Listen, I'm not going to be as pompous as some of you are in regards to 'being a sports fan'. My 'requirements' aren't that you 'HAVE TO HAVE PLAYED' or done so at a high level. Nor are they of the 'you have to have visited your team's facilities' or any of that other 'counter terrorismish rhetoric' that folks like to spew at people when they want to 'brag about the few times when they have actually left their 'county'. (Never mind State...) Nope, I'm not here for that. What I'm also not here for is the 'Microwave Fan' though. You know the ones I am talking about...
"Trapped in the moment..."
"Lives every sports moment like their name is Skip Stephen Jon Bayless Barry Crawford III.... "
"Only counts rings, last second shots, and 'heroics' of games that if cats SHOWED UP THE ENTIRE GAME LIKE THEY DO IN THE FOURTH QUARTER, the game wouldn't be close. (Did I mention that they get amnesia when their 'favorite star player' misses said game winning shots? Yeah that too...)
Yeah....the good ole microwave sports fan. Put the bag in for say 2:50 minutes, hit the popcorn button and BAM.. Every time you discuss sports around them the shit smells the same...
Just like burnt fucking popcorn..
Sure you could eat it. There are kernels that aren't even burnt truthfully... @ them being right about some things. The fact remains however that the SHIT STILLS REEKS OF BURNT POPCORN thus ruining the experience. SO ANYTHING GOOD IN THE BAG IS OVERSHADOWED by this burnt taste that they INSIST on using. All because they want to shorten the game down to these few things. The sport doesn't even matter either. At present, we are in full basketball swing but this 'talk' happens in football too.
It is funny though 'cause in football, when you apply it to 'certain quarterbacks'....all of the sudden these same 'folks who LOVE TO TALK ABOUT THE CLUTCH' want to back up off that topic 'cause it wasn't 'pretty throughout the game'. Why is that I wonder? They are 'different' games? Naw, not really buying that excuse because some of you are the SAME FOLKS WHO GO RIGHT ALONG WITH THE GREATEST ATHLETE MEME on the REGULAR... @ the Jordans, the Jim Browns, The Greztky's, the 'former' Tiger Woods, etc, etc, etc..
So don't back up off of the comparisons NOW BECAUSE IT DOESN'T FIT YOUR 'ARGUMENT'. You can't be out here 'hating and despising' one cat when you LOVE HIS COUNTERPART in the other sport for all the SAME REASONS. Nope. Sorry. If we can cross reference there, we can do it here. The whole lot of you HATE THOSE TWO CATS I PUT UP THERE. With a passion. They won games though. They were 'clutch'. Don't come with that 'smoke' about the things they 'didn't do' either. Like WHOEVER you are gonna say didn't make the playoffs before. Or hadn't failed. Or hadn't got STRAIGHT SWEPT OUTTA THE PLAYOFFS. Team intact. Ya'll out here 'misremembering' history to be 'right'. I didn't forget though.
So I have to ask, as I have several times on Facebook and Twitter. Why don't we just play each sport like we used to in the backyard. Instead of playing 5-5 basketball, since clearly 'SOMEONE HAS TO BE THE DOMINANT ONE', lets just take it back to some good ole fashion '21'? Shit, better still, lets just play 'Off and On' so that way we can REALLY SEE WHO IS THE BEST ONE ON ONE PLAYER. Since that is all you guys seem to care about. I'm going to address this 'team ball sucks' attitude that some of you have adopted later on in the post though. 'Cause I think some of you have flip flopped on your stance. Real shit. I mean at this point, you guys want the NFL to be 'What Goes Up Must Come Down' outchea...*
I root for the team success Mr. Blogger. If the TEAM WINS then I think the person is the MVP... - You
Cute. Wins what though? Wins chips? We all know how that turns out when you win the MVP....(Some players have won it and chips but there is no guarantee. See that crowning ya'll did of D. Rose last year as proof of that..)... That doesn't guarantee you SHIT except maybe a nice showing and an earlier than expected playoff exit. Ironically enough THAT IS USUALLY THE CASE, except with the guy many of you, for some INEXPLICABLE reason want to DOWN FOR PLAYING 'NON TEAM' BALL, WHO HIT CLUTCH SHOT AFTER CLUTCH SHOT, carried a team of bums to the Finals and oh yeah... lead the L in scoring (31.1), and LEAD THE L IN STEALS (2.6)..(Bring up his assists and you are an idiot 'cause you will be the same person to tell me that ALLEN WASN'T A POINT GUARD so what the fuck you bringing THOSE UP FOR?) I hear a whole lot of you whose 'criteria' is the PERFECT ARGUMENT AS TO WHY AI IS ONE OF THE BEST TO EVER DO IT, scoff at that VERY NOTION. Make up ya'lls minds though. -_- Stop burning the popcorn with your selective application of your 'theory'.
