Fines handed out....Harrison gets the most due to repeat offender status...

So we are not fining on 'intent'? Bassackwards. Of course the LEAGUE doesn't give a shit what we think honestly. It said as much today with its little shot about 'Not backing away from the statement...'

Here are the fines...
James Harrison (Pittsburgh): $75k
Brandon Merriweather (New England): $50k
Dunta Robinson (Atlanta): $50k


  1. That word "intent" is the whole thing in a nutshell. And before they want to suspend for "devastating hits" they may think about taking that phrase out of the whole deal. I've seen, and I'm sure you have, plenty of clean hits that were plenty devastating. You gonna suspend for that? I don't think you should.

    Plus, if they are so worried about the safety of the "work force", they may want to also rethink the 18 game schedule. And further, there may be some research into finding the "safest" helmet out and mandate that it be worn, regardless of how it feels on your head.

    *stepping off soapbox*





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