Oakland...Oscar Grant....Manslaughter for the officer? Johannes Mehserle's 'situation'

I know that there are MANY MANY PEOPLE who were tuned in the verdict in Oakland. I know because many of the people I know were watching and all throughout the night when another event (That I covered already) was going on, people were taking shots at others about not talking about it. I understand the 'intent' but that is really no way to get people to 'truly' care about these situations. Dissing people for not 'caring' about what you do WHEN YOU WANT THEM TO DO IT. Does it get attention? Sure. It also makes it get dismissed quicker.

Now back to the verdict. It appears that the manslaughter charge is not enough for people. Even with the reality that he will have to do 5-14 years is not enough. Never seen the footage? Here you go.

I think the actual 'charge' sounds lenient. However, if you look at the sentencing guidelines I just outlined, this would be considered a 'travesty' if one of the many people that we celebrate in the 'hood' as a person with bodies on their street rep. I know you guys don't want to hear that now 'cause we are on our 'No justice. No peace' thing though. It is true though. There would be all types of 'Free Mookie' t-shirts. All types of songs made and thinly veiled (or not so thinly veiled) 'statements' of how things are going to be when he 'comes' home. This ,TO ME, is what outrages me. We don't get this upset when we shoot each other so why should people stop their lives to get upset about this? See what I did there? Not fair is it? Neither is 'taking people to task for talking about Lebron'. Even it is 'true'. 'Cause it is TRUE. While YOU may not celebrate the 'shooter' in the hood, there are PLENTY WHO DO. So it is kinda hard for people to get up in arms about it when they have people dying at the hands of their neighbors. That is the REALITY of the situation for the 'uninformed' people that you keep alluding to.

So are you saying that 'Justice was served...' Mr. Blogger? I KNOW THAT IS NOT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING?

It depends. Nothing is going to undo what happened to Oscar Grant. So anything short of the officer dying is going to viewed as a failure to me for most people. So off the top, that is an impossible thing to do . @ Justice being served. You execute the officer and I am not sure WHAT THAT WOULD do either way. Help or hinder. If he got off like most officers tend to do (Sean Bell), THAT TO ME, would be a failure. He didn't. He is now going to be a felon. Can't be a cop and be a felon now can you? (If you can, enlighten me. I don't think you can.) He probably won't get touched in jail but he has to come home sometime. Then what? He will have to leave in fear more than likely and surely won't be living in Oakland. There are all types of justices being served. There is more than one way to have justice people. We can't always get what we want. Besides, like I alluded to up top, I DON'T HEAR MANY OF YOU SCREAMING FOR THESE JUSTICES when it us on us. All I hear are 'excuses' and reasons why they got to the point they did....Interesting.

Rest in peace Oscar Grant. I hope that you did not die in vain. Truly. I hope that somewhere, an officer is getting trained properly how to deal with a hostile situation. I also hope that people understand this is a process. Just like it was a process to 'screw us over', it will be one that will take time to undo. Violent protests won't get it done ya'll. Looting Foot Locker won't make the police act right or bring Oscar Grant back. I know for some of you, you know no other way to express yourself. You are going to have to find one though if you want things to change. Sincerely.



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