@russwest44 (Russell Westbrook) on Emeka Okafor...

 I see people have started to 'test' Russell to see if those 'UCLA run' rumors of him dunking on NBA stars was true. This is the second day in a row I have featured him. Maybe they will get the message...(Whispers) They are true...He can AND WILL dunk on you....Might wanna foul him (not cheaply either) or do the Charles Barkley You'll Not Make Another Fly With Me Highlight Outta Me MJ duck and tuck outta the picture...


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(Words) You carried her bag so that is your label from now on. The Story of A Former Bag Handler...

I think by now, if you are here, you know the story. My wife committed suicide. She suffered from depression. I have children. I'm l...