NFL....head shots...SUSPENSIONS!!

I wasn't going to write about this. I mean, we are gonna run it in the ground anyway. This morning a league official (Ray Anderson) is going to 'clarify' (hopefully) what the League is going to do and define what a devastating hit is. I guess we should wait. We won't though. Reason being is that said League official used the plural version of hit which would imply that more than one of those hits will be punishable by the League. On the field. As in ejecting people RIGHT THEN.

I think that  we can ALL AGREE that this hit by Brandon on Todd Heap was.....Yeah.....So if he was talking about this, there is no issue.

This next hit, DeSean Jackson and Dunta Robinson was NOT a dirty play. He lead with his shoulders. It is not his fault he is just as FAST AS DESEAN. This was a case of two VERY FAST PLAYERS colliding. It was more of a COLLISION than a hit...Again, that is going to happen EVEN IF YOU PUT FLAGS ON THE PLAYERS. People run into each other like that on the basketball court ALL THE TIME. It is going to happen when you have high caliber athletes on the field.

What's Dunta supposed to do? Let that fast cat catch the ball, make a football move and THEN TRY and tackle him? Yeah aight...He will be singing that song...@ touchdown.

These last two I an interest in...Well only one of them is really being QUESTIONED but it is only 'cause he already made the first one....

Josh Cribbs..RUNNING OUT OF THE WILDCAT..gets laid out by James Harrison. This one isn't a defenseless receiver. This is a receiver that is running the ball as a RUNNER. They have him there because he is ELUSIVE. He has hurt us from this position before. He has slipped through tackles. He has broken tackles. James FINISHED THE PLAY. PERIOD. No more than when Hines fights for yards and cats BELT HIM to get him on the ground. He is still up? Hit him. This isn't touch football. It is LEGAL on running plays. Josh Cribbs was a RUNNER.

 So......Later on in the game. A 6'3 receiver catches a ball, sees Harrison coming and immediately makes himself 5'8....As he should cause he doesn't want to get popped. Too late though. He gets hit..It is the second hit in the highlight...Initially when James left his feet to hit him, he was around 6'1 (as he laid out to get the ball a bit..) but by the time James got there he had crouched down. This is JAMES HARRISON'S FAULT THOUGH?? Really?? No. You gotta work on your Tory Holt and get down fam. Sorry. 'Cause if James Harrison comes soft, you stiff arm him and turn it into a big gainer, we are LAUGHING AT JAMES FOR NOT HITTING YOU. So James hit you and stopped you in your tracks. And JAMES HAD HIS HAND OUT....It wasn't dirty. Even the person who captioned this video thinks it is but it wasn't...

Look, I don't want ANY OF THESE PLAYERS HURT. Not at all. I am all for protecting them. This is football though fam. I am DEAD CURIOUS to see how this will play out. The 'blanket' statement that was given last night was crazy. 'Devastating hits'? Really? That's the best you could do? Not well planned out. That is what the outrage is about from people like me.  Here is the statement...

Ray Anderson, the NFL’s executive vice president of football operations, said that by Wednesday it will be officially announced that players will face suspension for “devastating hits” and “head shots”.

This includes first time offenders and will affect every player in the NFL regardless of whether he plays offense, defense or special teams.

My question is this...What are they going to do when players start going LOW to make tackles. Knees blown out. Hips disjointed. What are they going to do? 'Cause you have to TACKLE the dude.  You want to change the rules even for running backs? Say goodbye to your bruising running backs too 'cause you have to not allow him lower his head. You are fundamentally changing the game....


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