The Black Odd Couple is coming back on tomorrow..9/8

It is a Blogtalk radio show that I follow featuring my boys WiseMath and Inkognegro.


This is NOT THE SHOW to listen to if you are looking to be babysat in the ideals and the ways of niggadom...A.K.A. It is a GROWN FOLKS SHOW. Not a 'stuffy' one but a grown folks one nonetheless. They take things to 'task' on here and offer up no excuses for ignorant behavior. At the same time, they are DOING MORE FOR THAN MOST to help those that find themselves in growing up without or needing guidance. They can do that because of where they CAME FROM and where they still go. So they aren't up on their soapbox. They are just out here telling the truth. As it needs to be done...Which is why I enjoy the show.


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