Congratulations to the new Miss USA. I am going on record RIGHT NOW. I don't care what you people 'dig up on her' 'cause I know that she is (gasp) HUMAN. So in the event that some scorned little boyfriend, jealous ass 'friends', or bitter rival obtains some 'footage' of her doing (gasps again)human things like lets say, DRINKING, HAVING SEX, OR JUST NOT BEING....well...HUMAN, don't look for me to jump on the 'She ain't shit and she shoulda never...." bandwagon. Miss me with that shit. I know some of you 'perfect' people out there won't be able to resist though. You old perfect person you! (Murmurs) FOH (Fuck outta here)
I wonder what (who) this is gonna cost us...Yes, I really said that and YES, I meant it JUST HOW YOU TOOK IT. You know how this goes. We get one public figure and lose someone.
Thank you and have a great day!
Congratulations young lady!
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