(Blows the Conductor's whistle) Next trainwreck from VH1 coming through..

I can't even say that I am watching it to find out dirt. They are in my favorite city so that ALONE is gonna make me tune in. No, it is not the Jersey Shore.....lol. I can admit that if I catch one ep, I would watch the rest. As painful as it would be. It is a trainwreck. I can see that from here.

(Light bulb goes off inside my head) I have this next clip on here somewhere. So THAT IS WHY IT GOT LEAKED OUT? They were filming this show....I mean, someone had to know that this project would...Well damm......@ Royce's dancing. No wonder Dwight didn't really 'trip'. Not that he has a say in her actions as they are not together but he KNEW what was happening. This show. Damm..

Oh they 'didn't leak it' you say? Okay...Go back and look at the video. Here. While it is certainly not shot in High Definition, that is not a 'My first cell phonish' video either. I normally don't jump on the conspiracy theory thing but this is to...well you know....



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