(Yawns) I guess it is time to make the quarterly..."I see you out there"... Post...

First of all, what up to the 'SmokeBreak'...What up HipHopStan.... That's just off top. I see you over there plair. Keep doing your thing.. You aren't included in what I am about to say but everyone else is....

You know, I can't get but 'so mad' about flicks being...urm...pillaged... from the site's archives. I mean, we all gotta start SOMEWHERE RIGHT? You have this idea to have a place where folks can see young ladies and you want to do it 'your way'. COOL. Your sources are 'limited' though so you gotta get it how you live. So I get that..... 

I DO think however, that you could at least..I don't know nigga....'SPEAK'...when you fall through. Let me define 'speak' for you. The 'proper' procedure is for you to make a 'blog' post...a one time hat tip....SOMETHING to acknowledge..."You know, I found this pretty dope place that I get SOME OF MY STUFF FROM and you should go check it out..." You don't have to do it like I do it either..but some sort of thing like that should go on. You don't have to to do it EVERY TIME or some dumb shit. Nobody is saying that. Just let the BLOG owner know that you don't think they are a 'a bunch of idiots' and they don't know what is going on. That's all.

There are those sites that make you 'backlink' your stuff and I guess that is all they can 'do'... Example..


(Funny thing about that site..I can't go there and post up MY OWN STUFF though..Interesting...)

How do I EVEN KNOW THIS HAPPENS? Easy. Sometimes folks tell me. Most of the time though, the # 1 WAY I know is because of how folks 'arrive' at my blog. You'd be surprised as to what folks 'type in' when they hit Google. I see they are looking for 'more pictures' of (insert name), see you just made a post on it (they usually post from their toolbar so it takes them DIRECTLY FROM YOUR PAGE TO MINE..THUS GIVING the information about 'where they are coming from) and bam. I see YOUR POSTS/blogs/whatever. So it isn't like I don't notice your current 'page' looks a lot like a 'weekly run' of my blog's archives AS I SCROLL THROUGH WHAT YOU HAVE GOING ON OVER THERE. You aren't the first. Won't be the last...So with that said, like I always have done when I see folks doing this, I feel the need to send out this friendly PSA...

"I see you outchea my nigga.... Give me some pub over there though if you are gonna fall through and 'act like didn't find the shit you post in on place'. "

Now you can act like you didn't 'read' this post if you like, but I know you will... 'cause I put a dope ass flick of a dope ass girl up* Just know...I know..Again, I can't say I don't 'understand'. I'm just letting you know as a Vet in this, that some sorta acknowledgment is ALWAYS BETTER than the ole 'I'll just take their shit and no one will know' method that you are currently employing. We ALL take things from each other. I mean hey, sometimes you MISS SHIT. THAT IS MORE THAN UNDERSTANDABLE.** Let me be CLEAR about that. Especially with someone who is KNOWN (a Maliah..a Yaris..A Sultry Simone...whatever...) That's COOL. Don't think that for one minute though that folks aren't noticing when you take a 'lesser' known person though. Especially when you take four or five at a pop.....

What we DON'T DO THOUGH is take a 'nigga's whole week's worth of shit', re-name it and act like we came up with the shit on our own... lol

Could I watermark the pics and take care of that? Yep. I could. I would also be pretty fucking lame for do. So I don't do that. I guess there is your 'loophole' @ why you feel you can do it. They don't 'belong to me' so you feel you can post them up AND GUESS WHAT...YOU CAN! Just know that I know that YOU KNOW that you wouldn't even KNOW WHO THE FUCK THEY WERE UNLESS YOU CAME HERE. To 'find' them. Just know that. That's the point I am making.. That's it. Not about the 'pictures' per say 'cause shit, I 'dug' for them just like anyone else could. Switch that shit up a little bit though fam. There are about 4 of you. You know who you are. No, I'm not gonna 'call your name'. You don't call mine when you come through here looking for what you are going to post up for the day..lmao..Thanks for playing though....

Oh you must be mad..Look at all the words you typed out- You

(Chuckles) 75 Words Per Minute...my nig... Just my thoughts come out faster. No 'hunting and pecking' for words over here. @ how I type. Besides, you HAVE seen the 'word' posts right? This is nothing. This is pretty light actually...

*Funny how you only look at those posts..lol Scared of the rest of the subjects I tackle?  

** I just did it in the PREVIOUS post to prove a point. @ porn chick I just posted up...

*** The labels for the post were done ON PURPOSE. Including the 'names'. Not an accident..



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