Here's what they think about you- NWA Phil Mushnick's 'comments' on Jay-Z's handling of the Nets logos and uniforms....

Well now... I see this ruffled some feathers.... Not that I am surprised that this is INDEED what they think 'about us'.... Never that. Keep reading..

Nets on Jay-Z track
As long as the Nets are allowing Jay-Z to call their marketing shots — what a shock that he chose black and white as the new team colors to stress, as the Nets explained, their new “urban” home — why not have him apply the full Jay-Z treatment?
Why the Brooklyn Nets when they can be the New York N------s? The cheerleaders could be the Brooklyn B----hes or Hoes. Team logo? A 9 mm with hollow-tip shell casings strewn beneath. Wanna be Jay-Z hip? Then go all the way!
“I guess I won’t need my color TV anymore now that the Nets will be wearing black and white,’’ writes reader John Lynch.
And reader David Distefano now wonders what’s left for the Nets to choose as “their alternate third-uniform to sell during nationally televised games.”

Upon hearing about the outrage to the ORIGINAL comments.....this was his RESPONSE...

We wrote early this morning, "You know what Louis CK says about the 'N-Word?'" in response to today's Phil Mushnick column in the NY Post. Phil wrote:

As long as the Nets are allowing Jay-Z to call their marketing shots — what a shock that he chose black and white as the new team colors to stress, as the Nets explained, their new “urban” home — why not have him apply the full Jay-Z treatment?

Why the Brooklyn Nets when they can be the New York N------s? The cheerleaders could be the Brooklyn B----hes or Hoes. Team logo? A 9 mm with hollow-tip shell casings strewn beneath. Wanna be Jay-Z hip? Then go all the way!

You responded, heatedly.

Joe Lucia, Awful Announcing: "Phil Mushnick had an awful comment in his column today."

Anthony Ramsey, Los that Sports: "NY Post writer publishes racist article about Jay-Z and Brooklyn Nets."

Unsigned, Huffington Post: "Phil Mushnick, NY Post Writer, Says Brooklyn Nets Should Be Called 'New York N-----s' Because Of Jay-Z Involvement"

Joe Coscarelli, NY Mag: "New York Post Columnist Goes Full-Racist on Jay-Z’s Brooklyn Nets"

Sarah Devlin, SportsGrid: New York Post Columnist Suggests Brooklyn Nets Rename Themselves “New York N______s”

Rick Chandler, Off the Bench: "NY Post columnist goes off the rails on Jay-Z: ‘Why the Brooklyn Nets when they can be the New York N——s?’"

1010 WINS' Marc Ernay tweeted: "the guy's referring to jay-z's lyrics, not being racist #whydontpeoplereadanymore"

Deadspin's Drew Magary tweeted: "I agree with Phil Mushnick's hating ESPN policy, but not his BLACK UNIS ARE FOR THUGGY THUGS policy."

After a brief conversation with Phil in which he indicated that he had not heard any of the internet response, he emailed Bob. Email follows:

Bob - Such obvious, wishful and ignorant mischaracterizations of what I write are common. I don't call black men the N-word; I don't regard young women as bitches and whores; I don't glorify the use of assault weapons and drugs. Jay-Z, on the other hand.....Is he the only NBA owner allowed to call black men N---ers?"

Jay-Z profits from the worst and most sustaining self-enslaving stereotypes of black-American culture and I'M the racist? Some truths, I guess, are just hard to read, let alone think about.

(Same column I provide support for Amar'e Stoudemire at a time when everyone in town is ripping him to shreds. That was my LEAD, too, but what does that matter?)
Well, there you go. We've been told that NY Post editors did not have any issue with the topic and that there will be no further comment it from Phil.

My thoughts on it? Well I'm CERTAINLY not going to sit here and act SURPRISED that he feels that way. Lets start there. Now had his criticism OF HIM AS A MINORITY OWNER been that of the team's play solely, I don't think he would have gotten much flack. This was personal. Again, I'm not gonna act like the points he made are shocking. I heard someone say today had he given the 'tone' that he was saying them in jest, all would have been well. 
Joking or not, you can't say what he said and it 'be okay'. That's not even to say he is 'wrong'. That's not the point.The point is that the words he used were so polarizing that ANY POINT THAT HE HAD would be nullified by the word choice. Had he chosen better words, he actually may not have been judged so harshly. Alas, the words he chose come off as a 'canned response' to anything related to hip hop. As if, A. He still raps about THAT SHIT. B. That is ALL THAT RAPPERS RAP ABOUT.. 
Now I will not logic leap and say Mr. Mushnick doesn't listen to ANY HIP HOP. Shit, he might. He MAY WANT TO LISTEN TO MORE AND PARTICULARLY more of the person he is dissing. I mean he stated in that candid email that 'The President is Black....'  He DOES KNOW THE PRESIDENT QUOTED JAY-Z ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION during his campaign right? That Jay-Z was part of the push among the hip hop community (along with others) to HELP Barack get elected....a push BARACK EMBRACED? Same rapper that was 'Skiing on the boat'..."Wearing platinum when all ya'll chicks thought it was silver and shit' and talking more gun and coke talk than a little before. That same guy. So NOBODY ASSOCIATED WITH HIP HOP CAN 'CHANGE' Mr. Mushnick? Word? Got it...FOH... 
Crazy thing is, I could ACTUALLY MAKE Phil's argument for him without using those words IF IT ACTUALLY HAD SHIT TO DO WITH THE TOPIC AT HAND. Which it does not.. -_- (For those of you who don't know... JAY-Z IS MY FAVORITE RAPPER at press time...has been for awhile) That still wouldn't mean that it is relevant though because all though Jay JUST MIGHT HAVE MADE HIS MILLIONS 'telling the stories of urban plight', the LOGO AND THE COLORS of the Nets uniforms don't have SHIT TO DO WITH THAT. Last I checked, the CHICAGO WHITE SOX used those same colors in the same way. I don't see folks screaming that there are 'hip hop undertones' in their unis. Hold up...wait..wait.... wait... WAIT....It just hit me again...

I guess MJ was 'channeling the black race n this song too'..... 

People don't think before they type sometimes do they? I don't LIVE IN NEW YORK but I have VISITED folks I know who LIVE THERE and I can tell you this with certainty...

The Brooklyn that Biggie described has CHANGED. @ the part that I go to now when I am in that neck of the woods. Yes there are still rough patches in and around the area. For sure.  There are ALSO women walking little dogs, folks of all colors walking around. The folks in Northern Brooklyn seemed to have noticed it... * So I know I am not imagining things. It is real.

In other words, it is a FAR FROM just a place for 'black people', IN PARTICULAR where that stadium is being built. (I've seen it.) So this subliminal message that Mushnick says Jay is sending with the uniforms and the relocation is lost on me. I promise I am not feigning ignorance on this one. It would probably make more sense to me if he were moving SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HOOD. I could probably see his point. He isn't though and that is why I am lost. 

He sounds like someone who is mad at 'hip hop' period and he DEFINITELY reached on this one. In my opinion. I guess the other thing is that he is the MINORITY OWNER. That means others had to weigh in on this decision no? You the guy with the BIG MONEY.. I gotta holla his name too?- DMX You know who I am talking about.




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