THIS is what should be shown to the kids out there fucking up

....I am sure this is about to be the talk of the Internet. Oh the armchair comics are gonna have a field day with this shit here. Rightfully so. I am sure the name calling will ensue. Here is the thing though.

Are we going to keep chuckling it up about this type of shit and act like this isn't the 'norm'?

Are ya'll not watching the First 48? Maybe you are missing all of those 'tough guys' break down....

Not my boy, you say? Were you there his first night in the bing? Sitting there with him. Okay, so he didn't do it IN FRONT OF THE CAMERAS so that means he didn't? Riiight. Unless your boy (or girl) has no soul, chances are, they did this shit too. Several times during their trial.

Like it or not...perceived tough guy or not..if you catch what this cat is about to face, MORE THAN LIKELY THIS WILL BE YOU. Period. Laugh now if you like. Talk about all the props/perks/etc you want that you will get from this. How you would NEVER go out like that. Just how mentally tough you are. What will happen 'when you get home' and all of that...Whatever makes you feel better. Just know that shit isn't 'sweet' like it was in Goodfellas or some shit. Just know that even though you 'talk to your boy' when visitation time comes, he is probably not going to be able to express to you just how fucked up that shit is. Anyone who has spent ANY time behind any type of brick wall with some bars on it will tell you that RIGHT AWAY, you will see you aren't in 'Kansas' anymore. Shit is no joke. It is not a resort.

Think about it. We have people actually running around saying "A year? That's no real time!" As if we were BORN TO BE PUT IN CONFINEMENT or some shit? Hello! Slavery you fucking idiots! No one is bragging about wanting to do that and this is essentially that. As if they have even DONE ANY TIME AT ALL TO KNOW? Some of you complain via facebook about being trapped at your fucking desk for 8 hours so how the fuck are you gonna say 'Only a year!' of jail time isn't shit? Really? Think about how stupid that shit sounds. I did. It sounds dumb. We are not made for that shit and it has an effect on us. Trust me. It is proven. You can see it. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Hell, even having to report to a P.O./not being able to come and go as you please/etc is not something we were made to do. Again, let me remind you of your job. That boring ass 'thing' you have to do every weekend or whatever it is you constantly complain about. Now imagine if it had bars/gates, corrupt security guards and violence, murder and rape waiting around every corner? Yeah, a year of that sounds GREAT NOW DOESN'T IT? Yet we co-sign this stupid shit time and time again. And the kids listen to us when we say it so their mentality is.....and I know why we do it. We don't want those who have messed up to lose hope. No issue with that. It is a dual edged sword though. The kids are hearing that and thinking "I can play around with that...I can mess up and be aight so why not just mess up for a bit.." That is the reality of the situation. That is how they are looking at it. That is wrong. Period. You can't always recover and even when you do 'recover', you don't always come all the way back. It takes a part of you. Sometime for the good...sometimes for the bad...always with no guarantee.

I think that if we are gonna get some sorta hold on the 'lil people' to get them to act right, clowning this cat (or people like him) is not the way. All that will do is make them say "I don't wanna be like him SO I'MMA HOLD IT IN..." as opposed to just stopping them all together. This (and the countless number of 'breakdowns' you see on shows like the First 48) represent FAR MORE of reality to me than that other 'front' that is put up. Even if the people up on charges don't cry, you can see the gravity of the situation hitting them as they turn to face that judge and those years. You don't see their boys in the courtroom usually. Nobody has to do that time but that person who did that crime. I think this was a classic (and common) case of him realizing just that.

So go ahead. Chuckle it up. Call him names. I feel bad for him. Not because he doesn't deserve to go. He does if he did what they said he did. (I don't know the background of the story well enough to proclaim him innocent or not. Unless you know him or live in the area, you don't either...) The reason why I feel bad for him is that it is the 'norm' now for someone to think that they can do a violent (or some truly dumb shit)act and that everything will 'work' out. Like this is the movies or some shit. Instead of people hoping and praying that the situations that put them IN dire straits work out, we have been reduced to hoping and praying we can 'find a way to beat the system' when we do wrong. Not everyone but a lot of people feel this way.

You see, the 'fight the system' issues started 'cause we would get locked having NOT DONE ANYTHING. So it was UNJUST! Now cats do shit and think 'getting locked up and doing time' is unjust. Read what I just said again. I'll wait. This mentality is KILLING US. From the looks of it, this young man was sold a dream.

I feel bad for him because I can tell he is caught up in that mentality just from the little bit that I know about him. He got sold a dream. A dream that all of us get sold and few of us don't buy. Luckily, a lot of wake up from the dream but some times we still have nightmares about it 'cause of the trouble that it has bought to our doorsteps. @ the residuals.

It is proven it is a dream too. Just look at how many of us get caught back up in reality when the dream stealer (the judge) bangs that gavel. The numbers don't lie. Yet, we keep selling this dream to our kids. Over and fucking over and fucking over again. Some how, it really has become a 'rights of passage' to go to jail. It is the only 'proven' way to be known as tough or respected for a lot of people. It is the silliest shit I have EVER HEARD quite frankly. I will just go on record as saying it. I know that a lot of people won't like that but that is (one of many measures of) true toughness to me. Standing up for what you believe in and not being akin to a sheep in a flock.

Now I DO UNDERSTAND that some people have to do what they have to do. Thing is, you don't HEAR THOSE PEOPLE CRYING ABOUT what they have gone through or been through nor do you hear them BRAG ABOUT IT. I can't do nothing BUT respect that. So for those of you out there that might get a look at this, I am not talking about you. At all. To me, if you do get in that situation, that is the way it is to be handled. Just how you did. Shit does TRULY happen. I know that. I am not an idiot nor a stranger to that. I just don't like this 'woe is me' attitude cats seem to be getting accustomed to out here.

Yeah, it is getting better. The 'gangsta rappers' who have told stories (more than likely their partner's stories but I don't care. It is getting told) about the ills of the life. The message is out there to be had via former members of jail and the like but I still don't think it is being heard correctly. People still want to have the feel for that power that comes via intimidation and fear. That feeling that unfortunately, we have labeled and put under the word 'respect'. Which is all anyone has in this World apparently wants. So when they hear the stories, they don't hear the 'bad parts'. All they hear is about the 'respect' part and that seems to be what stays with people. So the cycle continues. Another part of the 'dream' we are selling people. It is not that I am saying you shouldn't want respect. You SHOULD. It should be noted however that the type of respect most people are seeking is short lived and could end your life. @ obtaining via fear and intimidation. It is HOW you get the respect that should be drilled into people's heads. We are not doing that right now. We are focused on the wrong shit. Why they are building jails and shit like that. How about we focus on how it gets imparted in a young person's head that it is actually normal to be shot/have charges/or do wrong 'cause everyone else is? Especially when 9/10 of them will have some form of the break down we just saw up top?

How about we focus on how to get them to the place that the respect they want can be ascertained without using the current vehicles that are widely accepted?
Translation: How about we stop telling motherfuckers it is okay to shoot/rob/etc people to get people to respect you and stop putting cats on high horses when they 'run things'?

I add a motherfucker so you ignorant ni##as hear me- L. Boogie

As you were....@ laughing at the video. I know some of you don't want to hear this shit. PLEASE DON'T LOOK TO ME FOR SYMPATHY though when you get caught up doing some dumb shit that you actively sought out to do. Again, if it is a situation that came TO YOU, I have nothing but respect for you surviving it.


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