You know, when the topic of Phonte Coleman comes up, it is almost CERTAIN the words, 'new album', 'Pooh', '9th Wonder', when, will, it, happen..REUNION..almost ALWAYS COME UP. At least twice in his mentions a day, Phonte is asked that question directly.* So that happening within itself is not 'news' Notice the 'lack of Twitter handles in the title. That's cause this isn't 'breaking news' in that way. Just something I found 'interesting' and wanted to talk about. That's really it. Again, this is not 'BREAKING NEWS'** or some sorta issue WITH THE PARTIES INVOLVED. Like I said, Phonte gets this question DAILY....
.....Now Amhir asking him IS DIFFERENT THOUGH. If you don't know how, I don't have time to teach you common sense so don't look for an explanation. Just suffice it to say that he is one of the few who are TRULY in a position that they could 'ask' that question and get the response he did. This is the part of the post where I say...
Don't try what Quest did at home kiddies.. 'Te will probably ignore ya.. Or worse...
Peep TE'S ANSWER THOUGH!! I'd like to see that too so yeah...
If you need a 'refresher' or a flat out fill in.. Mars Co-Op did
"First of all lets talk about these ill capers..." on Clones...
Flo Brown....Whateva Comes To Mind..Google it.. Brick City (New Jersey) repper..
*I've asked him in my head maybe once. Started to ask him AGAIN in MY HEAD but..... I've not asked him out loud 'cause..well...I PAY FUCKING ATTENTION TO HOW HE ANSWERS JUST ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE ON THE SUBJECT AND HOW ANNOYED HE IS BY IT so yeah...I don't ask. I think it would be rude for me to ask him since I don't have much to offer him in exchange for the effort..Ya dig? Besides, I also realize it is not just UP TO HIM. It isn't as if he can wave some wand and patch up whatever differences there and make it all better. Hell, if he could do that, DON'T YOU THINK HE WOULD HAVE BEEN DONE THAT? Exactly. So yeah, asking him that WILL NOT HAPPEN FROM ME. If it happens, we will know. @ how I see it.
**I honestly don't read many 'hip hop' blogs. Only links as they come across my screen. So excuse me if this is 'old news' to you. That is why I said it wasn't 'breaking news'. Not trying to make it out like that. Precisely why I wrote about it AFTER the storm of it passed. @ the time period when it actually happened.
Twitter / questlove: @phontigallo BUT if i do ...
I feel the same way. Seeing him and 9th on stage had me like "...........", but I chilled (c)Oran Juice Jones