I see folks got all in an uproar about Flex's statement..(club clip) on Pac..

What was he supposed to say? He loved him? Pac didn't like him & vice versa. They both said as much when he was alive. Not a 'new' thing.

What are my thoughts? You can't tell by the 'tone' of the post? Pac was a GREAT ARTIST. Reached millions upon millions. Didn't 'touch' me in that way THOUGH. I no more needed Pac to tell me to 'Keep My Head Up' (Liked the song though) than I needed Nas to tell me to 'read the Art of War' if you dig what I am saying. So while I wouldn't say WHAT FLEX SAID, I am not too broke up over him doing it either. I wouldn't wait on me to care or get mad about it. Same way I wouldn't if you said it about Biggie.. Which people do. Every day. People say it about all the artists I like. It would be harder for me to care any less personally. If an artist (current) or DJ said, I STILL wouldn't care. That's just me though.

I keep hearing ya'll talk that 'Respect the Dead' shit but you only do it WHEN YOU WANT TO DO IT. I have SEEN/HEARD you do as much. So miss me with that. Ya'll speak ill of folks on the regular when your boy puts them 'in the dirt' so I REALLY DON'T WANNA hear the morality speech from you. Yes YOU. It was aight to poke fun of homie laying in his own pool of blood THAT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW on that WorldStar video but not your 'hero'? FOH. It is okay to speak on that 'fool' from the 'other side' 'cause he had it 'coming' but no one speak on I see why you like him. CONTRADICTION! Do as I say not as I do shit...

He (Pac) spoke on our oppressions as a people and then TURNED RIGHT BACK AROUND and became a contributor to that self oppression that he KNEW was killing us off. And fools ate it up even more because he embodied that walking 'contradiction' that lies in most. Which is what I know most of you loved but I HATED THAT PART. I got over that contradiction pretty early in life so I am not talking about some 'made up' thing. It is hard too. You are supposed to be 'tough' yet help others. Keep your nose clean but do what you have to do.  Very hard to do for most evidently because 'Do what you have' became 'Do what I WANT TO' on the backs of his 'Fuck the World...' mentality. Pac helped usher that mindset in to me. Oh HE HAD HELP but the main person that I saw everyone trying to be like was him. Now everyone is a 'killer' WITHOUT you 'pushing them'. Somehow his message got turned around and I feel like he SAW IT but didn't get fix. Or didn't want to. @ the fame he got from everyone showing him 'love' once he got out of prison. I suspect it was more of the latter and it is a shame that he didn't live long enough for the former to become his focus. Much like a certain 'code' based rapper has slowly done. Which is a shame because now we have people thinking THAT IS ALL LIFE IS. That span of 16-26 where you do as much 'damage' as you can with any additional years being a 'bonus'. Sad as fuck. Again, he had HELP but he spearheaded this shit to me. I said it then and I say it now. SOME of his FANS actually turned me off to him even more than he did himself. Just like I am sure Biggie's did the same for them.

Most Tupac fans (especially when he was ALIVE) seem to have skipped over an IMPORTANT PART of Tupac though when seeking to emulate him. They acted like the only prerequisite to being 'like Pac' was being under 5'9, weighing less than 180 lbs..or being 'undersized' in a battle of any proportion..No. Even as a NON-FANATIC, I could see that Pac was WELL-ROUNDED. Educated. Could socially 'adapt' despite all of that 'anti-establishment' shit he was screaming. Which of course didn't endear me to him more 'cause he CHOSE to hide that shit for the most part to keep his 'thug' image. smh .Yeah..yeah..yeah..the GIRLS talked about that but not the dudes. They only talked about his violent streak and shit talking capabilities. Or that he shot two cops. ..I know too many people who thought their interpretation of 'his way' was the best way and they LOST THEIR WAY trying to do it. That is where MY issues with lie. Not him dissing Biggie or Jay. I am not them. I could give two shits about that. I care more about the fact that he became a martyr for basically NOTHING. 'Cause dammed if these same cats young and old who are 'inspired' by him aren't STILL fucking up. It is like he died for nothing so all the 'great things' he bought to the table were for naught.

 I am STILL unclear of WHEN Flex said this or why spoke on it but it was up since April (YouTube) of this year. So if we find out this is footage that isn't in the last say 8 years, then what? Here I am thinking he said it, YESTERDAY or some shit. He didn't.

Now that I have cleared up how I FEEL, here is Funkmaster clarifying his comments.



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