Theo Ratliff..Tyrone Hill..Eric Snow..George Lynch.. They aren't Westbrook and Harden I tell ya'... Nor are they Perk.. @ whatever comparisons you are gonna make to what 'KD (or whoever) is doing with whatever team they have.. They aren't Luol Deng, Joakim Noah, CARLOS 'OVERPAID BOOZER', and Rip Hamilton.. @ the 'other comparison that ya'll like to 'throw around'. Stop. It.
That's my issue. Ya'll are some FORGETFUL folks. Rather, you like to 'apply' these theories when they fit your 'agenda'. Much like the talking heads on TV. Speaking of the talking heads on TV...
I believe we used to show highlights when I was little. We saw buzzer beaters. We saw PLENTY OF 'CLUTCH' performances. We also saw PLENTY of teams blow cats out of the WATER from the gate and still get praised for dominating. Dominating GOOD TEAMS too. Not sorry ones. I feel like now though, if it isn't a 'made for TV/movie moment', the FANS don't 'respect it' and that is because of the 'talking heads on TV'. All of the sudden, some of those folks have become 'shrinks, doctors, marriage counselors and oh yeah...EXPERTS' because they have a degree in Journalism. Let me tell you something REALLY QUICK ABOUT 'SCHOOL' for some of you who haven't been and for some of you WHO HAVE BEEN AND YOU SEEM TO HAVE FORGOTTEN.
I love school. I think it is great. I think folks should go if they can. The World is a better place the more 'educated' a person is. That said.... School isn't an AUTOMATIC qualifier in the race to be 'the smartest'. I will say it again REEEEEEEAAAAALLLLLLL SLLLLLOOOOOWWWWW @ those of you who failed reading comprehension (but still want to talk 'school')
It. Is. Not. The. End. All. Be. All. @ school. I know plenty of folks who did WELL in school who couldn't tell me much of ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT IT IS THEY DO. I know more about what they do then they do and they have degrees on the shit. I know some folks who articulate MUCH BETTER than those that use 'their degrees' to do other things with or better than those who have a degree PERIOD. Those that APPLY the 'limited knowledge' that hey have WAY BETTER than those who have 'infinite' knowledge. I'm not talking 'paper' here either. I'm talking about knowledge. I know some of you can't fathom having fulfillment without money though but I'm not going to beat that horse to death today. @ how ya'll see success.
I say all of that to say that even with their years 'covering sports', being in the locker room and all of that, they still say and do some things that just 'don't make sense'. Their arguments are pretty 'watered' down and usually based on 'hypothetical things that they would do' that they have (gasps) never done. Sound familiar? Now mind you, I said up top that one doesn't have to have 'played' to discuss sports. I stand by that. I do. That doesn't mean that you have carte blanche to start spewing off what is CLEARLY 'If I were him/her I would do XYZ' and pass it off as 'journalism'. Nope. Sorry. That's glorified, 'If it were me' shit. Something that we can all do. They do it all the time. "If it were me I would be upset by..." Nigga IT ISN'T YOU THOUGH. Of course when the person in question says something that GOES WITH THEIR THEORY, THEY LOOK LIKE GENIUSES. When it goes against it, they just come up with the one LINE WE ALL CAN SAY...
"They are lying"...- Them
Which of course is the EASIEST thing to say about something that you are SPECULATING ON ANYWAY. Even easier when your audience THRIVES ON SPECULATION AND 'THE NEGATIVE'. So of course, everyone just goes with 'Yeah they are lying 'cause I know if I were him I'd be crushed...I felt that way when I lost on my job....Oh wait..I went out that weekend and forgot about that shit by the third drink..nevermind..The point is that the nigga is soft and he is probably crying in his Bentley as we speak right now...'
REALLY? Whatever makes you feel better at night champ... @ you REALLY THINKING THIS. This is the market that they have tapped into. The bitter "I wish it were me 'cause but it isn't so I'm gonna make everything associated with him smell like burnt popcorn' fan... Ole Microwave ass cats..
