(Words) I don't mind being 'wrong' but please don't try to 'change' my mind unsolicited.

'Cause I'm not here to change yours.. 

I'm not even gonna beat around the bush. I like to be right. We all pretty much do. It is feels good. Nothing like knowing you are right. Truly. 

We are human though and sometimes we are wrong. It is a fact. I usually don't talk much when I am wrong. That's just me though. Some of you though... (chuckles) 

Sometimes, in a discussion, more THAN ONE PARTY IS WRONG. We have a hard time accepting that one though. We are taught that there is 'right and wrong' and a winner must be declared! Not true. Especially when we are dealing with 'what we feel'. I KNOW BETTER THAN THAT THOUGH. It is a 'Life' lesson that knows NO AGE limit in regards to when you learn it. Sometimes...HELL MOST TIMES...YOU HAVE TO 'RELEARN IT' over and over again in many different settings. I digress though. Another post..another time..

Sometimes, a 'discussion' is nothing more than a two or more people discussing their theories on a certain subject. Mixed in with some facts of course but mainly theories and speculation. Actually, this would describe most discussions. We may know one or two facts and then we sprinkle in our various theories and state those as fact too! I try not to do it but I'm guilty of that so I USUALLY ADMIT THAT IT IS MY THOUGHT. Not some of you though. Nope. You state your opinion like it is 'fact'. Naw. It isn't. Pretty sure most of you encounter this daily on Twitter. An opinion followed (or preceded with)a hash tagged '#fact' after it all because the person tweeting has a small sample size that 'agrees' with their thoughts on whatever the subject is at hand. 

There is DEFINITELY no winner in this scenario. Sorry. I hate to break it to you. Not if the parties involved TRULY believe their theories. You aren't gonna change folks minds. I have learned that. So I don't try. If you ask me 'why' I think something, I will tell you. If I happen to see where I am 'flawed' in my ways of thinking, cool. If I don't though...eh... Same with ME THOUGH. That is a TWO WAY STREET. If I ask you or tell you to 'explain' why you feel that way, I'm not doing so to 'change your mind'. I genuinely want to know. I might not 'agree' with your way of thinking but my goal is not to 'win'. I see that I am clearly different though as some of you ask with the INTENT ON ONE THING.  Y'all really are out here trying to change folks minds. I don't have time for that shit. I don't have time to argue about 'speculation', 'thought' or feelings. You can have that. 

The facts though? They are the facts. It doesn't matter what you 'think someone would do based on what they did in other situations' if they ACTUALLY DID IT in THIS ONE. You can't dispute those. Try as you might and well...some of you do try REALLY FUCKING HARD TO DO SO, YOU CAN'T. Very hard. Can't dispute them. 

One fact doesn't a 'discussion' make though. Some of you don't know that either. We get it. You got one fact off. Cool. Lets talk about those other four things that you 'spoke' on based on how you would feel if you were in the situation. Again, I'm not here to argue your 'feelings'. As soon as I see that whatever we are discussing is more of you projecting how you would feel or how you would react, I'm out. I can't 'argue' that down nor will I try. I'm not 'armed with enough information' to even attempt it. So I don't... 

Listen, I LOVE TO DISCUSS THINGS. Not argue though. I'll bow out. You got that. I know I'm not always 'right'. Never professed that. There are times when I see some of the things folks say or feel and I want to say something SO BAD BUT I DON'T. I can't do it all the time though so I UNDERSTAND the urge to come and 'debate' someone's opinion. You just have to remember....

You aren't the only one who is passionate about what they believe. Some folks will concede from your flurry of 'words' while others will stand toe to toe with you and go word for word with you. 

No matter how emphatic you state your opinion. No matter how many times you 'skip over', gloss over what the other person is saying, or whatever defensive tactics you employ once you feel like someone isn't 'hearing you'. No matter how many times you try to make the conversation personal. No matter how many times you 'give a dismissive credit and go 'right back into your point'. It doesn't make you 'right'. It just makes you combative. That's it. I don't care how much the peanut gallery 'chuckles' it up or tells you 'Get 'em son..I see you..'. You still aren't 'right'... Sometimes nobody 'wins'. It is just that simple. 

Now you understand why I don't really 'debate' folks. I've come to the understandings above and I really can't be out here getting that 'upset' about things. I mean, I will entertain a conversation for a bit here and there but I know what I know and you know what you know. We can just leave it at that. Sometimes, BOTH OF US MIGHT BE RIGHT and sometimes both of us might be wrong. Sometimes you might be right and if that is the case, I PROBABLY KNOW YOU ARE AND THAT IS WHY I DON'T 'BRING THE DISCUSSION TO YOU'. Sometimes though..I'm right... Sometimes.. 

Maybe I don't wanna 'reveal' just how I know. @ proving how I know certain shit. Sometimes, it just isn't that important to me to jeopardize what I have been privy to as far as information goes. Since I know I'm not the only one who knows 'shit', I GIVE THAT SAME COURTESY to you when we 'discuss' something. I'm just not here for the disrespectful conversations at this point though. So if I brush you off, you can go to this post and say "Ah...I remember now.." @ why. 



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