Actually, Sharon stole this from James Shubert but anyhow....
Ya'll do know this is not exclusive to men right? I mean, you DO KNOW THAT?
Lord I hope so or this will just be another mindless "Go get 'em sister girl!" quote that will serve to undermine the very thing you are trying to do.
I mean I hate to break it to you but this innate ability (and behavior) is not exclusive to just us men. Last I checked, you gals were PRETTY good at it. Matter of fact, most of you are still running around under the belief that you are WAY SMARTER than us anyway as a whole. Not quietly either. @ all that mouthing off about it every chance you get. Bragging about what you can get away. How we will 'never know' xyz 'cause ya'll are just that much slicker than we are. Now all of the sudden, we are supposed to be the 'slicksters'....
You want it one way- Marlo.
No, I don't give a shit about Tiger or Shaq's mess ups either. We can take this all the way back to the apple if you like...
Oh, I didn't think you wanted to do that.
So yeah, like I was saying. Have your little saying. Shout it from the rooftops. Just know it doesn't absolve you from any wrongdoings that you contribute to your 'fake relationship'. You know the one that you will 'feign ignorance to' yet 'claim to have known about the whole time' all in the same breath when it ends. Nor does it mean that it is just us.
This doesn't mean that I am anti women or that I think men are just automatically correct in every situation. I take things on a case by case basis. This is just my stance on this particular situation. I am sure that won't matter to some of you as I will now be 'one of them'. So be it. If you know me (or get to know me) you KNOW I am not like that. I take men to task on shit we do on the daily. Twice on Sundays. Ask about me....
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