So.....1-3 huh? 0-4?? Really? Lets talk about it. Steelers...3-1..Ben is back..

Oh you THOUGHT I WASN'T GOING TO ADDRESS IT? FOH! You damm right I am gonna address it. All of you who kept running up on me with all that 'ya'll in trouble' talk are REAL QUIET.

Hats off to B-more too. Good game. We beat OURSELVES IN THAT SHIT TOO. Too many penalties....too soft of a zone at the end of the game......Missed FGs..Yeah I said it! His job is to hit field goals. We didn't ask him to 'put us over the top' with a game winning kick. We asked him to HIT FIELD GOALS IN THE COURSE OF THE GAME! So yeah, I said it. He needs to hit them damm things. That is is his JOB. Period. We never 'put it in his hands to win it' we just asked him to help us win it. He needs to do his part.

I see my baby Timmons, who is actually the player I use when I am on Madden, is KILLING 'EM out there. Leading the L in tackles. Ike actually caught a pick! They picked on Ryan a bit but I am not mad at him though.

Mendy is showing us why we felt comfortable letting FWP just go ahead and go. (I would like a wee bit more depth behind him though.) Mike Wallace is playing his behind off and Hines is just Hines. Hats off to the Qbs man. I mean even Batch. Yes, he threw a pick at the end but he is the 3rd STRING QB....Can't get but so mad at the man after everyone had us buried.

I saw the video (Damm NFL Network is hogging videos like NOBODY WOULD SEE THAT BIG ASS LOGO IN IT) where Ben said he was practicing with his QB coach and working out more than he would in practice. I know he watched the games. I know he saw how the D was playing and he should fit right back in. Remember, there was a time when he was still learning the game and we won. He was asked not to 'lose' the games for us. That wasn't that long ago. So for all of you out there saying 'He is going to come back in and ya'll are gonna start losing watch...He won't fit in now..' I think you are wrong. We are still going to run Mendy and he should have even MORE FREEDOM NOW because we have a guy who threw for over 4000 yards last year BACK WITH US AGAIN. You wanna play 8 in the box? COOOOOOOOOOL!!!!! Audible out and we will see what happens. Oh you wanna play us for the pass? COOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! Audible out and give the ball to Mendy. Nothing there? STILL COOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! We will punt and let our D play the 'field position game' with you. Only we won't be kicking as many FGs in all likely hood. Or at least they will be more in Jeff's 'can't miss' range.

I like our chances with our QB back. And we OWE CLEVELAND. Trust and believe we haven't forgotten that. Why do you think our D is playing the way it is? Because of last season's abysmal performances against the likes of Cle, KC and such.

The CHIP IS STILL THERE. You saw that Ravens game. I don't give four shits about the 'odds', we weren't supposed to be IN THAT GAME...Anytime the League's #1 Defense is facing a team's third stringer, it is supposed to be lights out. Oh you forgot that B-More's D was rated that didn't you? I didn't. So miss me with the 'Ya'll were favored...' shit. By analyst who had us dead in the water in preseason & who were trying to save face. That's all that was.

And we have a week to get him ready too? This is going to be fun...Who knows how many games we will win but we should be in great shape. I am feeling good about my team. I know ya'll must be sick about it though. Especially if you are on our side. I know you had us penciled in as playing 'catch up' and panicked ridden about this time....


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