FINALLY. I say that 'cause I am 'bout sick of seeing it everywhere and being asked about it. Not 'cause I think that Roger took too long. He didn't. Serious stuff going on here. You all know what it is. I am not breaking any news here and I didn't attempt to do it when I heard it in the wee hours of the morning. I decided to sit back and let everyone 'speculate' on it, talk about it, get their biases out of the way and all of that stuff.
So now, we all know what the price of Ben and his 'actions' I will speak on it. I think some action, in some sense, SHOULD BE TAKEN. I am not truly mad at the six games. I am a lil perturbed that many think it should be more or at the 'uproar' behind it.
I guess my issues are with 'what exactly everyone thinks his actions were', the personal agendas behind the words when they speak about him and the incidents/the bias some people are showing right now, the STILL UNFAIR WAY THE LEAGUE TREATS these types of things/race card thing and of course all this 'trade him' talk.
So lets go down the line.
What exactly everyone thinks his actions were/the bias some people are showing right now:
I think we can all pretty much agree that his lack of judgment as far as who he is and hanging out in 'college town' bars is a sticking point. Dumb. Point blank. I just find it funny to hear cats that I KNOW FOR A FACT STILL HANG AROUND YOUNG GIRLS saying shit about this dude doing this.
Oh so NOW YOU MOFOS see it being a problem smashing young girls (of age mind you)? Really? Everybody is riding their morality horse on this one when young black athletes are RIDING AROUND DOING THIS ALL THE TIME and getting caught up in allegations too. Cats playing the music, watching dudes do it speaking up now? Really? Now it is wrong? Word? But is okay if Santonio, Chris Henry, Pac Man Jones and others get themselves some 'above age but not mature enough to know better' snatch up in Love, Mansion, TheRoxy, Onxy or whatever major nightclub they are meeting/knocking off their fans at? We won't even start naming your favorite basketball/baseball/celeb who does this on the reg. Your favorite R&B singer. Your favorite rapper. Yeah, lets talk about that....
It isn't even that I don't agree with you either. It just looks MIGHTY funny that all of the sudden you guys 'care about' that shit. I have a whole lot of you flooding my time lines on the Net, in my ear out and about about this 'angle' of the story. This is no more than you guys see at the Lux, Pale Dogs and every other spot you frequent. Miss me with that angle RIGHT NOW. Better yet, this is what I want you to do. The next time your 'boy' (Yes you! I am talking to YOU!) goes after a 'young fresh and green') jawn in the club, STOP HIM. Give him that same speech that you are giving Ben AND SAYING HE SHOULD KNOW. I'll wait.....
Then I hear cats bemoaning about they have daughters and if it were them, the suspension would be the least of his worries. Word? So you aren't going to take your daughter to task for going out and putting herself in situations that require 'grown decision' making huh? You are just going to go ahead and 'enable' her (much like you are screaming people have rightfully enabled Ben) all for the sake of taking her side? See, this is the shit I am talking about. I don't hear you guys saying that if you aren't. I have daughters. I am not saying he wouldn't have to worry but I also know that they would have to own up to being in that club and breaking the law. I don't give a shit if it is 'what young people do at that age.' I would be in her shit 'cause I would have already told her about being grown too fast and doing shit she is not supposed to be doing. Like GOING OUT TO BARS AND DRINKING and putting herself in a vulnerable position. Facts are facts. She is not there, it doesn't happen to her. (Which would be my MAIN concern. You can get hypothetical all you want about 'it would have been someone else...' She is MY CONCERN.) Part of the reason the rules exist is due to maturity and because of (gasps) older guys shooting crabs in a barrel like Ben was doing that night. Told you I don't think he is 'guilt free'. He isn't. By a long shot. I know ya'll can't say it. Don't have the nuts to. So I will say it. In WRITING. Again, I am still gonnna 'do my fatherly duty' and get after whomever harms my daughters but if they are a party to the wrongdoing, I will not HESITATE TO GET IN HER SHIT ABOUT IT. I don't enable. Just like we all don't want to enable Ben.
Look, I don't take the allegation lightly AT ALL. Trust me when I tell you. I have actually stopped someone from doing that. Known people it has happened to. I have also been a witness to people being falsely accused. Even knowing all of that, I don't lack the ability to not blindly be hypocritical about the situation. Which some people clearly are. We STILL don't know what happened. We have a police report that says what she says happened. We have him saying 'he definitely had sex with her and that his actions were inappropriate' to some extent. That we do know. Everything else is speculation and THERE ARE NO CHARGES. I know we all wanna pull out the 'race' card on this one but quite honestly he is not the first athlete (black or white) to not have been charged but been accused. You holding a torch for them cats too? No, you are not.
