(Changes) ATTENTION!!! There has been a change in the AD SYSTEM on the blog....

Don't be alarmed. You will be taken to a 'non threatening' ad BEFORE YOU GET TO YOUR DESIRED POST if you are coming from Twitter. Why?

Because I don't like to do things for free. That's why! As you probably have noticed on the right, there is also a section there now for 'advertising space' and such. Again...I've done enough 'favors' and the like I believe on the blog and it is now time for me to ratchet this thing up a notch. So if you happen to be one of those folks who follow the blog who 'DO SOMETHING' and you want to promote it, hit me up. We can work something out. I wanted to make changes that wouldn't affect content and this is the best way I found to do it. I didn't want to have those corny "Jasmine' webcam ads up and shit and I SURELY didn't want 'penis pumps' and shit like that permeating the blog. @ the alternatives that would have NO DOUBT BOUGHT MONEY but bought with it a certain 'eh' factor that I don't want to bring. So the little ads will do for now. Don't be alarmed though. The ads aren't long and you can opt out of them within 5 secs...

Just thought I would at least address it as some of you come to the blog DIRECTLY and via the Twitter feeds. 



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