Demi Moore...Snoop Dogg...'Beautiful'....Vegas...

Oh I know this is gonna evoke some double standard (and double talking) outta lot of people. I can't wait to see people 'defend' their views on this one, all while basically proving many many things about themselves.....Lots of 'invested time' is going to go out of the window today by simply weighing in on this simple lil video...

My thoughts? I mean ole boy is thorough for this one. I am sure he has all types of 'passes' to do as he pleases in certain situations too. More people should try it instead of worrying about 'what others who don't actually give a shit about them' think anyway. So what if people 'think' certain things? Those people aren't doing shit for you anyway...But talking about you and waiting for you to fail so they can get their laugh on. For all the 'confidence' (see the seven letter 's' word with the 'w' that comes after the 's') ni##as SWEAR THEY HAVE, you will probably get to see how hoemotional cats would get if this was their woman. The insecurity is going to flood the room like BP spill....




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