The STILL UNFAIR WAY THE LEAGUE TREATS these types of things:
So let me get this straight. Someone can accuse you of something, no charges EVER GET FILED and you ARE STILL 9/10 SUSPEND ME ANYWAY? Really? How exactly does the League investigate to make sure I am not getting 'blackmailed'/black balled/or straight fucked over? How exactly does that work? So, if my family/former friends/associates or some person I don't know who has NOTHING TO LOSE decides to just up and make some allegations against me and their are unfounded, I would still get punished? Wow. That sounds like pure fuckery right there.
Now if this sounds familiar to some of you, this is PRETTY MUCH WHAT YOU WERE SCREAMING when all the 'black athletes who got dicked' were going through their thing. One SLIGHT PROBLEM WITH THE COMPARISON THE COMPARISON THOUGH. (Whispers) They got charged with a crime. That's right. They were charged. The League was also informed by law enforcement in each case that they would be too. (Go back and look it up. Oh wait. You know I am not lying.) The cops told Goddell when Vick was being investigated that he would be charged on a Federal level. Same thing in Pac Man's case @ the cops saying he would be charged. The pending investigations resulted in charges filed. As a matter of fact, one of the gentleman mentioned pleaded NO CONTEST to a crime. Now all you arm chair gangstas, negro street lawyers and the like ALL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS DON'T YOU? Let me help you out as I know some of you will 'twist' the meaning a bit.
From the Latin saying, nolo contendre, no contest means the person does not refute the charges, but also does not claim guilt for the charges. However, while the person charged with the crime is not pleading guilty or contesting the charges, he or she is often considered guilty when pleading no contest. If sentencing for a crime is immediate then the plea does not carry any special weight when a judge considers sentencing.
"In fact, a person who wants a trial to defend his or her innocence would probably not use a no contest plea. Sometimes a court can be petitioned for a change of plea, but this is not always allowed. Instead, the no contest plea is almost always used when the plea results in immediate sentencing. Additionally, a person convicted of a crime who pleaded no contest is just as guilt as if he or she pleaded guilty.
In some cases, however, clients who feel they would not win at charges but assert their innocence are convinced to plead no contest since this will result in a plea bargain."
To quote Jemelle Hill earlier today..
"Jemele Hill: I have no problem w/ Ben’s punishment. It’s deserved. But some ppl acting like an “injustice” was done w/ other blk athletes. It wasn’t."
If Ben R were blk some of y'all would be hollering abt his suspension being an injustice, no charges, etc #yeahisaidit
Yes, he was. Pled down. RT @champmccullough: @jemelehill pacman never convicted
Ben is suspended 6 GAMES w/ NO CHARGES. That is a NEW NFL PRECEDENT. Pac, Vick, Stallworth, Plax -- all charged AND convicted.
Now I am not all for how the MEDIA treated all of those mentioned except maybe Adam. I felt all of them got shafted in some shape form or fashion. This case is a little different and I am going to need some of you to stop using it as a racial thing. Leave the big Joker in your hand and throw out that small spade so to speak....
All this 'trade him' talk:
You guys are funny. @ those that have been demanding we trade him since this broke. Your fandom/lack of rings is showing. Stop it. Shoutout to the Patriots fans who have been pretty mum. Reason being they don't have much to say is that they are not worried about us AND THEY HAVE chips. You can tell who does and doesn't have chips when this stuff breaks out. Everyone has an 'opinion' all of the sudden. All types of stuff becomes important.
We have a proud franchise who doesn't like trouble. We traded the one person we felt was expendable to send a message and now the pressure is on to trade Ben too. This is laughable to me accept for one scenario. The Raiders. I wouldn't mind that happening for their corner and a pick. That probably won't happen though so I think any TRUE trade scenarios are pure fantasy. We drafted with trading Santonio in mind (Mike Wallace). We have not done so with Ben in mind. Now if we draft a prime time quarterback with our first pick, you will know why. lol I would wait until that happened though.
How will we do this season? Who knows. I know I am still a fan. I also know I have faith in my team. We will find a way. Somehow. Maybe...just maybe....we can TRULY go back to what we said we were going to do anyway. RUNNING THE BALL. If we do that and play defense, I think we will be fine. The quarterback we will be missing is an important player for sure but we have won games with him having TERRIBLE games. Sometimes, honestly, we are too reliant on his heroics so this will be a gut check. The boy Troy is back and healthy by all accounts. We STILL HAVE the draft and people coming back. Signed Byron. (Hoping Dixon gets the nod though honestly and does well!). We have even MORE FUEL to play better in addition to last season's failures with this suspension. PLEASE COUNT US OUT. Please do it. You know what happened the last time ya'll did that when we didn't make the playoffs after having a Super Bowl hangover. So I beg you to count my team out. I think we need that honestly. It will help us.
I know some of you have trophy envy.....It is okay. You can cure it. Tell your team to win a chip or six....
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