These dudes on TV (and in turn those in real life who want to be like them) don't stick to discussing 'the facts'. If the facts ARE BOUGHT UP, they sprinkle in 'facts' with personal feelings about what they 'think the athlete is feeling', some shit someone who DOESN'T LIKE THE ATHLETE has confided in them and when all else fails....HYPOTHETICAL SITUATIONS. The comparisons that they just told you THE SEGMENT BEFORE you 'can't make 'cause that player is NEVER GOING TO BE THEM'....scenarios that have ALREADY HAPPENED and the player has already 'passed'. (See: 4th quarters).....etc, etc...etc..
You idiots fall for it every time. I don't know how many times I have had a sports discussion and it feels like I am 'discussing' with one of their 'sons'. Cats bringing up shit that has NOTHING to do with the game. Bringing up press conferences from 2 years ago... Alluding to rumor an innuendo. Talking about a 'clutch gene' like cats in the past have NEVER MISSED or never passed the ball to others for game winning shots..
Outchea talking about what "Mike would have NEVER DONE' in one breath and then in THE VERY NEXT BREATH quoting that picture when 'their favorite superstar' happens to not 'perform' in a situation and finding ALL TYPES OF excuse.....I mean 'reasons' why they were 'set up to fail'. -_-
Peep the video below man...Fuck outta here telling me what 'Mike would never had done..." 'cause clearly you didn't WATCH MIKE CLOSE ENOUGH. There's a game winner or three for you 'clutch player ass talking cats..' MIXED IN WITH SOME REGULAR PLAYS that you chastise certain folks for making.
The kicker to all of this is you SAME FOLKS will complain about 'the kids' not playing team ball though. -_- Really? REALLY? How could they possibly think that 'team ball' IN ANY SPORT is important when they have the likes of you RUNNING AROUND SCREAMING WHO IS AND ISN'T CLUTCH? You basically run 'team ball' right up under the 'wheels of the bus' EVERY CHANCE YOU GET. Wasn't it that mentality that 'supposedly' got us beat in '04? You know when it was 'AI's fault' we got beat? You remember that right? Oh you forgot? Let me remind you...Same cats you want to 'play selfishly' did that AND YA'LL LAMBASTED 'EM for it. All because you didn't know that other players in the World played the game unselfishly and could win that way...
The NBA is different though...- You..
Is it?
You sure??
Oh...okay.. 'Cause it SURE LOOKED TO ME like those teams (one of which I only put up ONE OF THEIR CHIP SERIES UP) WERE COMPRISED OF role players, unselfish folks and folks who played team ball. Who DEFERRED to others on their teams FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF THE TEAM.. I could be wrong though..Don't worry..I'm NOT though. -_-
You can't have it both ways either. You can't 'complain' about them 'not beating them' 'cause they had 'better talent' then say 'Team ball wins chips' like some of you are INFAMOUS for doing out here. @ all of the 'Dream Teams',Big Threes and fours, talented on paper teams, etc, etc. You have to pick a side. That means you on TV too. Pick one. That's why I can't with some of you 'Microwave sports fans and journalists' outchea.. Ole fickle asses. I saw ya'll turn on Kobe last night too...smh Like Pau didn't make that ill advised pass (Not that he deserved DEATH THREATS...)
Someone has to hold these athletes 'accountable' though.... - You
My response to that is quite simple.... This actually applies to some of the cats on TV as contrary to popular belief, I KNOW the field that they are in is NOT what their Momma wanted for 'em. They've told us as much...
So let's not talk about 'accountability' shall we? If you 'aren't on Fries', that's cool too. @ those of you on TV or who are successful. Just don't act like you can't be called on the carpet too, like Jalen and some other athletes have come on that show (and a couple of others) and done. You are not above REPROACH either. I don't care if it is 'your job to critique or not'. Some of you aren't critiquing, you are nitpicking and in turn you have turn the 'average sports' fan into a 'Microwave' fan. Hiding behind that 'journalism' tag to spit your lava. Spewing burnt popcorn all over. Own up and take accountability for THAT. Since you want to hold 'what people say' to a 'standard'. One thing I never PRETEND TO BE ON HERE is 'above that'. I've crossed lines and can ADMIT IT and more importantly HAVE RECTIFIED IT. Some of you just flat out refuse to though and it isn't all jokes. I hear the pure resentment in your voice behind those I see you out here. Lighten up Nas.... Or smarten up one..
*We are about to find out who REALLY PLAYED FOOTBALL WHEN THEY WERE LITTLE. @ What Goes Up Must Come Down... I KNOW YOU REMEMBER PLAYING THAT AS A KID. Do kids still even play that? @ EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF FOOTBALL.
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