOMATICALLY jump back into something that 'I left behind' and swore off because I 'said it before'. Nope. I'm NOT PIGEONHOLING my Life for NOBODY. Nobody. Yet some of you do it. You let something that you said 'umpteen years ago', when you didn't know any better and REALLY DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THE CONSEQUENCES of the actions you were partaking in, hold you hostage by being 'loyal'. All to please someone who DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU? Sheeeitttt. I wish I would. Fuck that him/her and fuck whatever it was I 'stood' for if it didn't benefit me to the FULLEST. Straight up like that. 

I think loyalty is GREAT. If someone helped you get to 'where you are today' and you want to 'stay with the home team', DO THAT. Nothing wrong with that. I just don't agree with being loyal to things/ideals/beliefs/people/enemies that are NOTORIOUS for not being loyal back.  I can't do it fam.

Where you may have gotten 'something outta of the deal' but it was SIGNIFICANTLY LESS THAN WHAT YOU PUT IN'. 

Or where you are the one doing the 'dirt' but everyone else gets the 'glory' and you NEVER GET IT but you ALWAYS END UP PAYING THE PRICE FOR THINGS. It is ALWAYS YOU while someone else stays 'clean'. Yeah, I know everyone can't be a 'boss' but some of the situations I see some of you in, EVEN I CAN SEE FROM AFAR that the boss is NEVER GOING TO BE YOU. You can't though.... Damm shame. It would be different if you were never gonna be the boss but you also would have 'shelter' but the MINUTE that you become disposable, out to the wolves you go. I've seen it. 

Crazy thing is you have seen it too but your ego keeps telling that 'It won't be me they do like that...' Putting all your faith in 'RobinHOOD' KNOWING THAT AT THE END OF THE DAY, RobinHOOD is still a low down dirty snake. Then I have to hear about your tales of 'woe' when the snake bites you ask 'Where is the Loyalty?" As if the players before you were 'loyal' in that fashion? There are VERY FEW THAT WERE even back then. That's how things got 'messed up' to where the door opened for some of you. Ya'll don't hear me though...Again..blind loyalty to something that isn't loyal to you. 

So I will ask you again, like I have asked before...

How does it feel to be loyal to something that isn't loyal to you? How does it feel to be loyal to folks and not have them be loyal back to you TIME AND TIME AGAIN? 

Why don't you try this.....

Be loyal to yourself. That way folks can't disappoint you to that extent. That way, no matter who FEELS WHAT ABOUT YOU, the only person you are accountable to is you. 

I'm not saying you can't have folks in your Life who mean anything either. I just think that some of you are making REALLY BAD CHOICES AS TO WHO THOSE FOLKS ARE so maybe you should start over. Stop picking your friends due to the fact that they are a 'Ciroc Boy'. That's your drinking buddy. That does Not AUTOMATICALLY MAKE THEM YOUR FRIEND. Girls are NOTORIOUS for choosing their 'friends' based on the fact that they like to 'go to a certain place' or 'they drink a certain drink' so I'm not just talking about dudes here.

Oh he likes to 'shoot' (fight/jump/whatever violent thing that is your vice..) like you do? Again, that doesn't make him your 'friend'. That just makes him one more person who might shoot you one day honestly. That's just the sad truth. One day, it is gonna come to YOU AND HIM ESPECIALLY IF NEITHER ONE OF YOU HAS NO 'BACK DOWN' IN YOU. You can't chose a 'real friendship' based on that shit.

Or my favorite... He/she is into 'nigga shit' like I am so that's my dawg/BFF. Yeah... GOOD JOB PICKING THIS PERSON who one day will turn and do EVERY SLIMY THING YOU TWO HAVE DONE TO EVERYONE ELSE WHO 'THOUGHT YOU WERE THEIR FRIEND' ON YOU.  All of it. That time ya'll 'left' homie holding the 'bag' and 'didn't throw off the cops into another direction'? Yeah.. he/she is gonna pull that shit on you. Make it down. This is why I sit in BEWILDERMENT when some of you come back and tell me 'what someone else has done' when you were armed with the same information AS ME in regards to that person. I don't know how you didn't see it coming. You need to pick your 'true friends' better outchea... Too many of ya'll have 'messed up' to tell me you are 'good' on that front. I've seen your judge of 'character' be OFF LIKE A MOFO. Hey..what do I know though...other than you shouldn't have DECIDED TO BE LOYAL TO THAT CAT. 

So yeah..loyalty is GREAT. Some of you might want to get to know yourself though. Get back to being loyal to you. Then maybe you can become a better judge of character, situations and things so that you can CHOOSE WISELY WHAT YOU WANT TO BE LOYAL TO. That's all I am really trying to say with this. 




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